/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

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First for washing pole balanced

What is the most cinematic boss?

I can't wait for the remake. First actual Dark Souls game since DS2.

Alright, so I'm trying to git gud. How do I counter GS and UGS? They just hyperarmor through my attacks and I get stunlocked to death whenever I swing at them. Also general anti-gank strategies and how do i into backstabbing/parrying? If there's videos that explain these pls post.

3rd for blues removal

Twink princes or Friede.

Father Ariandel and Sister Friede

Dancer. Maybe Nameless King.

Why are the best sorceries locked behind boss progress but no other playstyles need to get that far?


Faith builds would like a word.

Is there any GOOD comprehensive guide to Dark Souls 1 pvp? Been playing it for 5 years on and off on pve and never gave it much thought. Then I went into a couple duels and got my ass handed to me.

>Needs to beat the game for the best off. Miracle

Melee Sorcs, can even get Soul Greatsword really early on, and then again, one of the best FP/Damage spells is also early on.
Faith is impossible to twink unless you beat the game, and even then the HUGE FP cost is also an issue


Basically, if you can't trade into hyper armor you need to play passive as fuck, throw shit at em like arrows and spells or roll into their R1 for a backstab. Wait for em to attack, guess when they stop swinging and get a hit in. If you attack first they'll probably just start smashing you with R1 spam. You can parry jump attacks and rolling attacks, if they can't do both of those then their options are severely limited. You can also hit once and roll if your connection is ABSOLUTELY PRISTINE.

what's one complaint you have about each of the games?
>demons souls
i wish the game wasnt so floaty in the literal gravitational sense
>dark souls
last half of the game is not consistent with the first half of the game
>dark souls 2
the graphical downgrade pissed me off to no end
shitty matchmaking mechanics
>dark souls 3
pretty much the entirety of pvp consists of ROLLROLLROLLROLLROLLINSTANTHEALROLL ROLL


>tfw cant beat champion gundyr at sl60

>throw down summon sign in Oolacial
>get summoned
>helping host through the area
>they try and jump across a gap
>fall off the cliff
>well whatever
>little while later get invaded
>same person that summoned me
>go to fight them
>they fall down the elevator shortcut

Gave me quite the chuckle

>those souls
You got some explaining to do.

I've tried to put the most important ones on the top. On the bottom you have some really specific ones or cool things you can do.

Is there a mod that lets me start DaS2 in NG+7?

cheat engine will let you do anything

SOTFS is the only souls game I liked. I have more time in it then every other souls game and Bloodborne combined.

Against a greatsword, space them out and attack when they're vulnerable. Stand right outside of their range, wait for their attack to start, then start your attack shortly after theirs (this is the important step) so that their attack misses and your attack brings you forward to hit them while they're in recovery.

Against UGSes, roll through and punish with backstabs if they swing more than once. They're harder to space because of their massive range, so you need to abuse their slow speed and catch them outside of hyperarmor or between swings.

Look up Saint Riot's videos, he teaches you how to git gud at invading.

Get behind the other guy and backstab him. Run like a pussy and pop a Humanity every now and then.

That's literally all there is to DaS1 PvP.

>see invade summon sign in anor londo while im farming
>still there after half an hour
i hope you get summoned one day friendo

I would have liked SotFS a lot more if the NPC invasions weren't so bullshit.
>invaders have bullshit HP that is sometimes higher than fucking bosses and makes it needlessly more tedious than PvP invasions
>way too much player input reading to the point where their combos will randomly stop and dodge or switch to the most deadly attack against you depending on how you react
>Black Gulch has THREE invasions which is the cherry on top of the shitcake that is having to clear those stupid statues every time you die
>get invaded even when you're hollow so so either have to fight or run away and risk getting mobbed

i just spent a good 30 minutes practicing parrying and all the invasions became a joke.

Or just use a greatsword and stunlock them to death.

you can hit him when:
leap attack
jumps and arches his back, does 1 handed sweep into another 2 sweep combo, between sweeps
jumps and does 1 handed sweep into another sweep, looks similar than 1st jump swipe but does not arch his back as much. after 1st sweep
after his running spinaroo, between spinaroo attack and sweep
between punch + sweep
pretty much if he's swinging with 2 hands just don't even try
when he thrusts forward into another thrust, hit after first thrust

This wont make sense to you but this all means that you get tons of opportunities to get a hit in, just dont be a greedy fuck

or you can parry him it's the easiest shit in the world just press a button and murder him

i didnt want to have to break the black gulch statues every time, so i literally learned how to run through that area from the first bonfire without getting hit by poison once.

>Demon's Souls
Not out on PC
>Dark Souls
Too short, some very poorly designed fights.
>Dark Souls 2
ADP, and it's just ugly. Locations are boring.
>Dark Souls 3
Too many humanoid enemies
Not out on PC yet, but I don't like that gothic style at all, from what I've seen of the game it just isn't aesthetically pleasing or interesting at all

I end up getting worn down by having shit reflexes. He usually finishes me off with an elbow, or his charge attack

I'm bad

Looking to buy a controller to play this on PC, should I just get the basic Xbox 360 one or is there anything better available?

i recommend the steam controller, full customization and its comfy as fuck

He was the hardest boss for me for some reason, took like 8 tries. Just swing once and back off, otherwise he will kick you in the face. I stayed to his right and rolled into his attacks.

I've been using a basic 360 controller since 2012. Still works gud

I use a wired 360 controller. It's perfect and I love it.

