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are there any slutmogs that aren't outdated and pixely

>Anti-tomorrow fags

Reminder to post good.

Reminder that every single global atrocity in WoW can be traced back to Horde races

>muh arthas
Ner'zhul, bitches!

>yuropoors literally SEETHING because basd NA gets allied races tomorrow and they have to wait another day

Can I get a quick mog rate bros?

*walks into the thread and fucks ur wife*

So what are the odds we get starting quest lines tomorrow but not the races?

>not kiljaeden
which faction has the space goats???


I'm glad the heritage armor is BOA. Looks like I'm going to be leveling and then boosting it afterall.

>civilian miners
Not without a Horde PVP flag they aren't :^)

I WISH Horde was the evil faction and not trying to tread this whole moral grey area. I want the Belves to be mana addicts. I want the Orcs to be ramparing barbarians looking to conquer. I want the Forsaken to be scorned mutants who perform experiments and use chemical warfare. I want the Goblins to be ruthless businessmen who will nuke soft targets during war. Trolls should be tribal cannibals. The only odd one out are the Tauren since they only joined to survive. I'd swap them with Worgen given the chance.

>thinking legion thinks good

which do i level boost rogue or paladin

Here's your - Illidan (H)

UwU as long as you don't pop me we'll be good

>Reminder Sylvanas has an autistic meltdown when her sister won't kill herself and join her ruling the Forsaken

Is there a video of someone using this damn werebear skin? I literally cant find a single full gameplay video of it.

I hope were able to do this Guts looking pose whenever we want.


user, your wish has already been granted.

but eredar aren't draenei or they'd be called that :^)

orcs have always been orcs :^)

Where is that from?

it's the brewmaster idle stance I think

those boots suck ass and stand out too much but the rest of that mog is good

*stares u down*

with each passing day we stray further from Christ

all of these things are already true

>Space Goats lead Legion to Draenor which allow them to take advantage of the simple retards of the planet
>Roidrage the retards and point them towards another planet

I wish those nice and simple vanilla plate pieces had HD versions


>gets called an annoying faggot


>its another orc wearing a tusks+laughing skull mog

wow, I haven't seen one of those in minutes..

>ner'zhul as lich king = orc
>kil'jaden the eredar is completely unrelated to the draenei though

The Belves are cured and are now perfectly normal, just outcasts. The Orcs just want a homeland after theirs was destroyed. The Forsaken just want to stay alive and maintain their lands originally theirs. The Goblins are just opportunists. The trolls pretty much don't do shit now and just chill with the Tauren.

Those are my children

Why are elves so tiny?

>green fel eyes forever
>perfectly normal

>orcs were retards! it's not their fault they became genocide conquerors, the demons took advantage! they wouldn't do that without demons!

WoD literally, LITERALLY blew this idea out of the water

At least a portion of the Draenei knew demon shit was wrong, orcs didn't realize they fucked up when they were in literal internment camps, then cried about injustice

Void elf heritage isn't even worth leveling one up...it's ugly as hell. Gonna level up a Lightforged Draenei for that set tho, it looks good. Maybe boost Velf hunter and level LF war or pally.

Europe also gets the allied races tommorow

>belves are so shit that they get omitted from almost every single trailer

>tfw watching people with way lower ilvl and far less ideal legendaries fucking thrash it
I can't stop panicking. None of my keybinds feel right and I can't output enough damage, but it all looks so simple in practice

some kind of bfa interactions. its view-able in the model viewer but its not clear what for.

>The Orcs just want a homeland after theirs was destroyed

who do you think destroyed it

>open image
>immediately close

Probably not cause the creator just released that mod a day or two ago, iirc.
I don't use it cause I don't want to get banned.

They were tricked.

Garrosh took advantage as well

Its essentially cosmetic

It's the soylent shrinkage.

You're kidding about the LFD set right? It looks like Minecraft armor and the only good part is the shoulders. The other 3 sets are damn good but I'm skipping nightbornes because it's boring

>Blizzard specifically places a female, nameless Highmountain NPC's corpse in Ashenvale on the 7.3.5. PTR, in a spot it can be easily found
>It's still there in the live client, but the corpse is suddenly male and named Highmountain Emissary Thalian Shlavahawk
>This is grasping at straws, but stuff like the new Diary toy isn't

Yeah, I'm sure blizzard just put the only Allied Race corpse in the old world, then changed it multiple times, and even gave it a unique name and title just for laffs LOL!

Until Gul'dan took over and it became clear what they'd done, they just didnt care at that point

>tfw never ever

Sylvanas looks like shit now. And not in a good way.

>a genociding, non-tainted orc led other non-tainted orcs to become genociders too

hm, doesn't really invalidate my point that orcs don't need demons to take part in genocide

Is he going to a farm where he can run and play in bfa

And currently it has no association with anything. When Allied Races are a thing, they'll likely add an Alliance equivalent, as the secrets Discord was apparently looking around for one.

grasping at what straws what are people saying it's not

Name a set more blatantly designed for tabards than the dark iron heritage armor.

High. I was the biggest proponet for Allied Races launching well before BfA, but even I think the 30th is wishful thinking.

I reckon preorders will go up tomorrow, then allied races will come out in like February. It's concerning that they were never on the PTR. They don't HAVE to be on the PTR to get released, but it's just no in Blizzard's nature to do stealth shit like that.

Are you stupid? There's even a Highmountain guy chilling in Orgrimmar, everyone knows they're around

these poses are so tasty


>ywn have qt tank bf to push high keys with

Not as tasty as you.


them constantly changing the racials shows that they are testing them internally though. releasing preorders without allied races coming with them would be bad optics for blizz and they'd lose a lot of people to xiv

I wonder what a Mag'har tabard would look like

>the "annoyed" clicky reactions were removed

>you'll never rp as a bara kul tiran, making half breed babies with all the imprisoned zandalari females

oh my..

>And currently it has no association with anything.
"I am going to test my skill in Ashenvale. For the Horde!" ~First Arcanist Thalyssra, data-mined quest dialog from 7.3.5

>they'll likely add an Alliance equivalent
Are you really that fucking desperate to absolve your fuccboi faction of any possible culpability? LMAO

ez predict


Reminder that using bfa.wowhead.com instead of the regular url makes the site much faster.

>ignoring the fact that the allied races also need a somewhat lengthy quest chain for each race
>expecting 4 major quest chains to be implemented in a 1-hour maintenance

Multiple spots. Sitting by the ponds in the Valley of Spirits. Two are flirting with a normal Tauren babe. A group of them having a conversation near the AH. etc.

They're already out retard they just have to flip the switch

that is also in the fucking game already you dumb fuck.

>lengthy quest chain
try to check the scenarios before shitposting friend.

Nice I'm going to check this out.

>tfw too intelligent to DPS

Theyve been in the game for weeks ya fucking tard, they put everything in the game months ahead of its actual debut

Anyone plan on letting the hype down before you even attempt to level an allied race? I just hate rushing shit and I know having tons of people doing the same thing is going to kill it for me.

The quests are already in the fucking files, retard. God damn.

are you male or female (male)?



>Zandalari aren't taller than Darkspear
What the fuck mon

This is your Outlaw Rogue for tonight.

if that coat isn't a leather robe I will kill myself

they also can only be 4 classes (War, Hunter, Shaman, Druid)

I'm more mad that they don't have those magnificent hairstyles.

>Horde drains the planet of life for profit/power
>Alliance strikes at them for it
>Horde will spend expansion pretending they didn't know that tearing seeping chunks from a wound in the earth from a Dark Titan's sword could possibly be killing the planet despite Magni telling them so



Pally too

trap desu