/civ4xg/ Endless, Stellaris, Civilization, and 4X

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>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>The Development of Stellaris en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell

>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


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[ends geometrically]

They don't attack outside their borders, so just chill until you can kill them.

oops meant to qoute
how embarrassing

Should influence be switched into a resource you spend to influence other empires? Likewise unity would the an internal resource to buy edicts?

Also, why are there no questlines from fallen empries. Add something where a fallen empire chooses an empire with shared ethics and asks them to do a series of tasks that eventually have that empire declared as "Inheritor of the Fallen" and you get a bunch of techs/ships/unique buildings.

>masters of time don't have teleport, but vaulters do

>When you suck so much xeno dick you don't need a giant space stick anymore.

>Apocalypse will be $20
>For a literal mod
T-thanks Wiz-sempai

>Super Eurobeat for Outdrifting them Xeno Scum
Has anyone tried this yet?


Read this: reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/7q39tf/so_about_inward_perfection/

You do, in fact, lose access to those traditions.

So tried it and my game would not start with this mod enabled.

That's a lot of flavors of dick. I'm actually a little jealous.

What's the best way to play an empire like this lads? I wanna play it but I never tried these civics and I'm used to one-planet cuck strategies

how, there's usually at least a few empire dicks that aren't friends with anybody

So how is the ES2 DLC?


Thinking about making some Star Wars empires. Sould the Sith be Fanatical Militarist / Spiritualist? For Jedi I was thinking Fanatical Spiritualist / Pacifist. Also not sure what to do for the Republic aside from Egalitarian and Xenophile.

Liberate their dicks

Unless you swap to fanatical purifier, which everyone should have modded in as a possibility anyway.

>tfw too intelligent to not betray myself

How dare Wiz make more money than me!!

Well, your species could be Thrifty and Industrious, and then when you get a third Civic you could choose Mining Guilds to maximize your yields.

You're going to be awash in resources and your population will be incredibly obedient.


>turn 104
>Cleopatra has one city and a settler stuck between some mountains
game dropped

How do I play Horatio real good like

>green with a xenophobic FE
How did you do this

Play as Charismatic Militarist/Spiritualist/Xenophiles. Make friends with everyone and trade for Research Agreements. Give gifts to lure people to your side. Open migration treaties to fill your worlds rapidly. Expand, expand, expand.

>expand as quickly as possible and take advantage of ecologist sticky to grab good systems no one else can yet
>use science ships primarily to search curiosities; bonus points if they're on minor faction systems, as this increases your standing with them
>NEVER choose the food reward in the first quest step, it's a trap
>court minor factions as hard as you can
>rush starports so that you can shuffle non-horatio across your empire, ensuring maximum splicing speed
>get out of dictatorship around the time when you research most of the terraforming techs, as its only true use is ensuring that ecologists stay in power when you need the sticky the most
>get a bearing on where high priority targets (vodyani, cravers, riftborn) are located, so that you can strike at them and steal population before your splicing demands become excrutiatingly high
>take advantage of your naturally high approval to sustain an absurdly large empire. you have access to the most cost-effective approval improvement in the game, glorification of the gorgeous, if you need it.
>if you get the chance, baghaba and raians will allow you to play an influence game and sustain more laws
>your ships are expensive and notably fragile, but all of your schematics are remarkably flexible. science ships can function as early game warships and even siege pirate lairs if given manpower modules, and his carriers can be specialized into the most terrifyingly powerful gunships in the game. try to avoid conflict with other players until you have a proper industrial infrastructure.
>maximize your heroes' levels, as several quest paths require rather high-level heroes. because of this, the stellar prisoner and photobomber competitive quests are incredibly valuable for you, and should be your top priority should they spawn.
>keep your options open; horatio can be good at anything, given the right splicing options. decide your playstyle when you see what you are given
>make a horatio folder

oh, and almost forgot
>much like unfallen, super bio-fuel factory is your single most important improvement in the game. once you get more than a couple systems operational with this, you become a terrifyingly potent industrial powerhouse.

Here's your (you)

Gotcha, chief


What triggers starting the academy quest line?

>Actually fun when modded
>There's always several empires with opposite ethics or xenophobe ethic spawning next to you for "balancing" purposes
>There's always that one empire that wastes all of its resources on expanding and a huge millitary fleet despite the economic impossibility
>Gameplay so broken that doing the equivalent of Civ's one-city run is an actually viable strategy because of the tradition cost and lack of research penalties
>Destroyers completely useless while battleships act like meatshields, only useful ships are corvettes and cruisers

>Destroyers completely useless
I disagree. AI has a fetish for missiles, especially early game. If you can place some destroyers with PD in your fleet before anyone has cruisers you can roll over your neighbors. Likewise, you can slowly transition your destroyers into cruisers.

I also got a question about ES2. So Horatio uses ancient alien tech to splice genes from other races into his clones right? Can he do so with the riftborn? If so, how does that work, aren't they 4D robots?

