League of Legends General /lolg/

cut diamonds Noxus style edition


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xth for my wife Syndra


>sol winning
azir shitters explain yourselves


I only reroll the skins worth 520 RP. Everything else gets dusted or just sits there.

almost as if lolg is silver-gold retards who know absolutely nothing about the game

>azir hits late game
>solo carries
screencap this

i cant say i agree with you

black cleaver against that team?

wait for it, it's gonna happen

So long as it's not mechanic bullshit it should be fine. She should get something with nice colors and a long flowing outfit. Something like lotus blossom could look great too.

IMO best concepts for her would be
Warring kingdoms
Elder wood
Lotus blossom
Role playing skin (but 1350)
Hell something like dawn ringer could potentially look gorgeous

red/green kogmaw

Grandpas getting at it yes/no?

it was for the dragon, the dragon that the jungler didnt want to take (?)
and since the vayne didnt understand my w heals and deals damage she never dove in to do anything. she just sat there and got pushed in


any minute now

nah man

>people calling for GP nerfs
please leave my barrel man alone

he’s the only champ you can 1v9 out of toplane on right now

even camille requires that your teammates at least have their monitors on

Well I don't know if the skin is any better now than it was before but the re-roll somehow also gave me another box and key to use plus 100 OE.


Post cute Ahri pics and music you're listening to pls

Someone post Vladfag pics, I need to fap.

Why do you only play Morde. What if someone bans him?

if they ban i dodge
if they take him i dodge
its morde until plat

then he’ll just play his backup champ, which I’d be willing to bet is...hmm I’ll say singed

honestly if this guy manages to get enemy teams to ban both mordekaiser and singed then he already won

well it appears that I was wrong

what kind of autist do you take me for?

>until plat
and then?

No, Taliyah should never get Order of the Lotus. It's literally a skinline made for and belongs only to Ionians.


post your mains

>ad bard to silver
>yorick to gold
>morde to plat
maybe shen? i dont play any energy champs

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

on the contrary my friend I think I underestimated how autistic you truly are

I morde'd to plat as well, and on my way to diamond
currently plat 2

Why not Lui Sin? But seriously dude, I only saw you playin morde

Hey who's the best split pusher? like someone who is super annoying to verse and never leaves lane?
Im thinking Yorick but im not sure


>Everyone speaks english
Weebs fucking disgust me


>lee sin
fuck that
i need a champ that nobody likes and hates seeing with a stupid low pickrate. ive considered nunu but those buffs made it an issue

too bad nerd ____:^)


i fucking hate yorick holy shit

yorick is nice though?

Getting back to diamond (plat 2 100lp rn) start getting challenger players I dont know If I'm ready for this.

the fucker outrunned an ezreal

>too bad nerd ____:^)
It would be fine if Riot was a japanese company, but this is just pretentious and hipsterish dumb

League is a shallow game for shallow people already, but you are the icing on the cake

>first pick me gp ill carry
>dude what the hell
>sorry first time gp but don't worry he's op we'll be fine

anybody watching LPL or does /lolg/ only watch NA/EU games?

its an anti jew measure too
gotta go fast

I only watch LCK and important NA/EU matches

>tfw I am plowing this bitch every morning

feels good

I don't get it?

you what?
Don't lie user, it's not nice.

>Top picks Riven
>Pick Garen
>Rush Bami's Cinder

I don't know, I don't know why her quote is used on the picture

It is that easy to bait you into giving (you)s, pastathesnake

>no egirl toplane champion

Somebody give me strength to keep practicing and drawing because I'm just about to hang the towel, this shit is IMPOSSIBLE

for some reason girls enjoy riven
or just meme it up with lux top you slut

Shh, I'm just telling you to not lie since it ain't good.

sej top, thank me later

>girls enjoy riven
[citation needed]

Take your own advice to heart because somewhere deep down you know the basic purple chick will never be real or acknowledge your existence.

pls help

stop playing a shit champ maybe?
less flashy = more carry potential. this is why kat zed kayn and more are shit at carrying

>Not wanting to be humped by Riven
Unf, too bad her voice is too whiny.

No idea what you're talking about.

Does this client still have chatrooms like the old one did?

hello. Vladfag here.

I have submitted a story to Riot's creative contest. WOuld anyone be interested in reading it?

It may be 2deep4you, so no brainlets.


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



Sex King Tier: Shaco
Shit tier: Everyone else

Out of curiosity have you ever been banned with your avatarfagging? Or you just change IPs and go on sucking dick like nothing happened?

i dont wanna play fucking veigar and annie, that shit is boring as fuck

>its another list post

Not him but you rarely ever get banned for "avatarfagging" You only get banned for it if you are obnoxious.

Evelynn x elder drake fapfic WHEN?

>less flashy = more carry potential. this is why
Says mister "Don't mind me just taking my dragon out for a walk down mid".

>not wanting to be humped by dawnbringer riven and her commanding yet warm voice

So rude but no, never.

>will throw away a win for fun
this game isnt fun retard, this game is shit and no fun is allowed
remember that 5 man of tanks in ascension that just fed and passively made the game impossible to win and how they got banned for it?

pick a less flashy champ and win dont play morde the skill required is too high for a shitter like you

>Havent played in a week


it sits there and does dragon shit while i hit things with a club. how the fuck is that flashy? i take it bot more since its more common to have both bot laners present, AND the jungler now on hand to take first tower gold and maybe 2-3 kills since mid never has enough time to show up to stop it

morde is a lump of iron that smacks shit. its literally the least flashy kit in the game outside of singed

>playing a game
>not having fun
so what's the purpose then?

This autist brings nothing to the general. His only function is to make sure he says his meme in every thread and then go on spamming Syndra pictures if somebody decides to ping him (no matter the topic mind you). Oh, and enable the gypsy whenever he is around.
So yeah, I think he is obnoxious.

for me its a time passer and a way to stay out of trouble
theres no point to play this game when other games exist like dota or dawngate in a better timeline at least

I agree
Didnt someone dig deeper into why he does this and he admitted he only does it to bait and he doesn't care about any actual discussion or making amusing posts

Fuck you, you just had to bring up Dawngate and make me sad again.

in what situation should you not pick jax jungle
>good ganks
>good dueling
>good farming
>scales hard

Riot has a creative contest?

also yeah why not.

I don't have any idea, never read too much into it. To me he is some really sad guy out there who have nothing better to do in his time.

You dont need dcap, GLP or Rilays would have been 100% better choices.

did you know that moya got the most porn because furfags just cant stop making porn of everything?
theres only 3 pics of mina i found a mina cosplayer at AX. she had a group who played as well and we all had a good time for an hour. id ask her out but i know that aint happening

It never happened and I never said any of that.

Does it seems like the Taliyah mains are really desperate for a skin, can't go any where without them posting an ocean of skin concepts.

What's really funny is I have never seen Garen mains beg for a skin.

I'm just listening to random picks from my 3000+ songs on Clone Hero, right now it's youtube.com/watch?v=yQOBUrRaPU0

i do stuff on the wiki sometimes
those zoe audio clips didnt dump themselves

Least garen has more than one skin.

>busty shyvana


>did you know that moya got the most porn because furfags just cant stop making porn of everything?
It wouldn't really surprise me in the slightest.

>Frosk doesn't look like a dyke anymore

She's actually kinda cute now
