Everyone is going to Jail edition
Old thread here
Everyone is going to Jail edition
Old thread here
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xth for my wife Syndra
xth for C U T E
Im also bored of this shit game. Its either play bot or get autofills that feed.
>ywn shampoo, conditioner, and brush Syndra's hair
I want to make Annie a mommy!
Alright off to jail with you.
If an Annie that looked like she does in fan art suddenly appeared in your room propositioning you for sexual intercourse, would you oblige or say "haha no you are a child silly" and escort her to the police station?
hnng, or hear her scent while she dresses up after the bath.
I know right, I'm playing Monster Hunter at the moment, gonna wait a bit until I dive back into rankeds.
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
Sona skin when??
first i'd write my will for when the police inevitably hunt me down and i have to kill myself
I was rying to damage control 5 games i lost because bot was inting. Now that i did it and got back to 60% wr i think im gonna play more darkwood
why are Xayah voicelines so cringy...
Who do you think is most broken right now, and why?
For me it's Shyv.
Jungle is my least played role, but with the current meta, Shyv is unfuckwithable. WW as backup.
>hear her scent
>implying you aren't the one putting her clothes on her like the goddess she is deserves
Something's fucked up when the first five fucking posts of the thread is already autofiltered...
In SoloQ: Maokai
Proplay: Ryze
by the power of riot points, I bring forth jarvanposter
how many days since last jarvan skin?
Is this supposed to be news or something?
Xayah does lay eggs after all.
Its called shitty filters
Post webm's!!
Haven't posted in a while have some fresh OC /lolg/.
*ten, not five. For fucks sake it's even worse.
Honestly there's like 4 or 5 posts there where I have no idea what you filtered to get rid of them nor why you would do so.
I'm too casual to play Ryze well.
Same with Zoe.
Is top Rengar a thing?
Because her and Rakan are literally Normies: The Champions.
Rakan even has a voice line that quotes the "le I stop being sad and be awesome instead" dude from How I Met Your Mother. It's cringy as hell.
Reminder to respect you support and protect her!!
y-yeah sorry was distracted so wasn't really paying attention to what I was typing. teehee~
I guess that's true, she'd make me help her dress up, or just make me do it all.
Haven't posted in a while have some fresh OC /lolg/.
Forgot to post file in my last post.
I'm sure they're all justified. Which ones shouldn't be?
I'm a guy and I'm here to protect you. Now put on your dress.
There are only 2 types of people who play Ryze.
1. People who are new who don't have many champions unlocked, so they are forced to play trash like Ryze, Nunu and Sivir
2. People who watch vids of Faker playing Ryze and go "Hey I can do that too" but just end up feeding
I don't have anything funny, just small ADC plays I've made
OK now that i look at it again...
Maybe 2 and 10
Yes, he's very strong as a top in the current meta.
That having been said, Cam and Aatrox are better.
I play Nasus because I'm brain dead. GP is good if you're brain dead as well.
Xaya is a tumblerina, not a normie. The fuck are you smoking?
None of these are really offensive enough to filter and I actually have no idea on some of them what you're filtering to have gotten rid of them.
Post nostalgia:
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
I know that one...
>xth for
Yeah, useless shitpost incoming.
Replying to shitposting.
by thoughts of Syndra?
Of course you'd do it all, she'd float there while you got everything properly on her. As you know, her outfit isn't simple. And she's not helping with anything
Haha except that Annie scenario one, misclicked :^)
Agreed. I tried to play Ryze in unranked for a bit and was like, hmmmm, I'm trash. Never once took him into ranked.
I think he filters Syndra and Annie and their replies.
Either way he's autistic.
Thank you for approving of my Annie post sir, I tried very hard to make it!!
A classic
Guy who I was trying to help with not being bad last thread, not sure if you moved here but I replied
Gonna post my lethality wukong adventures
Not that user but here's no point in filtering a post if you're not gonna filter the replies to it you know.
I bet Xayah became edgy when her mom accidentally cooked the eggs that she had laid.
yeah her outfit isn't simple, lots of belts etc. But let's say I "learned" how it works.
shh c:
I think you unironicaly need to move to reddit. I dont think what you expected when you came to the containment board of waifu posting. Anything that can be said about a game has already been said and people discuss lewd shit because they dont get sex IRL i guess.
We could spend 6 hours discussing that petty azir nerf on the pbe but thats even more shallow and boring
I wanted to write that, but it thought my post was spam.
zac buffs when
how do you beat illaoi in lane
I want to murder hikers and trespassers with Kled! And also have gay sex on top of their bodies!
>somebody's obnoxiously making noise outside your room
>you close the windows because you don't want to be bothered by the obnoxious noise
>hurr durr u so autistic lmao
I doubt you can put it on without getting very close to many different parts of her body though
LITERALLY just walk away when she ults you dumbo
You don't, you win the match.
