/wtg/ - War Thunder General

T95 Edition

Previously on /wtg/: >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Other urls found in this thread:


>removed from early coldwar SB

who /NVA/ here


Asked before and didn't get an answer, do the MK 18/22/24 spitfires get the same 10% research boost towards the meteor 3 as the MK 14 does?

The P-38 is good now or is that a meme?


>do the standard techtree spitfires get the same research boost towards the meteor 3 as the premium spitfire does?
why would they?

>Mach 1.86
Faster than almost all Russian fighters, so no)))

It's just something that has relatively equal footing with the spammed captured P47s.

all the P-38s were shat on in the french plane update in terms of moments of inertia, control surface movement speeds, and pure roll rate, which made them fucking awful. the P-38L's roll rate was recently buffed to what it was before this update, which makes it somewhat good, but it still has the control lag as before

the meteor F. mk 3 only gets a boost from the XIV spit needed to get it, just like any other plane that requires a foldered plane above it first

>Decide to give Air Arcade a go to grind out some modules in my P-51H
>Entire match, both teams just fly around in deathballs never doing any objectives
>Bombers all die instantly
>Nobody can do anything and the killcount barely ever goes up

Yeesh. People play this and enjoy it? Air RB has its problems but wow.


fuck yeah aardvark

>team gets fucking wiped out in 3 minutes
>no objectives have been capped
>get spawn killed instantly next spawn

>Mk. 24 tries prophanging up to my 5.7 prop
>stalls out like 2km below

>bf 109 and I exchange shots
>neither of us hit each other
>I die still
oy veyy these damage models)))

When will Americans finally get a hard-counter to the J7W?

>implying damage models arn't amazing

>even his plane looks like poop

>falseflagging for attention
contemplate euthanasia you worthless faggot

>poopydude defending his poo-plane


you're either retarded, or poopydude
either way, drink drain-o

newfag here, who is poopydude?

autistic weeb j7w1 shitter

>t. pooperdude posting from his handholding machine. No (You) for you

>being this much of a retarded kikerat

retard weeaboo who thinks the j7w is the greatest plane known to mankind and constantly posts (read: blogs) about it

Fuck off commie scum.

but the J7W is the fastest plane

you're playing the P-51H? you didn't even mention that the Tu-2/Do 217/B-29 are spammed nonstop and can decide games within minutes due to brainlet fighters
Air AB would be saved from the trash heap if every gamemode but Front Line was deleted

Poopydude here, just got done shitting my pants. Feels so good when you shit yourself and then sit in it and smear it around with your 300lb asscheeks.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Spitfires today? Even though they don't stand a chance against my J7W1(best plane) they just waste so much time with their constant maneuvering to avoid my Death Star turbolasers.

be back later, have to fap to my waifu(Rei, best girl).


>Struggles to reach 30km/h off-road

Do not want to make FREE PREMIUMS too good tovarish ))))

is there any actual decent animes about planes?

Why does the game want to do a 40 second repair for a destroyed drive sprocket? I don't notice any reduced mobility with it destroyed.

What if when you spaded a vehicle, the modification research went towards vehicle research instead? Haha can you imagine?

No it goes to free RP ))))))))

>porko rosso
>cowboy bebop
>some other miyazaki film i cant remember right now

dont bother with modern anime. they are all cgi moeblobs

>5.7 BR tanks = 6.7 BR tank matches 99% of the time

This is what happens when you add tanks but don't balance the old ones. Game is really reaching the point of no return when it comes to balance.

Porco Rosso isn't about planes, it's about redemption.


I mean, it is. Planes barely even play a part if you think about it, most of the movie is just people standing around talking.

At the very least, it's starting to weed out shitters who can't adapt to being outgunned and outranked. Lately I've occasionally been teamed up with other players were we all can work together and win matches that are usually unwinnable.

