How did Germans contribute to the fall of Rome ?
How did Germans contribute to the fall of Rome ?
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the goths sacked rome
franks invaded gaul
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>How did Germans contribute to the fall of Western Civilization
Well it is very complex because there are couple things you must realize. First the Germanics became vital to running through empire especially following the crisis of the third century being used in the army and used to settle depopulated lands. This strategy was very successful, until andrianople where the goths due to their victory settled in Roman lands while keeping their tribal structure.
Second the Germanit's where not a monolithic group and there attitudes of individual tribes changed very rapidly. Both sides of every battle would have Germanics on it.
Third the Germanic tribes by themselves were generaly not enough to threaten rome, but in conjunction with Persian wars they could be much more dangerous.
Fourth the Roman's had several opportunities in the later empire to incorporate the Germanics into hybrid Romano Germanic state in late empire but this failed so the Germano Roman states were forced upon them by varying Germanic tribes.
Fifth each of these breakaways made the hold on Italy more and more untenable by a Roman State. Simultaneously the Roman's became more and more reliant on the Germanics. By the time the empire ended it was more of a formality since it was essentially two Germanic tribes waring with each other.
Sixth, many roman institutions survived the Roman Empire for quite awhile after its fall into these Germanic states. The Germanic people where gernally the ruling warrior elites but not too much else.
>in ancient times
How did Germans contribute to the rebirth of Western civilization?
>How did Germans contribute to the fall of Rome ?
Most people think that they didn't because "Germans didn't exist back then.". Fools. There is conclusive proof that the eternal Teuton used time machines to make Romans lose Teutoburg wishing to ensure that Germanic 'people' don't get rekt into oblivion.
Germans can't do anything right.
It was probably Scandis or some Proto-Slavshits.
By bringing upon themselves a war that decimated their own population
The Germans were the last in a long chain of events initiated by the Chinese, when they attacked and drove off the Yue from what is now Manchuria, setting in motion the "steppe escalator" of tribes being driven west by yet more brutal tribes, culminating in the Huns and Mongols.
Knowing Germans, they probably tried to help/improve/reform the Roman Empire thus causing its complete obliteration.
They've merely raped its desiccated corpse, the invasion of the Huns had devastated the empire, annihilated a good portion of it's standing army, that catalcysm gave the Germanic tribes a chance to occupy most of it's territories practically unopposed. And of course, internal strife and unsustainable bureaucracy have played a vital part in its demise.
>the invasion of the Huns had devastated the empire, annihilated a good portion of it's standing army
Actually that's wrong. The Roman army had mostly been annihilated during the civil wars of the 410s and 420s. The usurper Constantine III took the British and Gallic legions and smashed them against the armies of Gerontius, the emperor Honorius and other pretenders in Gaul and Spain. Then the virtually open infighting between Aetius, Felix, Bonifacius etc. that lasted a decade detsroyed much of what remained. Aetius himself had to rely on Hunnic mercenaries to make up the massive losses. When Africa was taken in the 430s, the loss of the West's only major source of revenue, meant that recruiting fresh troops was nearly impossibe without giving away land to foederati.
The rest of your post is accurate though. People seem to be under the impression that the Germanics destroyed the Romans in pitched battles to take the Empire. Adrianople was a one off exception decades before which did not lead to any positives for the Ostrogoths, it meant they killed the emperor they wished to negotiate with for a place in the imperial hierarchy where they could get food supplies and payment. It didn't even impact the Western Empire, the forces destroyed were Eastern troops.
define "fall of Rome"
Its how funny how some people here would say "Germanic =/= Germans" and yet not a single one of the ancient Germanic tribes were "German"and then these same retards would put the blame of the destruction of Rome on Germany
Veeky Forums in a nutshell
>the Germans weren't German
really makes you think...
Western European history since the fall of Rome can be summed up as Germanic tribes becoming something else and achieving relevency.
I wonder how many people got interested in history due to Rome Total War.
So the Visigoths,were "German" or were they "Germanic"? Because they as much "German" as the Franks, Ostrogoths, Lombards, and Vandals.
>Germanic tribes
ok kid
>How did Germans contribute to the fall of Rome
>Fall of Rome
The Lombards and Franks were German, Goths and Vandals weren't.
Welcome to the mindset of the "internal kraut" believing nutjobs.
And currently a government that brings foreigners to outbreed them.
Franks become French and are the dominant european power until like 1870.
Anglo-Saxons become British and eventually consolidate the largest empire the world had ever seen.
The Dutch become the sea faring super merchants as soon as they shed the yoke of the HRE.
Lombards were italicized by the time they became the driving force of the renaissance.
Also the swiss i guess.
Anyway, the path the relevency is to stop being german.
OP in that comic got what he deserved for starting with such b8
By mating with native Italians
They never brought any wine to the parties.
Caesar tried to show em, but they didn't listen.
Mead is just not the same.
TFW no wine.
>sperg out in 376 and destroy Europe
>sperg out in 1914 and destroy Europe
>sperg out in 1939 and destroy Europe
>still sperging out and currently destroying Europe again