Question to Atheists. What evidence would be enough for you to believe in God and if there is none than how atheisn isn't some kind of blind faith?
Question to Atheists...
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>not believing in something == faith
Stop with this meme
Yes. Faith is believing in something that happened but have no actual proofs, like holocaust.
surely, knowing God exists isn't enough. Knowing God exists doesn't entail faith does it?
Atheism isn't blind faith if you think of it as a default position in terms of a view of the world in terms of evidence, using minimal assumptions.
I also think that atheists can't also be seen to have faith in a practical sense because in faith, when you believe in God, it gives you a specific expectation of the future of the world; like heaven, God's love etc. There's an epistemic cost if that is wrong, in terms of your investment in that expectation. I believe Atheists don't have the same investment in those kinds of expectations of the future.
What evidence would be enough for you to believe in unicorns and if there is none than how aunicornism isn't some kind of blind faith?
God needs to speak to me first
Archaeological one, for example and bible is proven by many such findings.
Not believing in something that has no evidence behind it isn't blind faith.
Actually there's a wealth of archaeological evidence showing Bible incorrect on multiple points.
>implying the universe was created on Tuesday October 25th, 6625 BC
He would need to come down from heavens to talk with me and make some miracles that are confirmed by others too to make sure that it's not just me being crazy
He would have to make me hereditary king of both the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with absolute power in my realm but the current parliaments kept to help me rule both nations. Only then i would believe in him.
Some aspect of existence that is so miraculous or symbolic that it can only be explained by a creator.
e.g. human life, the motion of heavenly bodies and the place of earth in the cosmos
However upon examining the evidence those things are the way they are due to natural processes. We evolved from simpler lifeforms over millions of years, we weren't created out of clay. We aren't given home in the center of the universe with the sun and moon made to light the day and night and the stars made to guide us, we're just accidentally on a tiny rock hurtling through an average sun in an average galaxy.
So in other words the evidence isn't there. We looked.
>*through space around an average sun
Isn't God supernatural by definition? If we found evidence for his existence, he would cease being supernatural and start being natural. At that point, he would be some sort of advanced alien.
What about the times in the Bible when god did just that?
It was cool to do 2000 years ago and before that with the jews but now God is too good for us and wants to play hard to get?
Something verifiable and repeatable.
Alternatively, he can come down and talk to me.
It's pretty straightforward.
Don't think I can.
There can probably only be evidence that might convince me that the world I perceive works in such a way that it behaves as if god existed.
Even if I weren't hallucinating, it wouldn't be hard for a being approaching god in power to fabricate such evidence or delude humans into thinking the evidence existed through any number of means.
The existence of God would still have to be taken on faith.
>What evidence would be enough for you to believe in God
He could show up for start.
If one of the miracles in the bible actually happened before me and God appears and says "What do you think of that, bitch?"
It would just be the preponderance of evidence. As is, 100% of the evidence supports judeo-christian beliefs as being a typical national religion with no more credence than any of the dozens of others it was contemporary with.
>ITT: atheists pretend there is no evidence when infact there is a mountain of overwhelming evidence
Denial and cognitive dissonance.
Such as?
all i see from the atheist responses is that they are uneducated and clueless.
ignorance is not an excuse for not believing in god
'God' is a pretty poorly defined term. It's vague enough that it can be applied to anything we don't properly understand. If we run into a sufficiently advanced alien race, capable of bending the fabric of reality to their will, would you call them God?
It's like asking what evidence would be enough for you to believe in magic.
This isn't about proof or lack of proof. Given the plethora of religions on the planet, it is impossible to simply pick one and trust that it is entirely correct with regards to morality. I believe that man must discover for himself the ethics that are self evident, because the vast majority of religions are no longer relevant or correspond to the mores of society, let alone universal truths.
Like if Baal suddenly came crawling out of the woodwork, would you immediately jump to sacrifice children just because he was the true deity? Hell no. You'd stick to your hard won values.
How about one grand unambiguous gesture? Something like a clear and compelling voice in the ears of every man, woman and child. Believers and non-believers alike.
wow 6 ((you))'s and 21 comments. very sollipsistic thread.
Several scientific investigations independently verifying a blatant and dramatic violation of known physical law by and conscious entity stating its intentions before performing its miracle
If it was just a one off thing it wouldnt be enough for me, although it would certainly make me less sceptical
Such as what?
>Muh irreducible complexity
>Muh "walnuts look like brains" pic
>Muh bible has no errors or contradictions (that can't be handwaved)
>Muh guy with OCD unknowingly scratched himself obsessively until it bled exactly where Jesus' wounds were
>Muh shroud of turin or similar ""archaeological"" artifact of dubious origin
God isn't necessary to explain any of these things, so why should the explanation with a god be preferred?
An answer to:
>Why is shit fucked if there's a good person out there who can do literally anything with a single thought?
>Why are there so many religions with beliefs so different and yet all of them claim to be the only right one?
>Why didn't this deity clearly appear down here and actually say "I exist" instead of sending prophets that selfish people can easily pose as?
>Why did he/she/it/they write ? How much of it came from them and how much got changed? What do the ambiguous parts mean?
>Why do they have priests and saints instead of having everyone be holy?
Also a display of holy power that cannot be imitated with trickery and only a god could perform and couldn't be possibly explained any other way.
All of those questions have been answered.
Your post can be summarized as this: "I've never looked at theology"
Of course they have been answered. What I mean is an answer by the deity itself, not by a person who happens to be an expert on traces left by it.
You cant just say theres a mountain of evidence and then not explain what any of it is
Doesn't make your position look very strong
thats exactly what atheists do though.
>evolution is a scientific fact!
>..but we wont post the evidence, just trust me
There is a certain threshold for evidence beyond which, from a third person perspective, I'd take anything one would say from my position with a really big cart of salt.
For instance, I would probably find some form of divine intervention/revelation personally convincing, but from a third person perspective I would find such testimony really suspect.
What mountain exactly?
I'm curious.
Give or take a week or two
god needs to stop relying on a book writen more then 2000 thousand years ago that has been changed and deluded a thousand fold
I used to be a theist, but then I realized that much of what Christians call scripture is about as canon as the hadiths.
Hmm. An alien civilization full of Christians?
Whatever made /you/ believe in god would be a good start. What was it?
What kind of Christians?
Dont shift the goalposts. You made a claim, back it up
If he directly contacts me.
Any kind?
So that would prove the other Christians were wrong, yes?
I followed where the evidence leads me.
Learning about the Illuminati that runs the world is a good start.
It would prove they were approximately true
This is a Christianity where the only belief is that you should believe in Jesus to get into heaven? It doesn't matter if you believe that god is trinitarian, or monotheistic, or dualistic, or if you believe that Jesus was just a man?
What do you think Illuminati means?
Me gaining a girlfriend would suffice.
Bible actually being written by god and not human prophets or apostles who say "they speak for god" is good enough for me.