CSGO General - /csgog/

1.4 million viewers edition

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wake me up from this nightmare

>this major doesn't count because they weren't in soundproof booths
>the absolute state of e-"""""""""""""""""""""""sports"""""""""""""""""""""""
How would these eu soyboys deal with a real sport?


Who is this

>new thread after esports are done
nu csgog everyone

stop stalking my twitter creep


>not still riding on the leftover adrenaline



an underaged girl you sick fuck


Explain this gotards

Can they yell out the tactics that the opponents are using and influence the outcome of the match because of it? No they can not.



kys phoneposter

looks like autimatic clearing a corner after the round has ended and trying to stop the gun save

>Adrenaline from watching people you have no affiliation with play vidya
Beta cuck lowtest males should be eradicated and used to raise the children from alpha chads.

Daily Reminder: Tarik is not a MUTT he is /ourguy/

he peeks car, rounds the wall to check the corner

>host major in US
>don't have soundproof booths
>US team wins
Pure coincidence, nice game gotards.

>this coping
At least EU is the best at making salty tears

cry is free lmao

>All he needs to do is copy-paste the previous OP
>Can't do that

No wonder this shit gen is always dead, only HLTV ADHD shitkids post here

>LoL 2017 Worlds final
>1 million twitch peak
>DotA2 2017 International
>800k million twitch peak
>Boston Major
>1.3 million twitch peak

>the last 2 twitch records were set by eleague csgo

>can't deal with the sound of a crowd yelling
>make booths

This is why literally everyone thinks e-"sports" are a fucking joke.

>1.3 million
It says 1.4 and that's only counting the English stream. Add 200k more if you count foreign language ones.

what about gotv numbers?
Also the EU fags turning on the game/general are hilarious

He kept his crosshair on the biggest threat (car) until the corner shows up

>he doesnt like doing it the old way
>he doesnt enjoy when teams can stand up to shout shit at the other team, taunt them, and wave the crowd on
>what is every fucking sport

Literally the best way to do events. Adds so much to the game, much more than it takes away

dota beats everything if you count the chinamen in

We don't know those yet but they will probably be reported later, like with the last major.

Just checking out of spite before going to bed.
Got an Autimatic overpass package.

How much C9 fangays will pay for it?

pls post hm you make off of it


pretty convinced they had people in the crowd starting the chants "usa" or "lets go cloud9" to indicate when it was A or B



/ourpeanut/ post-final interview with HLTV

twitch tv/videos/223471218?t=09m37s


OP screenshot counts GOTV as well, and the official streams' counts are also included there

for only twitch numbers
English stream peak 1.1 million Boston, 514k TI7, 876k Worlds

Actually LoL does, but who really believes that the Chinese don't inflate their numbers? Like as if 100 million chinamen would watch LoL, that's almost 10% of their population which would just be insane. Even DotA2s 10 million chinamen peak sounds pretty unbelievable, only 55% of China lives in cities ( 2015 numbers en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urbanization_by_country ). So by comparison Europe + NA + AUS + CIS have similar urbanized population as China. And somehow they have 10-100x the people watching esports?

the problem with chinese viewers is that streaming platforms in china actually use bots to boost their view count so they look better for advertisers and investors

>next major is in SEPTEMBER


Semantics but they don't use bots, as that would use unnecessary resources, the web developers just inflate their numbers themselves, but I get your point

What I love about them is they can have a stream with 100k+ viewers but chat deader than /magog/, sneaky chinks

>ddk and black ddk cast another final


would IBP have won a major?


>Shroud streaming CS
>Says he wants to join stream team
Would be pretty great. I can only stand so much of fl0m

Post kino roster changes
Mainly where will Dennis end up?

is he sick of pubg already?


Not even joking

I think all PUBG streamers are sick of PUBG. They're just scared to not stream it as they'd lose tons of viewers.

i doubt it, just now he said he was shit at cs and "fuck competing"

But then not even the chimps could reach their level

it is a shit game so yah..