If it is pop belonging to a major or minor faction, it works. Yes. Dust.

Follow up, does splicing Vaulters and Sisters of Mercy have different effects? If so, aren't they both just humans from the same planet? I don't have ES2 or EL so I've been very confused on some of this stuff.

>>Gameplay so broken that doing the equivalent of Civ's one-city run is an actually viable strategy because of the tradition cost and lack of research penalties

What would be the best suited race for this?

races in stellaris are just skins and have no bearing on gameplay.
having the fanatic materialist ethic is useful

You want egalitarian for that bonus influence from factions and fanatic materialist because they have the easiest faction goals, just build robots. Use your extra influence to build lots of frontier outposts so you can mine the shit out of good territories. Likewise befriend neighboring empires so you don't get your shit fucked up.




that's a big worm


>interdimensional being gets BTFO by a few boolets

it was the manlet of its dimension

Riftborn > Everyone else.

What Battle Realms has to do with RTSes? I only know Warcraft/Starcraft and C&C for being memetic

Is this and The Worm the same thing? Or can they both be present in the same playthrough?

Thats the thing that pops out if you refuse the worm at the end of the Horizon event chain.

your ships look like a bunch of floating futuristic assault rifles

Something like that.

is this the railway empire thread

Is it even valuable to accept the worm?
Or should I bail this quest the moment I can?

yes trains are welcome

Only reason to reject the worm is when you're spiritualist and you don't want to colonize tomb worlds. or roleplay

>AI colonizes any world regardless of world class and their preference
I'm always behind because of this. By the time the AI has four planets I have maybe two

how long do you search for a world to colonize? You have 2 guaranteed 80% habitability within like 1-2 jumps

>What Battle Realms has to do with RTSes?
You mean, beside being one?
Well, it's one of these RTS who didn't had a big success, but who's original, and thus a reference. Kinda like Total Annihilation or Heroes of Annihilated Empire. Not a commercial success, but an original name who should be known.

I noticed that but the problem is that those two worlds are not always good in that their tiles might be few and shitty, also, having a planet is mostly profitable for the area of influence it has giving me access to precious resources. More often than not those two guaranteed planets are too close to my homeworld to give me access to the good shit.

you were supposes to get b8ed into telling me why I should play this game you mong

Sorry, my self-confidence was greatly eroded when another user tried a game I loved and hated it, but fine.
So :
>four factions, with vastly different units, goals and buildings
>Dragon clan is a mix of Chinese and Japanese aspiration, they're good
>Serpent (not Snake) is civil war Japan, they're evil
>Wolf is barbarian with druid aspiration, they're good
>Lotus are black elves, they're evil
>small scale fighting, you have 20 units at worst and 40 units are best, with usually 5 peasants
>you don't train units like you usually do, instead you get peasants are regular interval, and you send them to the training building
>the less units you have, the quicker they spawn, so you can recover from your losses quickly
>for example, send your peasant to a training range, and they become archers, but send them to the dojo, they become spearmen
>to unlock high-tier units, you need to stack trainings, but it's usually worth it
>game has a system where even high-tier units can be defeated by smallest tier unit, so you're encouraged to be versatile
>for example, a lot of the Dragon melee units are weak to explosive, so you want to either overwhelm musketeers with chaff, or give them equipement to avoid that
>ranged units that are attacked in melee no longer can shoot, so even a peasant can help protect your high tier unit if he keeps that dangerous warlock busy
>units have both health and stamina, that they can spend to sprint, or to use some equipement that you give them
>usually, units have access to two kind of equipement, through it depends from the clan
>for example, the Dragon's archer can have Zen Arrows, who lift the fog of war, or flaming arrow, who are toggable and make them efficient against building, but bad against units
>the Dragon Warrior can have a Ki Shield who makes him invulnerable but unmovving, or a burning blade, both of these use stamina
>the Kabuki Warrior can have a moondust who use stamina to block ranged weapon, or explosive dust who's

>limited in use (3 per visit) but can be refilled ad inifinitum as long as you have ressources
>and speaking about ressources, you have four of them : rice (comes from fields), water (comes from river and built well), peasants (they come naturally) and depending from your faction, Yin/Yang, that you use to buy permanent upgrade for your clan
>Yin/Yang depends if your clan is good or evil, and is gained by : fighting military units with military units, and by fighting away from your home
>so aggressive players are rewarded, but are also vulnerable, because you don't really have sentries, only watchtowers that you need to leave garrisonned
>so to win the game, you need to be good at micromanaging your units' equipement, and then there's the healers to take in consideration too, and they also has more complicated because you want the enemy healers to die
>for 2 of the 4 clans, healers are stationary units who use 40% of their stamina to heal one unit
>the heal is instant and refills all the health, so two or three healers can turn a shamefur defeat in a victory
>the Lotus clan doesn't use stamina, but sacrifice crows
>and the Wolf clan just regenerate
>and also, most, if not all of the units have hidden bonuses that you don't usually notice until it's pointed out
>manual used to give small hints
So proper managing of your units and keeping your healers safe is the key to victory.

