Wealth Spiral edition
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Wealth Spiral edition
Previous Thread Where to get mods:
Mod List pastebin.com
>still no RJW update
Come on, I want to start a new game
fun seeing my picture being used. i almost feel honored
I'd love it if Medieval Times came in modules like Vegetable Garden, at least I could turn off most of the retarded additions.
I made a custom difficulty setting just to try playing around with the xml files. The colonist mood offsets and crop/sell price modifiers are easy values, but the threat scale values are all extreme values so in theory it should play like some challenge difficulty except with extreme level big threat events.
Me too.
Thrumbos are for dumbos
Boars are for whores
What do you want updated anyway? Also, most time mods do not break if updated midgame.
rwj tends to break because most of the time you need to delete all the old files before adding the new patch.
There are some bugs here and there in RWJ, so I agree with user and want to have a update, I WANT MY UPDATE NOW REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I was thinking about trying to play Rimworld with an Xbox One controller. Has anyone attempted something similar to this with Rinworld?
>Rescuing your pawn from a raider prison camp
Is there any better feeling?
>rwj tends to break because most of the time you need to delete all the old files before adding the new patch.
Fail to see logic here, just delete old files and place new one in the same folder, without starting game inbetween.
Anyone with the Psychology mod get a cross species relationship yet?
alright bud, some major updates require you to start new games due to changes in map components, items and/or mechanics, not all mod updates are seamless when it comes to saves because if you try to open a game that's expecting "X" item, map component or mechanic to exist and it doesn't, it fucking crashes, stop arguing for the sake of arguing.
Just because you fail to the see the logic doesn't mean it ain't true. RWJ, just like other mods that get drastic changes in updates and modify many core aspects of the game (like pawn behavior) tend to need new saves after major updates
store says nothing about controller compatibility, why would anyone want this anyway?
I meant source on the pic, i dont give a fuck about controllers. Only fags use controllers on PC.
>and modify many core aspects of the game (like pawn behavior) tend to need new saves
It sounds like you have no knowledge whatsoever on the matter you speak about.
Pawn behavior for example is quite changeable.
>after major updates
what makes you believe someone is working on that?
Dude... that's memepic
Well, there are programs that allow you to map the gaypad buttons to mouse and keyboard actions.
*eats your drugs*
*eat him*
*turns you and your friends into a hat*
*rapes you*
I did, one of my people started a relationship with a camel woman trader.
I know its a memepic but i want to know who the chick is.
these two are going to fight. place your bets
I'm placing my bets of Pinhead Roni.
and its on!
Neme has gone berserk and drew first blood!
and the first victory goes to Roni
You're missing dragongirls. And tame mechanoids.
gotta heal these gals up, watch a commercial or something meanwhile
How about showing us their stats so we might develop a modicum of interest.
Arena mod when?
>have prisoner fight each other/animals the death for joy
sure, they are nothing special.
basic bitches
time for round 2, ive given Neme a painkiller rib to replace one she lost. maybe this will give her the boost she needs
oh shit its on!
these bitches are vicious
well then, even with Neme's shiny new rib. Roni still won
Neme soiled herself while she was down, i guess Roni will meet a new opponent next time.
What mod are you using to make them fight? Could be all you need to make a gladiator arena
Gas traps.
like the user said already, gas traps. slightly modified for comfort.
ive been wanting to make a big arena where they fight animals and such but i have no idea how to get the prisoners to gear up with helmets and weaponry
How's this for a single room space efficient hospital layout?
I've never gotten to monitors before but this base is going well (aside from my 100% lack of on site steel sources)
Anything I'm missing?
So how's the sex/rape mod? Any good memes?
will they not equip gear if you build a shelf in their cell and make your colonists load it with gear? that's how i get naked prisoners to dress but i dont use prison labor mod or anything special for them.
approved by Tynan himself
i have tried that, they will grab some clothing but no helmets and no weapons unless they got the breaking out event
So does all blood filtration do is raise immunity gain?
hi rwg!
i havent played since 2016 and all the mods i used to use are gone except "edb prepare carefully". looking at the mod list i was wondering which 2-3 mods or a pack you guys will always use now (nothing op)
RJW and monstergirls
thats all you need
Don't forget EPOE
Here's a rabbit getting fisted to death while the game tries to figure out what the fuck happened
hand me that brick and just ignore me passing are 100% essential quality of life mods IMO. As far as content mods that i would always run i'd probably pick fertile fields for the sheer power of terraforming done in a pretty balanced way as far as resources and effort to complete it goes. Taming the land turning solid stone into farmable land is just plain satisfying.
eh it has everything you need but it's still cramped as fuck, if it were me i would make the room 5x3 instead of 4x2 and rotate the bed so there was a walkable path down the middle. that's just aesthetics though.