From the little of what I've seen, yes. It's still a buggy and laggy piece of shit, it would get to anyone eventually

What AK and M4 skins do you use, /csgog/?
M4A4 Evil Daimyo
AK Wasteland Rebel

Yeah he's just goofin about

ak red laminate with 100t holos
i dont use m4

To add, the idea of the game is good but the bugs and server problems are killing a lot of it's fun

He's not really "sick" of it but it's obvious that he wants to play something different sometimes
Unfortunately there are no other good stream games right now so he still plays it a lot, he occasionally plays other games like EFT but most are absolute snorefests to watch and his viewer count tanks when he does

Before I sold all my skins:
M4A4 Desolate Space
M4A1-S Hyper Beast
AK Case Hardened

blank AK with CIS team stickers
M4a4 griffin

fine taste
what rifle do you use ct tho

>60% asian team

Evil Daimyo is good ratio price/visuals.

I have a Blue Laminate with Ivette sticker, can't unequip it.

2 per year instead of 3 per year now? What the fuck, Valve.

awp or ak

have you been in a coma since 2015

Bought a Black lam a few years ago for $3 with 4 holo Dignigs '14 stickers. Have a backup Redline with Clan Mystik holo sticker too.

Sadly I bet away most of my M4's, so I'm using a Dark Water with a Complexity sticker. I could do with a replacement.

I think it's pretty incredible that it got so popular and still is in the first place. I've never played it besides 10 minutes at a friends place but it always seemed like one of those games that might get huge hype at first but later die out since the lasting appeal seem to be so weak. It's badly optimized, buggy, way too random for it to get really competitive. I dunno, I just feel like some grumpy grampa when I see the success and don't understand why. I don't know, I just feel like I, and therefor projecting onto others, would get quickly bored by all the random elements and playing on the same map over and over.

I think it's just a very accessible game you can easily hop on and play solo or with a group of friends

I have an older PC (i5-4690k, GTX 970 3.5gb) and it runs fine for me.

If you have aggressive friends it can be a really fun game if you play it almost like a deathmatch. But a lot of people, like my friends, play it like pussies and will run from every fight because they'd rather get top 10 and not kill anybody than die earlier but kill people. Unfortunately playing like a pussy means you don't get the practice in killing people/tactics and once you get to the final spots, you have to luck into a win.
I do a lot better solo than with friends

It just found a market that was in high demand. People willingly play it even though they hate all the bugs and lag.

A good PC isn't going to save you from laggy servers and bugs/glitches. Bugs like walking down a hill and dying to fall damage. I did nothing but ran down a hill and maybe switched to crouch position and started sliding uncontrollably

If C9 lost this Stew may have killed himself for that failed 1v1 against Karrigan

i have no doubt in my mind there would have been a dead c9 member if they had lost

AK47 - Vulcan
AK47 - Redline

M4A1-s - Mecha Industries
M4A4 - Desert Strike

yes but all the players can see all the other players at all times

100% roach

>the only team you've lost to in the past 4 months was knocked out before you play them
>get gifted a finals against a team you've murked three times in series play without dropping a map
>still lose

Memes aside, is Karrigan on his way out?

>Play csgo sober
>Get tilted and quit
>Play csgo drunk
>Play like shit
Time to stop playing this game for good.

Not if they win IEM and Starseries in February. That's only $200k less price money than the major. There's the prestige of a major but it they keep winning events it won't matter.

Krakow preserves it's title as the quintessential meme major. It's still the only time a multinational team won the title.

Watched almost every single game, including the qualifier, got 1 drop lol

Their t side inferno was so sad to watch, they looked lost. Total choke.

The Faze team at the last major was still top 2 when they cut kio and allu. It seems like it's major win or bust for the org.

AK: Blue laminate
M4: Guardian

autimatic not double peeking against guardian in the last round of first OT was probably worse

I don't even play CSGO but I saw some clips of some NA brothers winning and it got me excited.

A4 Daybreak
AK Frontside Misty

eh it shouldn't have gotten to that, they got lucky on map one and shoulda been 2-0'd


they could have easily won the game here if they just played for time when it was down to the 1v2, even if auti goes down

Theres a world of difference between bombing 0-3 in group stages and comfortably making finals then choking

True, like with SK, they got stunned by C9s fast and aggressive T side on mirage

If C9 can keep it up they'll be fun to watch this year

2/5 anime lobby
mge, mg1 so far


come play csgoey with your anime friends!

all ranks are welcome btw the mge is decayed from global and the mg1 is decayed from lem even silvers are welcome

yeah there were three rounds in a row c9 just slightly lost clutches, i thought they were going to lose the game after that but they just kept on beating faze in the early round

or time to stop drinking