/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2712

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>Recent News
SSR Zoi (Light), SR Randall and Sheep 5* with Melee prof.
Fire SR Zoi confirmed for incoming story event at the end of the month + chance to get one of the SR versions of previous zodiacs
Robomi event will be next Side Story
Story chapter 102-105 released
Shadowverse collab added to side stories
New unlocked EMP for several characters

Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11 - 01/28
Double renown cap 01/25- 01/30

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for February:
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety (SR Zoi + one of the previous SR Zodiac)
2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/11 - 2/?? - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses)
2/22 - 2/27 - ?? (old event rerun/What Makes the Sky Blue Part I rerun/something totally new?)
2/28 - 3/?? - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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>this song when zoi first start talking to the bell
why is this so familiar
where the FUCK have i heard this before
wtf bros

I love Zoi!

this event is a milky holmes episode

leave my wife alone.

The great race war of our generation will happen soon my brothers


Is zooey the savior of light?

Do you?



reminder than you can empty 900 boxes for a FREE spark

It's grand order's fight theme, are you okay?

can you post the gun skin in use and the ougi?


Post her ougi

No mortals allowed in the cosmos.


>Anthuria cucks


>Anthuria Thirst is so powerful you need 4 Divine generals to beat her

Holy shit, just say you want to fuck me, offer Lyria a Threesome.

>chapters arent 4 units each
is this new?

What have I done...


only 1.906.200 tokens!


I want to roll for my wife but...

grats on Stan

at that point, why not just get a job

translate it weebs


Don't rush, you can wait a little more

>light gets a limited character, a new weapon uncap, then another limited character
Wtf bros...

>wasting your luck on mobage
you will get hit by a truck tomorrow be careful


Surviving Milky Holmes fag here, this post is true.



So, are we going to gloss over Anthuria putting a lust-induced dance show for a crowd of people, or is her horniness for you immediately after enough to negate that?

zooey isnt limited

>4 10 roll only gave me d jeanne and dupe love eternal

keep rolling?!?!?!

also what do I do with the love eternal, do I uncap this one too?

I want to fuck Tsukuyomi.

Anthuriafags are cucks, this just proves it even more that she doesn't actually love Danchou and is just a slut for anyone who pays attention to her

I hope we get art of her flashing her pussy to everyone

>anthuria wants (you) dick so bad it summons Zoi

Translate it, weebs.

You're right user. She'll always be here.


best magna pool possible at the moment uses two

why does Mahira sound like Illya with braces


>all these geniuses in grabble
>no one ever bothered to study the space
>even though their rulers from the past were called astrals
Is everyone retarded?

VA is a hack

Actually she wants any dick so badly that she became corrupted and started dancing for everyone.

hooker with a heart of gold trope?

>still only 167/300 for sheep
It hurts so much
30 rolls wouldn't be too bad, right?

Because same VA


Fuck off cuck



I'm 89/300. I could do the Side Stories to be 110/300, but I think I'll do that at a later date.

So does this event confirm that Zoi will take place as the dragon zodiac?

Yes, but I mean specifically the "with braces" part.

Stay mad Anthuriacuck. Your wife pleasures the townspeople.


When is KMR going to release a good limited

that's not a source for your claim
just an example of a good crit with a good setup

What water team do I use for ubaha I don't have quatre vajina carulu and vane?

Uno sizmir and charlotte?

No more good characters in Grubble. Only good whale weapons. Please understand.


Thats not a crit and he is full hp with anat.

Oh neat another HL battle, I can be fully done with this event in a day now.

>sheeps voice
what the FUCK is that shit
who listened to that and thought, yeah thats a good voice


Why are you so insecure with yourself and your lack of interpersonal relationships that you must come onto an anonymous Chinese cartoon image board and project your fantasies onto other anons? We get it, your iq is high.

I don't like it


this sounds... familiar

make erunes great again?

I can't believe how /m/ a bell is.

She likes pie.




>tfw no aoidos

Show her 2nd art.



I'm not reading all that, cuck. Condense your defensive posts to 10 words or less.

Light Zooey isn't limited?

What Row IV class would go best with these characters? I was thinking Elysian, but I don't have a good water harp yet. Maybe Chaos Ruler or Sage? Apsaras looks pretty fun, too.
Also, does the class weapon stone discount apply only to the very first weapon you make, or just the first time you make a specific weapon? If it's the first, is Nirvana the best one to go for?

Fuck, that is CUTE.

>monkey calls dog vaji
>translated as rara


Cute as fuck

so we all agree right? gundam zoi is core

stop talking to yourself

>Ilsa and JK with 5 tickets only

>6 HL raids
>all give pot drops
wtf bros its fucking potfest

Rosine calls her "Vanilla" and they translated it as "Veggie". I'm not entirely sure what the translation team is doing.