Huge dip in BTC and ETH

Lets make this a thread about the "crash" of crypte. What info do you guys have on this? Any speculations on this subject?

Just in the last few hours BTC and ETH had a dip. BTC was at peak at 1650-something USD and ETH almost hit 100 USD.
Personally I have around 1 BTC, 30 ETH and 1 BTC worth of alt-coins. I'm quite new to all of this crypte (got in around start 2016).

Is this the bulltrap?

Are you guys selling to rebuy later?
Or holding?

thia ia not the crash that was mentioned yesterday by some user. This is just a small dip. The biggest crash have to wait a few more weeks.


Profit taking after ATHs. People then panic sell and shorters move in. Others sell the high and re-buy later. Honestly weak hands and bad bots get chewed up like this.
I've covered it a few times and called this dump about 6-8 hours ago.

Archive thread here

My other comments here

So this is not something big? You think ETH will reach 100USD before crash?

And "buy the dip" sounds great and all, but when is the dip over?

Great info.
Are you holding then or selling to rebuy?
I dont have bad nerves when it comes to investments, but in crypto I find it hard to clearly tell the signs of a small beartrap or not. As I said. Crypto is kinda new for me

It already reached $100 last night my friend.
There is no crash. ETH is going to $200 and beyond. Nothing says otherwise.

I personally am looking to re-enter between 0.0540 and 0.0570. Ill be putting in multiple buy orders around there. I sold out at 0.0606 so anything under that is ok for me.
I'll be closing my short around 0.057 to get funds ready. Should be done in about 2-4 hours i think

Could have been me. I'm trying to say to everyone that ETH has a big crash every 6-8 days, and a small one at every end of the day (18:00-00.00)(UTC+2 for me)

Yes, ETH wil hit 100 again before the next 'big' crash. Don't worry, the big bubble will crash in 2-3 weeks I think. That's why I'll sell in a week.

nah than it was not you. The user I meant was talking about the biggest crash on btc, not eth.

Oh ok.

That's me. The post about the fall of the moon king?

you think ETH will crash in 2-3weeks? why?

if it is actually you, than I want to apologize for my big mouth yesterday. Your statements appear to be gradualy more correct about btc, as what happend so far. You might as well keep informing us about news, k ?

Because the bubble and popularity have to stop at some point. It has been going on for about a month now.

Unless it gets in the big news media, this won't blow up. IF it gets in the media, we might be good for 6 months or so.

I get what you are saying. Sounds possible, but why do think that it will crash in just a few weeks?

buy more ETH now or it's gonna d*p again?

don't be pussy and sell are your ETH for BTC and thank me later

It was under 90 at one point. It is almost at 95 again

Yeah, that was me. Lol. I pulled my cash off the market only a few hours before that downswing. I went out and smoked a cigar afterwards when I checked the charts. Sometimes I post using a secure trip code to give people a heads up. "Rambone" (see above).


Bubble will pop. Popularity will slow down. (but if...)

And if/when the crypto crash happens. Will it hit BTC, ETH or ALT-COINS the most? Is any crypto safe in some sort of way?
Oh and lets say ETH crashes at 100USD. What does it crash to? Anyone remember an early BTC crash in the early days?

It might just crash 30% but not make a comeback like it did last time. The popular coins (LTC, BTC, ETH) will crash, the others will probably be just fine.

But I can't predict the future ofcourse. This is what I'm thinking. I could be TOTALLY wrong and ETH could go to fucking 150 dollar.

If you want my 2ยข (advice), I'll give it to you. But only if you really, really want it.

I'll be dropping in and out of this thread, but I should be able to reply by tonight.

It's already recovering. On that note, should I move all my ETH to ETC? I feel as if ETC hasn't pumped yet and I'm hearing it could be around $20 by the end of the month. What do you guys think?

I just want to listen to what you have to say :). Every opinion is nice to think about at least.

Nah. ETC is ETH's little brother. Nothing to gain in ETC that isn't to gain in ETH.

There's currently well over $6mm in ETH shorts on the market. I watched 65000 ETH for loan @ 0.001% get chewed up in the last 2 hours.

If ETH does crash guess where all the $$$ will go?

ETC is ETH but with more gains, just dump ETH already hype is over.

Don't they have a big conference coming up in 2ish weeks?

Fair enough. Take this with a grain of salt, but this is what I see happening....

I think you're going to see more price "swings" coming down the line for BTC. Eventually, these price "swings" will come to stability, but only after a major price correction (perhaps down to ~1.0-1.2k, just a vague guess). You couldn't really call it a crash, but "correction" I think would be a better term.

BTC growth is out of control right now. If you hadn't noticed, it is currently at a value greater than gold, silver, and oil (per ounce for g&s) put together. Right now, there is some fluctuating going on, but eventually, it will need to decide if it wants to go up or down. Currently, I think it will go down. We're either headed off a cliff or approaching another large value mountain. Keeping your money in BTC, you're either sitting on a bomb or riding a moon rocket right now. Do what you will. I, however, will play it safe this time. I've made enough money to be satisfied in waiting for calmer seas, so to speak.

Wtf kinda fetish is this

One achieved with crypto gainz. You too can have a harem of lolis to play with.

Simply invest in XBY and POSW and it'll become a reality.

Jeez I wonder what coin you're holding..

This guy understand the real gains of crypto.

"Jeez" its pretty fucking obvious I'm shilling, but that does not change the fact that its not too late to hop on.

Checked and Kek'd.
Praise Kek!!

Is this guy this guy ?

Meant this

You know you can see who posts what on here right? First guy is me. Second is someone else.

Ether won't stop user.

I said it will crash since 5$ It's at almost 100 now. It's not ever crashing. It will be 500 by tomorrow

Sell, buddy

Look at the IDs and tags.