Fighting Games General /fgg/
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How am I supposed to get in in DBFZ without relying on super dash?
Trying to get in without it results in getting blown the fuck up by beams.
So EVO Japan turned out to just be a run of the mill major?
kof is shit
I want to fuck an elf
Dash and mash
fuck... its gonna take a long time to get my waifu in this story mode
android 21's power drain is weird because some moves are blatantly better than others & like 3/4ths of the cast gives you one of two sets
why would you use solar flare over literally anything else. Even the grab move it replaces is more useful.
i think im starting to fall for laura bros
run of the mill majors don't have 1000+ players in guilty gear
My wife, the two times EVO champion.
I wish I was Juri bros...
Post Teams
Ruby + Yukiko
When I dash, I get mashed.
>Four point 5 Gokus
>Three point 5 Vegetas
>Two Zamasus
>Two Gohans
>Three Buus
she is trash tier
blazblue crosstag and garbage can
the synergy is great
>Fire ryu
>Woman ryu
>Evil ryu
>Evil(but not literally ryu) Ryu
>Joke ryu
>Tiger ryu
>Black ryu
Why do we allow this
Haz + Gord
Mash as you dash, just throw out a 2M or something.
/ourguy/ humanbomb or infiltration finna win tomorrow
Why did R. Mika get the least amount of design changes (besides Ryu and Chun) as a returning character in SFV?
holy shit, injustice looks bad
she was already perfect
Play Weiss
super dash beats beams
beams beat grounded approach
grounded approach (anti airing) beats super dash
They're all likeable
the entire appeal of the character was her costume
I want bubblegum milkies!
Why do you say that?
Every match on stream was dope as fuck.
sodapoppin, the biggest streamer ever is playing dbz
jealous capcucks?
Leffen just BTFO doobers again
Why don't Big streamers ever play our fighting games Capbros...
They would if they were good and interesting...
>If a meme streamer wasn't playing DBZF, it would be at 10k viewers on it's second day
>8 hours long boring story mode for a low tier character
They get bullied by bronze ibukis and quit
lirik played SFV when it came out
For sure, but I'm not complaining though. It just seems odd considering characters like Juri and Birdie have almost radically different aesthetics compared to their previous incarnations.
That was kind of dumb of them to do. How are people going to play her in tournament?
>low tier
Fighting game story modes are a mistake.
remember that time Yogcast played Tekken and Tekkucks tried to pretend that was the TWT getting 150k viewers?
i dont remember
Netherrealm does them justice I guess but its always going to be silly cause problems are always solved with ROUND ONE... FIGHT!
laughing at you sonyponies
Because SFV dropped the ball Arcsys felt they had to double down on the story mode
some tried SFV but the servers were so shit at launch that they all dropped it instantly.
isnt that from season pass
Probably Ruby and Azrael
I have the season pass both on PC and PS4, but had to unlock her on PS4.
one of the versions gave you her for free
They actually have personality and arent just pallet swaps of Ryu. Hell, even Evil Ryu plays differently from regular Ryu and they're the same character
I have 6 hours in the DBFZ story mode, I've been skipping every cutscene, and there's still no ending in sight.
Single player modes on fighting games are a mistake but you can't cut it cuz else casuals will cry and say the game is incomplete.
if you wanna talk OG back in the day all the unlockable characters were generally fucking banned for being console exclusive, the only real exceptions being SF4 and mvc2
>Mena faggots are either completely silent or mindbroken and going "N-NO, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS HIM LIVING IN YOUR HEAD RENT FREE! Y-YOU ARE THE ONE STILL SEETHING!!! ;_;"
Obnoxious faggots getting their just desserts is just so so sweet.
>super dash beats beams
wanna know how I know you're retarded?
>everyone saying marvel is dead
>I'm telling everyone it's actually pretty populated on PS4
>"No stfu shill it's just as dead as it is on PC"
>boot up MvCI on PS4
>search for 3+ casual match, any region
>find a match in literally 7 seconds
Why do PCfats so desperately want to believe that they're the only platform that people play on
Rage Quitter V: Arcade Edition is such a great game, guys.
>if you wanna talk OG back in the day all the unlockable characters were generally fucking banned for being console exclusive
What the fuck are you smoking
Why do consolefriends pay for the privilege of using their own internet?
they dont even. their stories are so bad and they always write themselves into the corner because of epin fatality kills.
I dont know where that meme came from. I guess because they are the first ones to truly make full cinematics with their characters.
don't use nichijou for your shitpost kid
he probably heard someone say it beats ki blasts (true) and thought it meant all beams
Not him but Daigo legit refused money matches against console characters during SF4 Vanilla days.
Noel with Chie or Azrael with Tager
Not a lot of synergy in this roster and the amount of villains is pitiful.
>waifu fags play a21
>real fgc fags play Kid buu
which style do fgg Chunbros like more?
the fast and aggressive MOV VT1
the slow spacing VT2 Humanbomb
Worth it to pay to play on an actually populated platform lmao
>not playing both
Slow spacing. Ooo baby do I love dem slow footsies
tfw you lack the trainingboar gene
>Unprovoked attack on MenaRD
you need to let it go, this obsession isnt healthy
there you go whining again
nice vappa reaction pic vappabro
when you jump and do it it punishes the beam, that's what i meant
if someone is spamming beams you beat it by using super dash to approach. not literally by slamming your super dash into the beam but that's the option that beats someone sitting fullscreen and spamming beams
I hope they both win tomorrow and face each other
Does DBFZ only cater to COMBOS COMBOS COMBOS players?
Imagine spending your day thinking about another man like this. L M A O
i use my already near perfect intuition to learn games as i play and never training mode since im not much of a cereb
brainy guy
Yes, it's literally RTSD the game. You're so defenseless when blocking, it feels awful.
Why do you always whine about me whining
Why do you care if they rage quitted
It actually feels like a reward to know that I beat someone so badly to make them literally SEETH.
It's an anime game. What did you faggots expected?
why do you keep posting that picture
Remember when Redblade said Chun vs Karin was a 9-1 match-up in sfv s1?
He's autistic
Must mean that he doesnt get many wins otherwise if he thinks that the +50lp he misses out on makes such a damn difference to bitch about it online.
>tfw when you have lab gene and you're an actual genius
It's an accurate representation of my emotional status
remember when chun had air legs in s1 and karin had the worst aa options in the entire game?
pushblock or similar mechanics.