Who's got the copypasta for this again?
Battlerite General /brg/: Waifu Edition
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Why is this general dead? The game seems pretty good and i never have trouble getting into games so there must be something of a player base.
Look up the archive. And whoever decides to port it over take a quick gander at the contents would you, a solid half of it is out of date and doesn't apply anymore.
Also there is nothing more infuriating than a garbage fucking gold or silver that does nothing but give excuses for their play instead of listening to advice.
>b-b-but they're tunneling me! i can't do anything!
>maybe you should stop running away from your own team and putting yourself in 1v2 situations
There's a reason why you're gold and I'm champ
Not a large active posting base it seems.
General is full of crybabies and doomsayers and I'm also willing to bet a small percentage of shills from other games who act like trolls and berate the game for shekels. You're better off just playing the game.
Nobody's even looking for the general because they all think it's dead. This will continue until SLS's brilliant decision to delay the new season yet again comes to an end.
I'm so numb to companies being shit that I just expect it now.
Hahaha but what can you expect from a garbage company with a garbage track record like hirez. For SLS I expected more, but jokes on me I guess, they're looking pretty similar right now.
>general is full of crybabies and doomsayers
>game is losing on average on peak 500 players
Why are there so many people that don't say anything? Not a word. Do these people realise communication alone would raise them a solid 5 to 10 ranks?
Is there a way to test heroes in matchmaking before purchasing them? I only have 1700 coins
go to training-playground
I'm still learning the game so I just try and review what happened. Learned Iva taser jump rite applies to hits onto ice shield while not shattering it this week.
So you just ignore whatever your teammates try to tell you?
Where did I say that?
Did you misquote? Why else would you give an answer to the question why people don't communicate?
Ignoring != not talking
Communication is a two way street you retarded cunt I hope I never get you in my games jesus I hate you garbage scrubs incapable of answering a fucking thing
I queue for multiple regions so I assume a language impasse.
Game itself doesn't have the depth or longevity to maintain a community. It's fun for a while then you get bored and move on.
Move on to what? Give me a few suggestions, I need them.
i like the game.
i wouldn't mind playing it daily with friends for some weeks then 2 times a week for months and months.
how do you play supports?
i mained support sluts in dota2 but now in this game i seems to be decent only at meele/ranged roles.
try sirius, he's fun to play
>i wouldn't mind playing it daily
Fucking this but goddammit I don't want to play solo queue and I can never find a third player to avoid playing shit 2s.
Have you tried every support for a handful of games? Some characters will just click better than others, and you need to play around with them to get a good idea of what fits you best.
>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a PvP arena brawler from the same company that made Bloodline Champions.
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alive gaem
what are your openers?
i always go near the center, charge and shoot my longest range-longest cast time attack, aiming the nothing behind me and then switching to any enemy.
if an enemy with a good counter ability is closest to the center i aim at him instead and then switch to someone else. i never cancel nor care about what they throw at me in the meantime
>tfw he will never make an animation of this
has anyone noticed the new tracks at all? I have the music off because I got tired of listening to the grand total of 2 songs in the entire game
I quit the game because I realised I'm retarded and would need too much effort to learn how to get to a proper rank, if I would ever climb out of Gold anyway.
Low iq and bad mechanics don't mix with this game, sadly, it's a real shame because the game is fun and i loved every second of playing it. But I can't stand the constant reminder that there's something wrong with me and it kills that fun feeling.
Thanks again to the guy from this general that gifted me the All champion pack , and I'm sorry for wasting it. I did get a good 160 hours out of it, if that makes it any better....
forever gold 5 but I don't even give a fuck, I enjoy playing the game because it's fast even if I'm mentally challenged
So, what's YOUR excuse for not being GC yet, /brg/?
give me your account so i can play all champions [email protected]
>already 8k peak
lol dead fucking game
this is what happens when you create dumb mechanics like ex abilities
is this a pasta?
this game is fun. less brainy than dota2 and LoL. play it for what it is.
>allied zander keeps using his teleport on me
>while i am sniping from a safe position
when does the weekly(?) champion rotation hits?
jfc this general is so dead
>constant beratement of waifu posters who bump the thread for free
>waifu posters who commission ruler34 of the girls and promote the game
>waifu posters leave, no porn, no new promotion, no players
It’s not exactly a mystery why the general died. Like it or not, waifu posters and erp fags are essential to the health of the game.
so who is the sexiest?
i vote Croak
core features such as ranked and casual Qs are in alpha state, there is nothing to talk about
>health of the game
health of the thread you mean
the game is just going to go the same way as BLC unless the devs get their act together
LoL chucked out a new character every fucking 2 weeks back when they were growing, I'm not saying we need exactly that but we're not going to grow if we have a stagnant game
better ui, more maps that actually feel unique, more characters especially ones that break conventions like zander does, quicker balance patches, and if they're gonna put time into more "fun" modes they better be fucking good and not shit like duel or battlegrounds
going on vacation for months after the game got released was literally the worst decision they could have made
Unique maps would do wonders I think. Even BLC maps were worlds better than what we have now.
no it wouldn't
everything that should happen is opportunistic and emergent based on the situation and what people do, you aren't going to teach anyone anything meaningful in a single game over text and if you think you have you understand this game zero
>124 even tough it was a slowmoving grindy healing game
how is it possible to score this low? is his champ very hard to play against what were our opp's champs?
