/assg/ General

Make Killers Scary Again edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again. (Possibly not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Left in the basement in all 3 stages:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for best boy.

>free unhooks
>free escape from the killer grasp
What new out of jail cards they can the frogs create?

>tfw wraith will never be good.

The give away is still ongoing because the last dude already had the DLC so hit me up

Once per game you can unhook yourself from the hook.

Aura reading on the hatch

One extra health state on the hook


Blaze of glory
>While injured you can set off a crude explosive
>Doing so will grant the killer full sac points as well of dropping any other survivors in a 10 meter range down 1 health state
>If the Killer is caught in the blast he is stunned for 30/45/60 seconds.

nigga this is some dbz shit.


>Steals my idea
>Neglects to mention it’s a perk exclusive to a 90 year old woman with an oxygen tank that takes herself with an Entity ember

Automatic dead hard on a 30sec CD

My bad.





Nope, just a girl :3


Ace with a smile even as he’s about to get bashed & slashed. What a hero.

It's his default expression. He's pretty great.

>SWF group are being shitters all game
>get them all in basement
>all have RBTs on
>block the stairs
seeing them panic as they realize that they are fucked is the most beautiful thing in DBD

Best boy!

If I use Distressing on Amanda, will her crouching still have no terror radius? She's not very good deviousness point-wise so I just want to know if it's worth it?

Yes she will.
Its not worth it though. Her deviousness points are still shit.

I don't know why they though 50 points for a successful ambush was acceptable.

It's bugged I'm pretty sure.


Its a feature!!!

They don't want another Freddy situation with a killer who might be a little difficult to play against absolutely clogging the queues and making it impossible to play survivor so they conveniently bugged her point generation to be bad, so people would go 'well I guess I'll play other killers to level her up'. 100% positive. you'd think something that would be so fast and easy to fix would have been done by now.

>The pig is easier to beat than the nightmare
>The pig is harder to farm with than the nightmare
They sure did a bang up job.

Freddy wasn't even good on release.
He's shit now.
Releasing a killer worse than him was so retarded.

I thought Distressing negates her ability and gives her a radius while she is crouching?

Why would it? Does it have that effect on Wraith, Mikey or Freddy?

At least playing against the Pig is genuine fun. Freddy isn't fun to play against at all. He isn't even fun to play as. Pig is fun with jump scares and the rare moments someone actually dies in the trap lol

>first games of the day
>it always hangs here

every fucking day. i've been unable to get a match started for a half hour.

Either stop playing against 999 ping killers or get better internet. Also see if your firewall is fucking with DBD.

I doubt frogs have such a keikaku, they probably just don't care because people aren't making enough noise about it (barely audible over the NURF PIG!!! posts). I feel like they're brewing some balance patch and it'll be part of it. Or maybe we're waiting on Sony and Microsoft, because no platform can get left behind.

Who wants a DLC?

for what game?

>wanting an emmote pack

>level 104 to get slippery meat 1
This is why I don't prestige. They need to make it so that you can buy 2 perks past level 75 or at prestige 3.

What's the best way to avoid post-game room so i don't see the mean comments as killer ;-;

turn off chat

You can hide the chat by default in an ini file.

Holy shit the new killer look like the pig mask of the guy here in this general

Disconnect instantly like all the ones I play against

It didn't used to bother me that everyone runs DS, but lately it's really getting to me. Have I invested in the salt mines without even knowing it?

>try to leave asap
>some guy still manages to type something fast

>lv 46
>still no ruin
>still no distressing
>lv 1 unnerving pres

very funny, game

What did he mean by this?

dude what

how high are you?


The new map with unnerving 3 and distressing 3 is worth the grind

>Survivor teabag when they're in SWFs
Why are you proud about cheating?

>having friends is cheating

Why are killercucks so pathetic?

that's exactly why I started leveling him up again.

Getting JUST'd on the RNG though

How cheeky-breeky does Ruin work on the new Meat Plant? Or are the totems easy to find? I’ve only gotten the map once since the release.

>using voice coms in a game that doesn't support them at all is fine
I'm not saying you are hard cheating, but you are cheating. You have a level of coordination that you shouldn't normally have.

It's got pretty good blocking, similiar to the hospital. I don't run totem perks though, so I can't speak from experience.

i've played survivor on the map more then killer and honestly it's nearly impossible to find any totems.

>using a feature added by the devs is cheating


I never saw so much teabagging in one game

Time to load up doctor with ruin and NOED and fuck up some SWF fags

Dev's added it because they are cowards and buckled under the whining of the survivor base. And the dev's still didn't put in voice coms, so that argument holds no water.

first time I got mori'ed with a devour hope

*flashback ends*
>"and that's how we got here
>*decisive strike*
>*dead hard all the way to exit gate*
>"gg kid"
>"lol bbq+c bad killer"

you're not using a feature added by the devs though. Discord and any voice comms are not part of the game.

He's talking about using voice communication outside of the game like discord, ventrilo, Skype you dense faggot.

Using third party chat to talk to friends isn't cheating. The devs use it themselves when playing swf.

>Lullaby hex instantly destroyed
>survivor is 3-man premade Claudettes with flashlight + a random i dont see all game
>get flashlight chained every time i pick someone up
>hook-camp one dude so i can at least get some sac points
>still end up depiping
>post-game get abused for camping

Great game, dudes

Holy lord, the salt on this man. Is this what it's like BEFORE Rank 1? People really need to stop thinking kobes earn you a free win.

Oh and how could I have forgotten:
>premade group all ran dstrike

It gives you an unfair advantage you fucking retard. I use it all the time and at least I can acknowledge it’s cheating.

>they were cowards

To be fair, as far as I can remember anyways, the score for DBD was tanking hard because people were so upset by the lack of party mode.

who can read that?

>Out of a mori
That’s not how it works

My fault, I'll try to make it more readable

The developers decide what is and isn't cheating.

>Game designed around 4 people not being able to communicate with each other
>"He's on me he's on me, get gens get gens"
>"Okay he's heading to you steve, so go get beth off the hook"
>"I'm on it"
>This gates open
>Everyone rushes the gate while body blocking
>He ACTUALLY BELIEVES this level of communcation doesn't put the killer at an unfair advantage when he's already on the back foot give survivor perks and tactics are stronger than killers

Fuck off you discord fuck.
You wouldn't even be able to break rank 15 if you didn't have someone fucking blowing you the entire game.

It’s giving you a third party advantage and is completely unfair. Do you understand that or are you a brain damaged survivor main?

Hey bud, I know it's Friday night and all but don't forget to check out those dailies

But Ace, it’s Saturday.

why do I get multiple dailies now?

Lucky piece of shit.


I can get rank 1 solo queue without meta perks easily.

It isn't cheating

Guess who started their Saturday night early

>still no killer that can disguise itself as a survivor

life is suffering


Devs said they'll never do it. Makes sense too, because SWF would just shit on this killer. More than SWF already shits on killers.

>"hey is that you walking towards me?"
>"oh it's the killer then okay"

>It isn’t cheating
Okay so you’re a swf survivor main that has no self awareness. Do you also play Meg or Claudette?

heres a idea, a killer that instawins against SWFs

>He totally plays Meg

Hopefully this is readable, if not then I'll stop trying to post it.



>DL obsession gets hooked once and instakills himself on the hook
>Rest of match goes to shit fast because my other teammates give up

What the fuck

how on earth could you think that's readable? did you even check it beforehand or were you just hoping for the best?

I'm done talking with you friendless losers

>There are still at least 10 pallets that aren't broken on top of this
>We reduced pallet numbers
The frogs are worthless.