I did publish several mods for A16 so, whatever you say buddy, and while yes, quite changeable, not so clean if you don't make new saves
Believe what you will user, if that's what allows you to sleep comfortably at night
>if that's what allows you to sleep comfortably at night
Oh, user, it doesn't allow me that. With all that up-to-date mod goodness that I can slap onto my game non-stop, I'm very occupied at nights.
I just witnessed one of my colonist hunting a bear with molotovs
How'd that turn out?
>you see ivan, when hunt with moltova there no need for cook meat because meat is already cook
I just witnessed my colonists' bonded warg getting shot to death by our own turrets because he wanted to hunt a turtle.
I'm using the Realistic Rooms mod because honestly the size colonists "require" in vanilla is retarded. They're asking for tiny apartments, but rooms. Which I suppose is fair, but this is a colony, on a Rimworld™, not a city.
I'll whip something up.
>tfw you're spending so much time looking for mods to add to your game for the fun of it that you forget you're meant to be actually playing the game
About what you would expect from someone juggling with flammables
She's at the hospital for burns
The bear got burned to crisp
I spent a whole evening/day on modding before I even started playing. Now I'm playing and I can't stop please fucking send help. It was 2am and I thought, "oh fuck, 2am, I'll go to bed shortly." Then it was 5:30am before I realized it.
>doom armor/weapon mod
How OP is it?
>Toxic Fallout doesn't kill crops or corrupt corpses from butchering
This unironically.
>Gonna stop playing at 9:00 PM
>9:00 PM rolls around
>Crops are about to come in
>"Eh. Let's get the crops harvested, and hauled in first."
>Get it done
>"Who would pass up a bit of excitement before bed?"
>Lose a pawn in the battle
>Spend a while making his own private tomb
>It's filled with great items, and amazing furniture
>It's 1:00 AM
Roni was defeated by a raging nigger
what will be her fate?
should we drug her and give her another chance?
When you're shot by a revolver, you're probably in so much pain that you don't give a fuck what else was shot nearby.
>Cut plants is lower priority than Harvesting crops
>designate crops for harvesting to "prioritize" them and suddenly colonists ignore harvesting to Sow Crops instead.
tynan is a hack
>an offering is being gathered
>offerer is not performing the task at hand. aborting congregation
wat do?
Can I sell prisoners to outlander settlements? I have one right next to my colony and several prisoners I need to get rid of. I only want to harvest a couple at most.
Yeah but everyone will get mad and hate whoever sold them
is it better to just harvest them all then? jeez
fucking moralfag pawns ruining my game
Morality system mod when?
Fucking google that.
Can you do anything with skeletons?
>rescue pawns who wandered into my area during toxic fallout and wolf attack
>reject request to join my colony
>she wanders outside back into the fallout after I helped her survive
oh wtf
>capture her so she stays inside and heals
I'll let them die next time.
>11 damage
>7 shot burst
>36 range
Lmao what the fuck.
Oh, great! I could sell a couple of apes. Those make terrible comfort prisoners due to their strong bites.
Seriously, fucking gorillas with their oneshot bite attacks and hundreds of hitpoints are terminator tier shit.
But look at the accuracy
already mods that remove or change the impact of selling, harvesting, and killing prisoners. also dead mans clothing
Didnt get any meaningful results. Only other people asking the same question without getting an answer...
Steam discussion page - they take shit only from altar coverage area (the one where flock sits)
Are those fertilized?
Fucking image. Can I get baby spooders with these?
>Tamed attack-raptor takes a dozen AK rounds to the face/brain/skull during a raid, but manages to limp back to his bed with severe bleeding
>Patch him up, decide to give him bionic legs
>12 medicine doctor makes a fatal error while installing one leg, killing the raptor instantly.
Well, guess, what? They do.
Holy shit. three fucking thousand egg sacs.
The giant spiders I had laid two egg sacs, and 3 popped out of each one when they hatched.
Burn it, and then abandon the colony site.