By keeping her in lane. Stay under tower if needed.
Her power comes in teamfights. So you need to split push and isolate her. If you all fight her head on shes gonna get a penta
If I play any champion as a support and do well in that role, will I have higher odds of getting an S?
Like if I play something random like Taliyah support and get 20 assists, would I have more statistical odds of getting an S with her than if I played her mid?
Keep in mind, I would only try this out in blind casual. There are some champions that I am convinced are straight up impossible to get S with, no matter how well you do.
>get 15/0/6 with Taliyah
>hardcore carry, everyone honors me
>only a B+ because I actually was helping my team win instead of spending the whole game killing minions
Fuck that shit, I want my mastery 7. I deserve it.
Kill her
Do you wear girly clothes, faggot?
Post the ntr one.
>Veeky Forums is my room
lmfao nigga are you for real
I don't mind waifu posting, I mind zero effort copy-pasted shitpost spamming. You wanna talk about your waifu, at least make the fucking effort to write something brand new.
Tell me about Urgot, why does he wear that mask?
i mean its pretty anecdotal, but i've stomped her a bunch of times with klepto mf top
He didn't crabwalk so well.
Use things that she doesn't like extended trades with.
>pierced nipples
FUCK I am going to cuck the shit out of Rakan
Playing off roles tends to give better results since there's less s ranks to compare it to. AP gragas jungle is far easier to get than tank gragas
For supports if you go an uncommon support burst mage like taliyah it seems to think you're a mid laner and give bad scores since your cs. Inflation with zombie ward might be a cause of problems for supports as well, it adds so much to your vision score towards it
>You wanna talk about your waifu, at least make the fucking effort to write something brand new.
You people bitch when that happens as well.
YOOOOO people from NA are you guys serious????
how are you this autistic and gay? how is a normal person suppose to find this find fun playing with you???
Rakan is a woman magnet probably because some magic I mean look at his ult no way to cuck him buddy he is who going to cuck you
Perhaps he is wondering why someone would stand on a man's ward, before ganking his lane.
Of course I can't, but that's exactly why she is making me do it. She does really enjoy teasing me like that after all.
user that's not nice and uncalled for.
yup, that's exactly why I'm trying to stay away from these early season games.
that looks pretty good, will check it out.
Yeah, I think we're done here.
I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!
Cait developed a horrible pithecophobia that day
I dont top.
I ADC or jungle.
If I take support runes, will it think I'm support then? Like if I take resolve or inspiration?
As you can see no one except syndor posted a plain "xth fur mi wifu xD" and a couple conversations started. Stopped getting so fucking triggered over everything. You could even be filtering this post for some reason because your filters seem to have gone ape.
>analogy falls apart because the elements used in it are not comparable
>y-y-you missed the point
Play someone that you can always get away from her safely so she has no chance of killing you. So when she tries to join her team you push the fuck out of her lane. Unfortunately your team will probably be retarded and think 4v5 means they auto win and then stand inside illaoi ult without moving, then all die, then ? ping you a lot. Or you could just pick a champ that shits on her in lane or at least can poke her down a lot so your jungler can come and kill her with you.
>You people
I'm sure you know that's the text book start to a certain fallacy. Or maybe you're legit retard and actually thinks that's an actual argument. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
My reaction times are pitiful, but it's more like when I trade and come out ahead/undamaged I don't know how I did it right or how to do it right again. (Except for assuming the shield caught what I would've taken.)
Yes, but I've taken enough of your time already and I can't play right now. But I can probably make a WEBM of a recent game. Probably as Kayle who I tried mid and feel bad about.
I was hoping for advice more like another player who started Soraka OTP and successfully branched out after having the problem I've been having of feeling like everything's stacked a little against you and like it doesn't matter what you do, nothing works reliably or consistently, and could advise on which champions are easiest to transition from Soraka to to cover the other roles. I've unlocked so many I feel like there ought to be at least a set of five I can rely on and WANT to play with. Even with Soraka, it's only rewarding when during a teamfight I drop about 1.5 heals per second and get the other team to shout obscenities in chat. The rest of the time I'm just mostly hoping not to get jumped and blamed for feeding the enemy jungler.
I miss the simpler times now every video on youtube is CRAZY NEW BUILD INSANE DAMAGE and it's all cringe worthy
>rengar rework reverted
so is there a chance of the godawful leblanc rework getting reverted as well?
Kayle. Thanks to your W you'll never be hit by her soul grab, and if you are you just slap her shit with Righteous Fury and the tentacles won't spawn. Negate nearly all the damage from her ult with yours, which will have a shorter CD. Plus you're ranged so you can just kill any tentacles safely from range.