/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>No gay OP
make a new thread

Shade is garbage

what if a dragon came in ur house and doo dooed on you

hopefully never

I know your here shareena, remember who your brother belongs to

Have you seen mine yet?

I would like to request Cormag, if he hasn't already been requested by anyone already.

Also, you have my blessings. Pelleas is going to need a good skill set if he wants to be a male mage that stands out like Reinhardt or Arvis.

I like Ryo Ike

Are you ready?

Your weakness for a specific character attribute has left you with terminally shit taste. I'm sorry for you.

4*+10 = reddit

>Shit Cypher OC getting into Heroes

If Ike's face was adjusted to suit the angle of his head and he had a proper scowl, he'd honestly look better.

>Zephiel: Why is everyone's sword so different than mine.

*shaves off almost your entire HP with Poison Strike+Grizzly Wound*

>cormag gets in
>weilds upgraded version of valter's cursed lance
>but valter can't upgrade his because he never mastered the curse lance

Poll results soon right?

I haven't played Fates. Are there any more 'reincarnations' like Rhajat?

>favorite girl got into the top 20 at all at midterms
I am content

It's not like IS gave us anything to prepare with. They dropped the announcement and haven't given us any quests or anything with Refining Stones to build up. So, outside of SP farming everyone's been as ready as they could be ever since the announcement started.

This rabbit will cuck her before Shade gets in

I want to lick her sluice

A week later so ISIS can get rid of all the non-whale votes


Is Gayvin going to be worth using>

sluice baby!

>shitty OC
>in Heroes
It's more likely than you think.

I want to commit a crime!

Yep. It's nice not having anything worthwhile to give stones or dew to.

he can't keep getting away with thks

It's the three most popular non-story-relevant first gens

Why did he have to suffer?

>Ever not being ready
Gonna +10 both raven and felicia or shiida


what are non-whale votes?

Predict the most busted prf refinements!
Basilikos > Falchion (Lucina and Chrom) > Falchion (Alm) > Wing Sword > Felicia's Plate > Eckesachs > Falchion (Marth) > Hinoka's Spear


>pity broken by +atk/-hp raven
>currently has 600 or so SP and most of the skills I wanted to give him
>+def/-res chrom is my main arena red and has plenty of SP
>caeda might finally be good and warrant upgrading
yes, I regret feeding a klein to Raven the day before this was announced, though

>+5 sp

Why was Hohenheim a ninja in Fates?


i wonder if hinoka's spear will have LaD as the effect/refine since thats about the closest she can get to -1 def/res for +10 avo
what else have they done for weapons with avo built in?
i still have 181 stones and 140 dew so if they give us ~60 stones from arenas/quests i'll be able to get both refines for pegs assuming they use dew

Surely they'll add in a beast unit someday

>Your weakness for a specific character attribute
And that would be?

>less than 45 HP
>less than 50 atk with a prf
>less than 37 speed
>less than 30 def
>less than 30 res

How can a unit be mediocre at every single stat?

Futa with male Emblen.
FeMui and Kanna not present as they have no dick.

Close ,but not quite.

Literal Goddess:

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

FBI Tier:

Shit Tier:




>still no Regal Blade refine
Stop torturing me, IS.


No, I haven't gotten you down yet, but I do now. He hasn't been requested yet, so I'll write him on my list for you. Thank you for giving a vote towards Pelleas and the well wishes! The art for Pelleas is my biggest concern because that's the one thing I can't at least attempt to fix, so anything more than that is icing on the cake.

I didn't need this

Is it just girls then? Or are any of them guys?

Hell yeah motherfucker.
Even if the unique upgrade is shit I can go for spe +3.


Did i do good /feg/?

Ephraim is a BITCH!

Why is Marthipan so angry

Why are fatesoyboys so cringy?

it's not tharja, not cordelia and not gaius

Who is this hottie?

I respect your choice, but you chose the wrong side, buddy


>those tree trunk arms
who the fuck wouldn't switch over?

>tier reddit unit camilla celica
its confirmed


Dark magic titties

Because he has gone like 3 minutes without knocking caeda up

kiran has to try harder

TEACH ME HOW TO TIKI assuming I don't have Steady Breath to pass over


>post celica

>4* +atk -hp chrom
>4* +atk -res marth
>the only +atk raven ive rolled is +atk -spd
good thing i never foddered the neutral that cucked me in PA, im ready

He knows his is going to be shit. He just knows.

Does her being level 1 make it any better?

Absolutely not, shitter.

> reddit heroes best taste

can you use that word in a sentence?

fury/close defense/distant defense+qr/swordbreaker/g-tomebreaker/

Like every other dragon.

>post Celica



Ready for the disappointment.

It's no crime to acknowledge she's cute and pat her head.

What's in the book?

Deen or Sonya? Who do I fight


Yeah that's more accurate

Was Gaius even popular?

Sorry girls, Orson's married

>literally fucked lyon
Well, which one of you was it?

50 shades of grey.

do you want tits or another dread fighter?

sure they'll add these characters. But it will be them in their non-transformed forms and they'll be wielding weapons instead

The answer to this question is unironically Deen_. It's an easier fight and you get the brave sword for your mercs.

/feg/ will tell you to recruit Deen(by fighting Sonya) but it all depends on whether you want another unit like Saber/Atlas/Jesse/Kamui or if you want another mage like Mae

>post celica

Gaius, Tharja and Cordy are the most popular first generation Awakening characters. There's a reason we got their expies in Fates.