>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
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I want a nelf wife
I don't want to repeat myself, but if you really want to save gold, do not buy tokens now.
Wait until the crash where it will drop where it used to be. But be quick, as it will try to stablize itself at a new price.
Don't spend Gold for tokens.
Seconding this.
thanks qt anime girl
new super cute horns
which ones are you going to pick and why
Nightborne are kinda ugly.
do they have facial expressions? they look kinda static
Let’s see those male Nightborne lads
I love their goofy proportions and huge fucking pauldrons
>that pic
5th row was made for anal sex
>look forward to playing Nightborne lock
>remember that all 3 specs are boring as fuck and only use 4 mindnumbing buttons
>remember that every class in the game is like this
We're out of content until prepatch, once the allure of the subraces wears off it'll stay low.
The npc nightborne looked good
But blizz wanted ugly elves
>cry about mindhumbing rotation
>where is classic
If i got my class hall title on a toon and then i level another toon with the same class , do i get the title without the class hall campaign?
Finally a toned athletic looking booty.
How are monks? Thinking about leveling one in the meantime while I slowly get enough rep for muh elf
i have 24 days left what do i do
Meet me in Old Town
>at work
>SJW fatty cunt is talking about how Blizzard is going to be looking at everyones facebook and twitter to see if they are racist and then ban them.
Is this true? If Blizz is going to be doing that then on principal I can't play this game.
Leveling one right now. WW is fun, but also the only spec I enjoy playing.
>don’t have either Argus rep maxed
>don’t have a level 110 Horde character
Oh well
>4 mindnumbing buttons
Dude a locks rotation in classic is literally just shadowbolt and curse of elements
Play a fucking demo lock. People hate them because they actually have to hit more than 2 buttons
>would try nightborne since only have to do insurrection quest
>highest horde is 102
kill me
Am I missing something with multidotting?
Cycle through adds continuously is pretty lame.
if only you had a 110 level boost...
Nightborne girls are cute!!
It's already too late, but you could have spent $20USD for GOLD initially and waited until it went up at 35% before converting it again.
E.g Buy $60 worth for 510k Gold. Wait until tokens go up to 260k. Then wait for the crash to get a more than what you paid for.
>off it'll stay low
For a short while; 180-190k will be the new price. As more people invest in Order Halls, the price will also be inflated.
Keep an eye on the wowtoken price. Wait until you see it start to stagnate, because it is only until then it will start to drop.
Do not buy in immediately. Wait until the Crash at 170k~, maybe 180k.
g-got my fix?
So you haven't been playing the game.
Get fucked.
They look like 40 year old crackheads
>wasting a boost just to be able to level another class
>everyone complaining about not having reps at exalted or questlines done
I can sort of understand the Argussian and Army of Light but people seriously don't have exalted with nightborne? Its been like 2 years.
Do any you actually play this game?
I hope you keep that name, it's one of the better title+name combos I've seen
as opposed to...?
There was no point in doing Argus WQs
It is only with overwatch. So you have nothing to worry about unless you are racist. The fact that you are worried about this is problematic.
killing yourself so you never have to play this fucking game ever again
You may not like it, but this is peak beauty
Resubbed and I disappointed myself
I thought I fulfilled both requirements to play highmountain and nightborne.
I didn't finish insurrection and I'm still a bit away from exalted on highmountain (literally too many alts)
My question is, how long does it take to finish insurrection?
first character. what do i level boost
thought I heard something about that
isn't it because overwatch though
>talk about thing on social media unrelated to vidya game
>get banned from vidya game
I'm omw bby girl
if i wanted to buy bfa with gold how much gold would that take?