>when you piss off a player so bad that they spam your inbox LITERALLY 300 times in 40 minutes
quite honestly the reason i still play multiplayer games tbqhwyfampie

What is the Toyota AE86 Sprinter Trueno of planes?

Glamorous Puss pinup decal when???

At least give us California Cutie

>expecting decals to improve any time soon

Tell me about it

Now we have to go through months of French early war tanks decals before we could get back to anything else being added

>2 fucking feet out of spawn and I get bombed

shit mang, talk about fiddies sparkling
Probably just the E and G, which get air spawn. I hated their stock performance but when spaded they fly well. Didnt fly them pre-bug so I dont how worse they are now compared to before

wahhh wahhh my are my guns doing nothing against the center fuselage!! reeeee

>french m4a1 panic shoots my M4A3 105
>red gun instantly
no cbt bias))

>be me
>somewhat decent at both planes and tanks
>want friend to play with
>has no friends
such is life.



>Free premium
>Armored car
Gaijin hates all three of these, and bad things happen when you try to make them mix

+10 GE and a VERY generous 1 hr test drive of the SU-57

if you want to squad up for some ~t3 RB planes i'd be willing to play

>Currently have a 30:8 K/D ratio in the A7M1

Not bad. If I were a better player I could make it more of a 6:1 ratio but still. My ratio in the G.55S is 200 kills to 40 deaths.

>racemixers upset that they are called out on their shit aiming in nametagthunder


just join a community and squad with people, it's not that hard.

my ratio in the fw 190 a-5/u12 is 209 kills to 25 deaths

t. scrubs that go for centermass on bombers

I just got done watching an anime called "The Sky Crawlers" what planes in War Thunder closest match the performance of the planes in the anime?

Is that the one with the contrarotating prop not-a-mustang and child pilots?

>Hitting center fuselage to a bomber (I'd cut you some slack if that was a 109)
>Holding down LMB
>Constantly overshooting and making corrections; thus wasting your shots
>over-heating and jamming your guns


That's pretty rad, I can't get into the Fw 190 series because I always feel like I do everything worse than my opponents.


all I have is tier 3 Germans.


It's also a P-38G, which uses the worse Browning with the shittier ammo.

that sounds fun, PM Detar in the vg chat

>shill implying that you can reliably aim at specific parts of a plane while doing high speed and often defensive maneuvers that is also doing high speed maneuvers

Nope that's wrong.

What part is wrong? It being a P-38G, or the early Browning having shittier ammo? It doesn't matter either way because all the P-38 series get the shittier ammo.

Will will these fucking communists fix this shit already?

It's been fucking reported multiple times with the updates coming and going.

M48s vs T-55s. How horrifying.

+1000 GE for keeping up the shilling even when you know you are wrong!

whats the password again? i havent been in there in a long time

nevermind, im retarded

we will "investigate" )))) and get back to you shortly ))))))). please provide sources, preferably non western ones )))))))

>shoot right wings
>left wing falls off


>Yak-3P(s) used to go up against P-40s and A-20s

. . .

>not even shooting
>stuka gets rekt
Nice hacks m8

>wut is bombs m8


>bombs took out the stug
>"No goy, they killed the stuka"

I don't know if you're just memeing or if you're actually retarded. The bombs blew up right under the plane. Happens a lot in GF. There are plenty of bomb bait videos out there.

Weak bait. This is your last (you)

>take P61 to EC
>kill a couple of planes, bombed 2 bases
>this rp gain
well that was disappointing

I looked up and they all refer fiddies as M2 browning. What makes early browning and late one?

the belts are different, and iirc the late ones are called M2late in the files or some shit

Bombing is worth a lot more than killing aircraft, focus on that

>not having premium
give the goyim your funbux

ASU-76 when?

what the fuck
Does it fire the same shit as the PT-76?

so the best way of getting RP for tanks ive found is to kill one or two people, die, quit back to main menu, start another game.
repeat forever.
youre 50/50 at winning and you just keep on stacking games played.

Just got my T64A in only a few hours of game time.