I really wanted to like the steam controller but i could never get used to the touch pads.

yeah he has like 10 different moves to learn. It's a tough fight for sure. I think it took me 2 hours of dying until I learned his whole fucking moveset. It's all about knowing which moves will lead into a kick to the face or a shoulder to the face. He has a couple moves that don't lead into face smashing and are basically just slow sweeps. That's when you hit the guy.

360 will serve you fine and has pretty much the best price-to-quality ratio. I think the Xbone pad is an overall improvement but it costs around twice as much.

Across all the dark souls games I've played with a ps3, ps4, and 360 controller. All fine options.

i will admit that it does take a little getting used to, but i absolutely ADORE the steam controller. i know that people in commercials say "i dont think i could ever go back" when they're trying to sell you something, but damn it is legitimate in my case.


>Demon's Souls
Ridiculously inconsistent difficulty with quite a few bosses being comically easy. And not in a git gud way, just flat out easy.

>Dark Souls
Post Lord-Vessel is pretty crap.

>Dark Souls 2
The sheer stupidity of how there's a small pile of rubble you could easily climb over, but somehow can't - but if you could, you'd bypass that gate that opens after so many souls and thus most of the game.

>Dark Souls 3
How it just doesn't feel like DS. I love Bloodborne but I hate the BB effect on DS.

Hmm... Not much to be honest. I think it's the most perfect of the Soulsborne games.

You can parry him dude, any time he does a sweeping move (so anything that's not a thrust, even his overhead smash) you can parry, look at the pole of the halberd, not the blade, when that starts to sweep across hit the parry button (assuming you're using a parry shield). Just parry, back off, wait for him to use a swipe, and parry.

the full customization that it has, the haptic feedback is like sex but for your hands, the mouselook capabilities with the controller style movement. i bound the B button to one of the back paddles so i could dodge without having to pick my thumb up off of the right trackpad. it's just so good. it does have a retardedly steep learning curve though, which not everyone is a fan of, which i completely understand.

In DS3, are the barehand parry frames still almost as good as a parry shield like they were in DS1?

i am a fan of hand sex. You have sold a controller, good sir

i hope you enjoy it, user!

Barehanded = fist = slightly slower than parry shields and with instability penalty but with shorter recovery

Turns out Gwyn is pretty hard to fight using only a greatbow.

Is this supposed to be Blighttown or the Gutter?

blightown, solaire's set isnt in ds2

I can't remember, can you parry while 2Hing something?

Dark Souls 1 was such a simple time.

Bosses did things, you dodged them, and you slapped them.

Things got so complicated...

And now we're probably gonna play a game where we mutilate our character to make them stronger.

What happened?

What's the funnest STR weapon?

Anything with a space launch program

Great Club.

smough's hammer. looks goddamn ridiculous yet i have so much fun shitting on kids using it

What? What game are you talking about?

If I die to a launch I'm not even mad, I'm glad

>has over 30 ears from killing innocent invaders trying to make a living
hypocrite go home

Holy fuck, how naked do you have to be to not fatroll with Ledo's Hammer?

>pick great club because I heard someone say it was good
>it is
I barely know shit and Im winning a decent amount of duels

what other decent weapons are out there that are as braindead as the great club

>the charged R2 R1 combo
anyone not aware of the club falls for it EVERY time

Carry weight and having to farm healing items.
Demon areas and Duke's are just so baaaaad.
Soul memory and attaching I-frames to a stat.
Everything besides the DLCs and a few bosses.
Not being on PC and running like dogshit on the system it was build for.

Reinstalling DS3 and I want to make a female pirate cosplay named "Sally Brown". How do I make her as pirate-y as possible? Follower's Sabre and a crossbow is a must.


You are going to need too equip Havel's ring and level vit, user, probably both. Accept it.
Also it's a greathammer, you don't need that much poise for it to function.

name me ONE good thing dark souls 2 did



>Not being on PC and running like dogshit on the system it was build for.
this shit right here
i remember getting ready to buy a memestation4 for bloodborne and checking an fps video
i actually thought the game was 60fps cause, ya know, it was 2015
turns out it was 30fps WITH DROPS
no thanks

Whips was a massive improvement over DaS

Leonard's Set is probably the most pirate-y set you're gonna find (if only because he's the only one with a helm that's in any way pirate-y).
Antiquated Plain comes pretty close, but no helmet.

This would be terrifying in New Londo

Build and route variety.

Blue eye orb

Variety and openness.

That's two things.

I'm sorry.

You posted it

More interesting lore.
PvE that doesn't get boring two areas in.
Didn't retcon the previous game.
Better online connectivity.

Trust nobody, not even yourself

ruin sentinels

awesome story

weapons in off-hand retaining moveset and not a useless block or r2 only
ng+ actually having significant differences

not absolute shit pvp

>dark souls
Shitty PC port and the latter half of the game as well as fast rolling being 25%
>dark souls 2
Changes to parrying and Soul memory
>dark souls 3
Hate how the combat is basically Bloodborne 2 instead of Dark souls 3, Having shields and heavy armor should be viable
Great game but the system it was designed for can't handle it properly

"You have a heart of gold, don't let them take it from you"

What about pic related?

Anyone know the item ID for a Heavy Great Club +10

it's a small and mostly unnoticed thing but every stat giving a small health increase

Yeah that was great, you didn't need to spend anywhere near as many points in Vigor than you do in 3 unless you want to pvp or later NG+ cycles

Cathedral Knight or just plain Greatsword? Heavy infusion

Does it being strike really matter? Will not having a horizontal 2h wothout FP cost hurt me?



cathedral for the sweet r1 r2 combo

Man that looks real goofy


>finally defeat Ledo
>get that mondo hammer, immediately upgrade it
>it does less damage than Yhorm's Machete +5