I noticed some stuff:
>Player Nightborne/Nightborne who leave Suramar are called "Wildswalkers"
>Orgrimmar is now populated with a TON of Nightborne NPCs: Enchanters at the enchanting trainers, literal Tourists walking around, this new engineering supplies vendor, and more
>You start at exalted with you allied races' rep e.g. Nightborne—Nightfallen, Lightforged—Army of Light
>Skin color can now my changed at the Barber
>blizzard is going to stop taking peoples money because they are racist
>walk into MG goldshire inn as a female lightforge
>instant 5 whispers telling me to take my robe off and dance
jesus that was fast
any reason to pre-order BFA? even if you don't have exalted yet and won't for a while?
If playable Vrykul have to be shrinked of the size of a troll/tauren (maybe a bit taller to make them the biggrst playable race), would they still be seen as Vrykul or just as tall human?
>finally was able to get into payment screen
>finalized payment
>was only charged once
I did it guys
You could have checked to see if you could have played the races by going on wowhead they have a tracker
literally this and literally kek. classic was THE most boring rotationally the game has ever been
No reason if you can't play the races other than you want to use the mount from the deluxe edition
so since med'an is retconned out of existence, is Aegwynn still alive now?
>Get a guild invite every 5 minutes
Fuck these botting faggots
>skin color can now be changed at the barber WAIT WHAT, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
>he doesn't know
Hi hello /wowg/
We are the first Nightborne posters, and just like the first pander posters, you will soon get to know us well
We are GOOD players and will bring much LOVE and JOY and GOOD VIBE to threads to come
Some of you will/already do hate us: you are gay so FUCK OFF
thank you
Makin a momma moose tauren but I cant decide.
Warrior or Hunter?
>more avatarfags
God damnit
>>Skin color can now my changed at the Barber
Oh uh cool
You need more meat on your bones. Go eat some humans or blood elves
So whats the starting ilvl that comes with 110 boost?
I know I thought it just required exalted, but turns out you need a bit more.
Does anyone know how long it takes to complete Insurrection achievement?
tall humans and weaklings that should have been killed off as other vrykul tried to do. would be an easy way to get them into a faction, a runt vrykul village on the edge of being annihilated by 2-3 otehr vrykul kingdoms
its a good thing this expansion is over and w aren;t seeing these fuckers for at least another one
save it for a future allied race instead that blizzard will be too lazy to implement a "level this and get a bonus" for
For now it is with Overwatch but who knows where it will go from there. I don't play overwatch so I can't imagine how toxic that place must be.
>highmountain Draenei
Holy shit...
this week M+ affixes are babby tier right? Maybe I'll finally do my first +15
As if this place couldn't get any worse.
Reminder all of you will give up leveling and just use your boost
Just be more interesting please
The pandaposters at least did fun stuff, you guys are really boring so far, your screenshots are dull and uncoordinated, maybe find another member for your squad
You underestimate my autism
LITERAL virgin detecte
upright orcs when
is engineering still good in PVP?
all this leveling made me so much slimmer!
Not really, using nitro boosts will make you drop any objective item and they're liable to definitely kill you at random as well
>skin color can now be changed at the barber
Scuse me nigga
how do I turn amazon.ca balance into BfA pre-order
Make them as big as possible
Always compared to the size of them on a mammoth mount.
As long as it's possible for them on the biggest mount possible to do everything that any other race can do and use any way/path they can go.
Med'an isn't fully retconned, just him being the Guardian
even though the comic addressed that anyway by having him give up his powers
Impale yourself on a rake you fuck leaf
Any tl;dr for the q&a?
When will they learn?
mmo champ you fucking tool
>You start at exalted with you allied races' rep e.g. Nightborne—Nightfallen
I don't think that is the case
Maybe it's a glitch because Nightborne features are mis-tagged, but you can 100% change skin color on NB.
what do you guys have your SpellQueueWindow set at?
I'm debating even getting this expansion. I have all the classes I want. I don't feel like leveling anything else. In fact all I do now is just ERP on Moonguard with the other degenerates.
I just went as my orc DK and blood elf DH and couldn't change my skin color, fake news or nightborne specific barber option
>tfw tempted to faction/realm switch my DH