What happened to them? Where did the Roman bloodline go? Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans, did the genes just die out from years of racial mixing from all sorts of historical events like the mass rapes in the Middle Ages from Muslims conquesters or is the gene still alive today? Thanks in return
Roman Genes
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Yes, the same thing happened to Greece. Sad!
modern Turks are pretty much Islamized Anatolian Greeks.
painting made several hundred years after his death
or his contemporaries describing him as blonde
>200 years later
Do you expect the racial mixing to have been fulfilled by that time so hard that they think everybody in their history had been dark haired?
I don't think an entire continents gene were race mixed out of existence and its history erased in just 200 years.
Also, painting was from Pompeii, central Italy, untouched. They have always been dark haired. Never blond. Pre-roman times.
You wuz never a kang snowfuck
Do you even into genetics?
There is no such thing as being ethnically Roman. Rome itself was made up of the various people of the peninsula. The Italians, the latins, the sabines. Greeks, etc. etc.
Being Roman was more a cultural thing.
>They say that the most amiable and beautiful amongst the Greeks was Alcibiades; amongst the Romans, Scipio. It is reported also that Demetrius Poliorcetes contended in Beauty. They affirm likewise that Alexander Son of Philip was of a neglectful handsomness: For his Hair curled naturally, and was yellow; yet they say there was something stern in his countenance
>For he had the hair of a lion and one eye was blue; the right one was heavy lidded and black, and the left one was blue; and his teeth were sharp as fangs, and he looked upon a defensive attack the same as a lion would
>4 The outward appearance of Alexander is best represented by the statues of him which Lysippus made, and it was by this artist alone that Alexander himself thought it fit that he should be modelled. 2 For those peculiarities which many of his successors and friends afterwards tried to imitate, namely, the poise of the neck, which was bent slightly to the left, and the melting glance of his eyes, this artist has accurately observed. 3 Apelles, however, in painting him as wielder of the thunder-bolt, did not reproduce his complexion, but made it too dark and swarthy. Whereas he was of a fair colour, as they say, and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly, and in his face. 4 Moreover, that a very pleasant odour exhaled from his skin and that there was a fragrance about his mouth and all his flesh, so that his garments were filled with it, this we have read in the Memoirs of Aristoxenus
Sorry but we were kings.
The first Roman Emperor, Augustus was described as blonde too.
Proffesional Greek here with Roman genes as well , here to answer all your questions.
Dont be jelly
What the fuck are Roman Genes? Fucking illiterate /pol/ coming here again to throw around concepts its doesn't understand.
Among high class ancient Romans blue eyes were extremely rare, considering 30% of modern Italians have light eyes there is no way they didn't mix with their Germanic slaves and invaders.
Romans were race of blonde blue-eyed giants, who conquered world with help of odin, but jews in their empire tricked them into racemixing, few redpilled romans left for east prussia where their noble genes existed until 1945 when communist judeo-masons destroyed them
>Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans
> Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans
And do you have any source on that?
/pol/ and blog i found told me so
What bulshit is this? I am from Bulgaria and I can distinguish Greek from turkshit. Get your propaganda away!
>Alexander the Great was blond because some retard born 600 years after him said so
Meanwhile this portrait of him traces it's origin to the Macedonian royal court while he was still alive.
Roman genetics live on in greeks, spainiards and various balkanites.
Can someone explain what "Roman" genes are?
Because last I checked a Roman was a citizen of the city of Rome and any tribe conquered by Rome and given citizenship
Same thing that with most roman shit. They never existed to begin with.
>only Nordics can be blonde
>being this retarded
"Romans" were already a composite race. For example, the Etruscans and their cousins were non-Latin, but part of a unique now-extinct language group (and likely ethnic/haplogroup -- whose name and details are subject to debate). Southern Italy was swarming with Greek colonists. Northern Italy/Switzerland/Austria, in the mountainous regions, were basically Celtic.
They mixed rather freely with the locals of places they colonized, like Spain, Illyria, Gaul, the Levant, etc. etc.
>Proffesional Greek
How much do you take for some Russian partyboss to pound your boipussi?
>all sorts of historical events like the mass rapes in the Middle Ages from Muslims conquesters or is the gene still alive today?
Muslim only got to sicily
This bait is bigger than my penis
Or maybe its a fucking joke
Like my penis :^(
Isn't that man an Arab, or a a Semite of some type? I've seen that pic in a video about the history of Arabs.
The doom of the romans was the moment we started to follow christianism.
I was surprised when onne of my teachers in economics school told me that "by coincidence" the countries in deeper crisis were chatolic.
Years after I have come to realize he was right. Many christian techings are far and deeply communist.
>Help the poor
>We are all sons of god (equal)
>Being rich is something bad and without virtue
Maybe if the religion weren't so Socratic. But fuck man I hate to belong to a religion so deeply commie.
I have to either change it or covnert to one of the protestant churches. Anglican sounds good.
*tips fedora*
>Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans
Nope and fuck off with your "muhrace" nonsense.
I'm a living result that anybody can be born blond.
