What the bloody fuck is happening with Posw ?
Y'all niggas scammed me AGAIN !
What the bloody fuck is happening with Posw ?
Y'all niggas scammed me AGAIN !
Sell sell sell
Lmao all you fuccbois STILL haven't found salvation in FRN.
let's take decentralized staking, and centralize it!
I've been warning people brah. Just scammers praying on new blood.
Any of this sound familiar?
>Just wait until x update
>Don't listen to the FUD
>$10 next year minimum
Basically a full line in shitcoin bingo.
You trusted someone promising to make you free money
You trusted a coin called piece of shit wallet
Wow, not even top 100 anymore. Just hold user, It'll be 10 dollars next year and Pajeet hasn't fully offloaded his bag yet.
please hold please and make buy again,,blessed investment
Gotta be patient bro, it's still not very well known.
> You trusted a coin called piece of shit wallet
>You didn't compare the number of coins in the staking pool to the number of coins available on the marketplace.
>You didn't notice the obvious price manipulation by whales scooping up more cheap coins for cheap from the weakest of hands.
>You didn't notice that the number of coins staked barely changes at all every time the shakeout happens because smart investors are holding.
It's almost like you guys want to stay poor.
ETH is going PoS.
Does that make ETH a piece of shit?
Fuck off with your 5th grade acronyms.
You can't stop the PoSW train.
^^ this, big money shaking out little guys because THEY WANT the POSW so good..the coin is so nice and smart investors holding :)) many good things to come in the future, just buy and hold hold hold, ignore other coins and dont check chart please
TFW every dumping POSW and as a result my staking rate in the poswallet triples.
"Fuck off with your 5th grade acronyms." as he ran the script to make sure multiple digits on his post number matched on the forum
t. desperately wants to buy under 5k
Fuck me, the most obvious dodgy foreigner post ever seen on Veeky Forums.
Is this how noPOSWers cope with Kek's will?
Btw, there's a known FUD campaing to keep the price low, pic related.
Sooner or later this will pump hard, and holders will have the last laugh as always.
It's a classic scare tactic from haters, pose as dumb pajeets.
from new york stupid donkey and is going to be rich and your mother will cry because you are ugly
Shit I didn't even think about this.
This is exactly why I'm so adamant about holding.
this is the real fuckin deal user.
same, this is so fucking real, it's the realest coin so i'm holding so much (and buying more, can't stop)
You do realise that his staked coins would be worthless if POSW didn't rise?
same, i thought i was the only one. other coins are less real and this is more real, so i'm adamant about buying so much more.
Obviously, but this is a long term project. So if people dump now then holders will get paid more in POSW coins because the fiat price would be low because of all the dumps. This = more money for long term holders when the coin moons.
great news, the POSW coin is very valuable so if holders are paid more of them, they will be rich after selling the very expensive POSW which is going up in value every hour!
We get more PoSW the less token holders there ar, so either was it's the same value usd, which rises as the exchange does more volume and the staking wallets hold more. Understand, ape?
> Autism
I'm throwing $10 at this bitch.
Going straight to Kmart when this baby moons. Buying myself some slippers or something. Might get a coffee while I'm out.
Who else is ready to live it up?
haha it was just a prank bro
Don't see how it is a scam then, more money for those who are willing to hold. Unless you were beeing sarcastic.
dash is on POSW but is not a POS coin
this is why PIVX is no longer on POSW
POSW (bitbeanpool) makes deals with other coins
PIVX is still a POS coin. It was removed because they didn't want people complaining that the rewards were too low. They are adding it back once they have a masternode pool.
You are the most autistic fudder I've ever seen but you aren't even good at it.
that was fast, you guys are keeping a close eye
no one claimed PIVX isn't POS..
we're all waiting on that masternode pool, is that tomorrow? will it be announced with the african charity? i am loading up, the website is just so nice wow
>weak hands scared
>bought some more today
>reads in indian inner voice
>Piece of Shit coin
He didn't see this coming.
Kek. You deserve this.
t. Reddit