Sorry, I tend to get talkative when I talk about a game I like.

>leaders now cost energy
>resettlement now costs energy
wtf I love wiz now

Nice picture for ants, lichfucker.

>manually moving pops
Lmaoings, game is enough of a chore already

Did he make any effort to slow down colonization ?
It's kind of a problem with playing wide, you landgrab too fast and the expansion game is over by 2300, where all that is left is war

You have to build outposts on every system you want to own, for one

The Worm and the Dimensional Horror use the same model, but idk if you're supposed to think they come from the same place.

>allowing free movement

In the Stellaris universe there's the Shroud, the Unbidden realm and the place the Dimensional horrors like the Worm come from.

They do though, it's called rift anomaly and wormhole travel

How was it? Convinced?


Please tell me you had fun with it. Last time I tried to recommend a game, it was Seven Kingdoms 2, and the other user told me he disliked it.
I think I must have exposed it wrong.
Get GoG's version, the game can run a bit weirdly on recent computer.

plz answer

stop being an insecure faggot
I haven't even installed it yet

Sorry, I just feel like it's my fault when someone doesn't like a game I love. Like I didn't exposed it properly.
In Battle Realms' case, I'd say that despite the gameplay encouraging you to be aggressive, it's also simpler to turtle until the AI (who isn't that bright) attacks, and then launch a counter-attack while it's trying to build a new army.

Just 20 morons with swords.

liberate 90% of their empire (they will be your governing ethics regardless of what the parent gov is) and federation them.
vassalize the remaining parent country later and they will be forced into positive opinion gain over time. either way theyre cucked. xenophile is OP on all fronts

if you're playing without mods that add ship types and late-game viability options for destroyers, bships, and the 6-7 other ship types being added, idk what you're doing.

destroyers serve a purpose in that they can shit on stations and defense platforms early game pre-cruiser. bringing destroyers for that purpose is more economically viable than throwing corvettes at it. thats about their only function though

Tried it. Hated it. The Ai keeps spamming units that puke black goo that kill all my units in three hits, and when they're at mid health, they turn into giant golem that drains their stamina, making them unable to heal.

good review

There are some balancing issues, but theorically, the game should be fine.

I don't review it as much as I try to explain it. I believe it's up to (You) to decide if you like it or not.
After all, we can like terrible games but hate objectively good ones. I know I hate Dominions despite its depth.

forgot to write that the lotus clan is an unbalanced bullshit faction and should never be picked if you want people to have fun

>thats about their only function though
>not using destroyers as a cheap large weapon slot
>not having 100 large autocannons

so what do we think of the cherry patch?

Because I never actually played online, but if is right, then yes, avoid the Lotus.
To be fair, all the online gameplay I saw was Dragon Archers vs Serpent Musketeers.

Salutations friends

I am the founder of the Shinto religion and the chinks have been spreading their taoism to my lands so I decided to establish myself as the king chink in this world, my question is will the taoism religion go away if I raze their only holy city? What will happen to the followers in other cities? Or if I annex/puppet the city will it convert to a holy city for my religion?

This game has been pretty fun so far, I'm aiming for a science victory

>Sould the Sith be Fanatical Militarist / Spiritualist? For Jedi I was thinking Fanatical Spiritualist / Pacifist.
Give them slow learners.

The black goo units are squishy as fuck, just need to flank them with swordsmen. Not sure what you're talking about with "giant golem".

IMO the main problem Battle Realms had was that literally every unit had its own unique set of weaknesses and resistances to each damage type, there were like 6 or 7 different types and the game didn't tell you about this anywhere. The only hint was your cursor would turn gold if the unit you were hovering over was weak to your unit's attack and bronze if it was strong against it. You basically needed to have a printout beside you to check resistances until you had them memorized.



You can't raze capitols, but if you send in an inquisitor it'll go away forever.

>have reached the stage where I've started to REALLY add mods to Stellaris instead of only adding tweaks
This will not go well if my previous experiences are anything to go by.

Will a prophet do the same job?

What would the civics and traits of a starship troopers empire be?

No, it'll come back if you don't use an inquisitor.

>be me in 2024
>"Hey I wonder how Stellaris is doing, they always told me that it would become a great game after a few years of DLC"
>check Steam
>2.4 TB of DLCs
>3599.99 Deutschmarks
>download it without even looking
>start a new game
>it's a battle royal FPS

Should've been me instead, I was playing EL2 and having fun.

>yfw 2014 was ten years ago.

Movie or book? Movie would be Fanatical Militarist / Xenophobe with Citizen Service and Nationalistic Zeal. Book would probably be some Militarist / Authoritarian combo with Meritocracy.