Joseph "My Wife's Son is a True Aryan™" Goebbels
Joseph "My Wife's Son is a True Aryan™" Goebbels
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Joseph "Rage Quit" Goebbels
cucking yourself for your ideology takes alot of effort...or does it?
wait was he a cuck? What is this referring to?
>that slut on the right
Son from his wife's first marriage
He actually was a cuck though, since his wife had at least two known lovers.
But more importantly it's a joke about how Goebbels was a repulsive crippled manlet who would have been sterilized in any serious eugenicist regime.
For an antisemite it's quite ironic how stereotypically semitic he was (frail rat-like physique, high verbal IQ, mostly adept at lying and manipulating people etc)
See also Laval, who frequently had to deny accusations that he was jewish, arab or gypsy.
this guy looks an awful lot like this guy who is in big commercials in sweden lol
dude looks like a cornershop owner lmao
What shithole do you live in if shitskins own cornershops there?
I'm thinking London or half the US.
>this guy looks an awful lot like this guy who is in big commercials in sweden lol
Sweden ....
Were the Goebbels kids retarded? The all look like they qualify for the T4 program in this pic.
Literally none of them looks retarded.
Literally none of them look they're aware that they're being photographed.
pic looks crudely shopped
heads too big
It kinda is. Cutting out and pasting photos of family members together was a popular thing back then.
it is shopped, the guy at the top Harald Quandt wasnt there for the family photo so they stuck him in there.
Quandt was Goebbels' wife's son though
His wife had affairs as a result of him being a total poon hound. Magda went to Hitler and Hitler had to talk her out of a divorce.
That's Joseph Goebbels his very self.
DOesn't matter. Their genes weren't
passed down.
Well, Donald Trump is a literal cuck too, so I don't think the far right actually cares that much
It's called being a small child.