You all disappoint me because you let lulufag win with a fucking diaper edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
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Post good champs
xth for my wife Syndra
Dragon version!
any of you hardcore sion mains know if minion kills from banner of command contribute to his permanent hp passive?
I only ask because if your banner minion kills a champ it does not contribute to eyeball collection, the hunter runes, etc so i'm worried it would have a similar interaction with sion and his passive
>tfw I know Full AP Ekko is the only really viable build
>can't help but build Bruiser Ekko with Grasp of the Undying and Rod of Ages
i need to stop
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
Post champions you like no matter what! I love Ivern's aesthetics and his overall playstyle. His voice lines are top notch, too. Be sure to have a wonderful day as well, and don't worry about any hardships, user. Things will always turn out okay in the end!
user, icyboy ekko isn't coming back...
The Noxian maintain that the Demacian people has lost faith in victory. Do you believe with the King and us in the final victory of the Demacian armed forces?
The Noxian maintain that the Demacian people is resisting the kingdom's measures for total war, that they don't want total war, but only capitulation!
Before us lies Demacia! In us marches Demacia! And behind us Demacia follows!
The Noxian maintain that the Demacian people have lost faith in their King, I ask you: Do you trust in your King?
The Noxian say that the Demacian people are tired of struggle. It is not for ideas that we live! Not for theories! Not for fantastic party programs! No! We live and fight for the Demacian Folk! For the preservation of it's existence!
You must never slacken! Never Tire! Never lose courage! Never despair!
This generation, it is the bearer of Demacia's destiny; of Demacia's future or Demacia's fall.
And our enemies, they already cry out today: Demacia shall fall! Yet Demacia can give but one answer:
Our Demacian people, HAIL VICTORY!
I don't want Tank Ekko I just want slightly beefy Ekko.
Practice mode literally exist for this kind of shit.
>tfw Riot wants to kill my brOTP
Imagine you wake up one morning and you actually do look like Sona. What would you do?
Aurelion Sol,the champion that made me look like im feeding on purpose..
Riot's worst design yet only seconds to mordekaiser
Get losers on the internet to give me money in exchange for striptease shit.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Demacian children.
Noxus will crumble under the might of Demacian purity and unity.
Hello, fellow VLadfag! How did you come to be a vladfag? :3c
Kled is so cute and adorable and fluffy and my husband!
Aurelion is a slut
>purity and unity
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
Go die in a fire.
I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!
This is good but Ionia is better, only after the Sovereign will rule obviously.
pretty sure it does
illaoi buffs when
How much semen she can drain before needing a break?
Which champ should I buy next? Azir, Ekko or Zoe? I'm a Lux main
Shower and get ready for the day. Choose my clothes then probably take some pictures. Don't really know what from there. Would depend on the day I guess.
nice pussy
>lux main
I know I am you fucking cockbite
I will respect my support with hot dickings!
I will protect her with lewd hugs!
>Kled will never powerbottom you
Zoe is the most similar to Lux, Azir is the hardest to learn.
*sigh* ok
Playing against Warwick is really spooky
when is loot going back online on PBE
what now?
who do you main?
Am I doing it right?
I'm a boy you dumb baka.
Thank you
Seiously kys I almost never win with a lux main on my team make sure to spam your mastery 7 taunt every time you die
>my winrate with illaoi dipped to 60% this last patch
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST FEET!
when will ranked start allowing a climb based off personal performance
its horse shit that im expected to take losses from this shit because my mid and top laner refuse to stop feeding because the adc left the match
nice shaved pussy
I have a 76% winrate with my Luxanna.
You're probably just falling for negativity bias.
She even has a 60% win rate on probuilds, meaning she's extremely good when played right.
what are you talking bout user
Is saying kys in chat an automatic ban or just chat restriction?
send help
if your personal performance was good you wouldn't take so many losses
14 day ban.
your an autistic tranny who's too afraid to post in the discord just fuck off please nobody but your orbiters like you
gg this team
feels good
vladfag pls
Ironically the E's sleep mechanic isn't the problem with it.
Its everything else thats on that ability thats the problem.
Immediately become the biggest League titty streamer. A fantasy of mine, that I'll never have, unfortunately.
It's from Boku Girl, not a doujin.
Good night /lolg/
idk what that is, i just want to see more of it
Yeah Lux is my fave champ
He's lovely though isn't he.
>tfw no qt petite gf
It's a manga about a guy that turns into a girl and all the shenanigans that go along with it.
>full build vanye decides to chase tristana in the jungle instead of pushing to win
>tfw lulu q nerfs will never be reverted
Same thing you deserve respect too unless you are playing blitz or thresh !!
N-no that is no respect!!!
>tfw you realise that if you replace the girl with a guitar you get a Carach Angren stage photo
I want to BE LeBlanc!!!! because having the power to manipulate and deceive even the most powerful empires could get me a long way in the modern world and also getting dick on the regular wouldn't be so bad either
Vladfag, what's your opinion of haircut like this? I'm tired of my long ass hair.
I play Taric rn.
In more ways than one
Dragonslayer shyvana skin when
keep the floof user
i cry everytime
Are you ready for Anthony "Dick my wife and steal my WiiU" Burch to change Annie's lore into something stupidly generic and edgy like "She killed her own family when she first summoned Tibbers, now she's been turned into a weapon for Noxus blah blah blah" or something gay like that?
opinion discarded
>thinking about reinstalling to dick around with mates
>see the entirety that is nuNoxus
what the FUCK
Is this games target demographic 12 year olds with no disposable income besides mommy's credit card?
whats noteworthy here
you got carried in high bronze and you have a lame ign
>wanted nothing more than a horserider knight champion
>get a faggot yordle on a lizard instead
im still salty about this
Nah, fuck it. It's going away.
Jhin probably killed her parents.
>11:33 CST
>STILL no road map
>STILL no annie lore
>>STILL no further PBE changes
W:35 L:41
Back to bronze were you belong
ur gay lol
Good job!
time your ultimate well!!
remember to keep CLIMBing lolg!
stay mad bronzord