Poloma fucks with melee in general, especially if they don't know how to play against her. That doesn't excuse a score that low, but yes he arguably had the harder position in your comp.
If this was a grindy healing game, both supports played like apes. I'm guessing silver players?
twitch tv/nge
>Poloma fucks
My waifu is pure! PURE!
dead fucking game
thanks, saved
>Zander is going to finals
B-b-but muh heals
Can't believe they took down impact, need to watch that vod later.
Always makes me laugh.
>destiny still broken as fuck
>why is the game dead guys
literally the worst devs ive ever seen
>stop playing when twisted fate comes out
>be bothered by friend to play the game yesterday
>play 4 matches
>feels like I'm dropping packets all over
>only game that happens in
shit game
shit netcode
Cardmaster is shit btw
Whats her name again?
I can definitely imagine myself struggling against good enough players on those characters.
Especially if polamb hugs alysia and croak chips and returns to base.
5 heal is inexcusable though, that tells me he either didn't ex1 or dove soo hard he didn't have the energy.
She's not broken.
Just get a house.
that team honestly can't protect poloma at all and shifu should have close to free rein of the map, poloma only has the advantage over shifu in short controlled exchanges where she can run away and make it hard to get back in using teammates, shifu can basically ignore all of her kiting ability in that kind of matchup and he'll win any race to the bottom as long as he doesn't let croak disable him
why does everything revolve around fucking rank lol
just play the game you retard
>LoL chucked out a new character every fucking 2 weeks back when they were growing,
My wallet felt that, hard.
second vote for croak. he can poison me any day
someone quick do this with croak
those were glory days for lol
even if the game was shit it still was fun to see new heroes every two weeks
who's a good character for a shitter who's new
I've just been playing jade
jade shifu blossom sirius ashka
Poloma's panic interrupts shifu's counter.
Only way to fight her is by doing literally nothing.
If she's standing next to an ally that means you have to do literally nothing in front of 2 opponents before you can do anything to either of them.
That's why I'm saying if they're good enough players and croak has a brain, he will witness this and abuse it by poking with half his escapes in reserve to run back to the poloma safe-zone.
definitely ashka
if you wanna support then blossom
melee maybe freya
Why do people care about rank heavily (and this shit applies to every game with a rank system). Like shit, I'm more concerned with your dedication in having fun than your dedication on getting a higher rank.
This is a videogame man.
Ashka, Shifu, and Sirius are all good entry-level characters for their respective roles
Sirius can be a bit of a noob trap. He is straight forward but if you don't play him well he'll teach a player bad habits. A good example is . Also he is the only melee healer, so learning him doesn't quite translate the same to other supports. I'd recommend Pestilus or Poloma to someone who was hoping to learn support before I'd recommend Sirius.
man even though I'm missing every left click with ashka I'm having lots of fun with this game. How important is team composition once I can start playing ranked games?
outread her you have more cds and get a bigger reward for landing them
poloma only beats shifu cleanly if she has a front line, that team doesn't have one, even if croak tries to move back that trade should be bad because croak isn't outputting pressure if he's defending and poloma can't heal if someone is in her face
Most stable comp is one of each role, but outside of that its theoretically possible to make anything work. You really do want at least one healer though. Nothing makes me saltier than getting a comp that has no healer and facing one that does have one. That's for threes, for twos its a bit different. Synergy means way more there, but even at the high level it kinda turns into rock-paper-scissors.
This game is a fucking noob trap kys
Good night /brg/
>mfw blossom is kinda fun but I don't wanna look like a furry
Real talk here, what were they thinking? I'm not a doomposter, just very confused.
Why would they launch the game and then immediately take a vacation with no word for months? I've heard the whole "Sweden labor laws" spiel, but that still doesn't make sense. Anyone with the slightest shred of foresight or management skills would planned around taking a break, and THEN launched the game when you're back up and running. You only get one chance to fully launch a game, and first impressions are absolutely vital to the growth of a new game. You cannot afford a 4 month pre-season with a content drought because you aren't there for half of it to be that first impression. Moreover with launches in general, something ALWAYS goes wrong, and that isn't the time to be absent with a bare minimum skeleton crew.
Additionally they somehow thought that the most crucial point of the game's success was also the perfect time to instate radio silence. Now we finally get some communication out of SLS after four months, and the answer they have is "wait two more months for anything significant"?
The only conclusion I can come to is that the project is horribly mismanaged. It's sad because the game itself has potential, but I don't think many people are willing to wait 6 months after launch for the dev team to stop dragging their feet.
matches were more fun and balanced during early access when there were like 500 players
what the fuck
Just play who you want. If you don't name yourself something like yiffmonster420 I don't think anyone will care.
whole company consists of college friends and relatives. They are just trying to have fun and earn some money.
Why does the same person have two different names?
The thread is better off dead than full of waifu garbage
Does anyone play this game at this time of night?
It's not that fun solo queuing support.
Either of you wanna link up? I'm new, trying to learn comps and champs.
I'm currently kinda a one trick player so I'm trying to expand my repertoire.
Who do you play?