Semite here, of Assyrian origin, parents migrated to USA (I know, slime) and birthed me. I have blue eyes and light brown hair (Call me a jew I don't give af). Semites have a gene to birth blonds (jews, assyrians, syriacs, arameics, etc), so do I guess indo europeans
Protestantism birthed materialism, you are in a pretty bad posture to give lesson, the biggest proponents of "diversity" (aka ethnical replacement and feminism) are Sweden, Germany and the anglosphere, in short the strongholds of protestants.
>Assyrian origin, parents migrated to USA (I know, slime)
Aren't you a Christian, not a mudslim? Assyrians at this point Assyrians are partially defined by being Christian.
>I think Catholicism is a religion for libshits
>I'll convert to Protestantism
The Roman Church doesn't need traitors like you, anyways. Go wave "refugees welcome" banners with your protestant bishops.
augustus was not roman guys , if you want a pure-breed roman you shoud look at caser, and he does not look nordic....
also forgot pic
>Go wave "refugees welcome" banners with your protestant bishops.
Look who's talking
He's just got a thing for feet m8
Bucharest is brown.. yea, that is totally accurate.
>Cuckholics and Lutherboos arguing who sucks Muslim cock more
What a time to be alive
>Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans
fucking ignorant /pol/tards
All human groups are related anyway, so this racemixing is just remixing, really.
Weak jaw
Pfft is that why they are genetically closely related to uralic and central asian people?
>Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans
How? It's actually the opposite in that 'roman' genes would've spread from britain to northern africa, anatolia, and everywhere in between. Especially with the colonia and veteran settlement shit going on.
>Moreover, that a very pleasant odour exhaled from his skin and that there was a fragrance about his mouth and all his flesh, so that his garments were filled with it, this we have read in the Memoirs of Aristoxenus
>tfw you will never smell Alexander
I can only imagine how good he smelled.
*inhales deeply*
Rome was full of a variety of different ethnic groups. Emperors came in all colors.
severus was part berber
Fuckin' lel.
Rome was already a sinking ship when Christianity took hold
but they aren't
Nice dubs, professional Greek.
Its the Catholic church. They are the biggest cuckolds in the U.S.
the American Catholics are potentially the most conservative members of the Church, they voted Trump.
And yet they are in favor of illegal immigrants and other leftist ideals.
He has more body hair than you ever will.
On this 32 inch screen it's bigger than anyone's penis.
what part of "the majority of American Catholics voted for Trump even though the Pope hates him" do you not understand?
I think everyone is talking about the Mediterranean race when it comes to the Romans
Thank you for being the only one in this thread who isn't trying to explain how the Romans were REALLY their ancestors
they are not close to asian people kek
Especially mine :^(
The part were they continue to believe that the pope is infallible and they wonder why they dropped from a quarter of the population to 16%
Yep Rome just sporadically grew and rose out of fucking nothing for no reason, no genetic component at all. Patrician class was a myth, plebs were just the same, whole system was raciss, plebs becoming citizens near the fall, pure coincidence, everyone's the same genetics are meaningless.
People like you will bring the fall of civilization and bring more damage to the world then you will every realize, I hope you realize that before you die.
Everything is genetics, every civilization rises and falls because of genetics and mongrolization, from Egypt to Persia to China to India, and Rome.
>high sparrow
you realize that movement is literally protestantism and the pope in GoT is the High Septon, right?
ITT: retards who believe that ancient romans and greeks were north european genetically/phenotypically
>Ethnic Italians are very much racially different than the ancient Romans
Blond hair exist as a minority in the Mediterranean type dumb ass. Or are you so deleuded you think snow monkeys are the only ones who can produced blond hair?
Pic related is Fabio , a blond haired blue eyed Italian.
Northern Italians are Germanic.
They have some Germanic heritage mixed with other heritage.
Northern Italians are as Germanic as African Americans are Irish. There is mixing going on, but it's not as significant.
>/pol/ and a blog as sources
Well there's your problem
>Not knowing the origins of Rome
It actually did just sprout out of nowhere. It was comprised of outcasts of the local tribes. To the point where it created a problem because nobody would marry them so they had to abduct their wives according to legend.
Again there are no Roman genes.
>socioeconomics is about genetics
Kill yourself
t. American who thinks half-puerto rican sicilians from jersey are Italians
>What happened to Iraq?
>What happened to Egypt?
>What happened to Iran?
>What happened to Greece?
>What happened to India?
2000 years are technically nothing in genetics OP, apply yourself.
And how do you know his horse was not brown, exactly?
There isn't really such thing as Germanic genes. We just have genes - such as the ones responsible for light colored hair, skin or eyes - that are more present among Germanic speaking peoples. And they were present in ancient times as well.
Those genes are also present among other people in smaller numbers, including Greeks, Italians etc. That doesn't mean that Alexanders ancestors were speaking German.
We know Indo-Europeans came from the same area and they must have had the genes responsible for light and dark complexion, so naturally, mediterraneans also have those genes too, only they remained in fewer numbers due to natural selection (the same with Nothern Europeans and dark complexion).
Blond hair and blue eyes are much older than German languages themselves and people who had those genes began to spread out long before that too. It's ridiculous to assume that if someone had blonde hair their ancestors must have spoke German.