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I always thought Patty would be the shortest.
We're all voting for Ike right?
this one has the cuter op let's use this one
It doesn't matter what /feg/ is voting for. Japan will vote for Ike.
That fag's got enough alts. I want another Dorcas!
Just got vanguard Ike and gunthraa in the same summon lot (gunthraa from free redemption)
yeah? well I am hoping for a swimsuit camilla this summer but we all can't get what we want.
Does Quickened Pulse + Wrath actually work on Vanguard Ike?
when you start a round you will only need to hit once to charge the special. Wrath just adds +10 on the special thats it. It does work
Who'd win in a battle? Ike, Ike, or Ike?
I wanna change Azura's class. Spear Fighter or Knight? Regular armor Knight, not Sky Knight. I'm not to minimize my mounted units this time around.
Heck no nigga, le suuuurge
How many orbs did you spend?
Did you get what you wanted?
And... was it worth it?
Luke and Roderick ganging up against Felicia! Ambushing her in a forest! Injuring her and leaving her to die!
I'm voting Ayra.
>20 orbs
>snacki and siegbert
>just wanted Ike
I want to die
-SPD +DEF Takumi
-HP +DEF Summer Xander
-DEF +ATK Gunthera
-RES +SPD Summer Robin
Good haul, but is Takumi going to be okay?
It's like I'm summoning nothing at all, nothing at all
I guess, at least got a Hinata
Nigga, 20 orbs and you’re complaining about pulling 2 5*?
>4 orbs
Pretty nice desu
Okay so let's settle this, L!Ike or V!Ike?
>20 orbs
>Literally the only green orb i rolled.
>want 2 Faye
>spend 30 orbs and get nothing
Same as it ever was.
>Wake up
>Roll on banner.
>Radiant Ike is in literally less than 20 orbs.
Okay, cool. I want axezura more than anything but sure. -spd +hp sucks, but at least it's not -atk.
I hate this. I hate this so fucking much. I am 100% convinced they skew color appearances based on what they perceive the players to think of as good on that banner. All my orbs are gone with only Ike to show, and I'll probably be spending those 100 orbs for more green rolls.
I'd rather have the only character I want instead of a bunch I don't
>don't get defenses at all
>take away dancer's weapon to help train a lv 1
>suddenly the defenses start flooding in
so this is the secret huh
Cum inside Cumilla!
Did a full pull on my free summon, 1 green 4 colorless
POR Ike because he has swordbreaker by default.
I got a Vanguard Ike with my first free summon that's +SPD/DEF. Is that good?
Send home
That's pretty fucking amazing
What legendary units would you like to see in the future now that it's confirmed we can get non-OCs
-spd Ike is still fine right?
>keep pulling on this banner
>or wait until the falchion update drops with a falchion user banner
i dont want anything on the banner but 8% is almost too nice to pass, but then again i want my +10 chrome
No actually, his speed is garbage and his def is one of the only things worth boosting
congrats on your +1 atk -1spd regular Ike
>15 orbs
>Spend 4
>Get Ike
>Cymbeline is still shit unless you're running a mixed flier team
What refine Marissa wants the most? Speed or Def?
Hector or Ike will win and I'm fine with either. I'm voting for my wife just in case of the non-existent possibility they give everyone the unit they voted for.
>80 orbs in
>4th OC Mommy pops in
>0 Axe Azura
So does anyone actually fucking want poison strike over savage blow? Like shit, healers can't even equip it so there goes a good number of people that could use it.
People talk a lot about how /feg/ is the worst general on this board but holy shit, at least we don't need to resort to something like this: pastebin.com
I'm literally never gonna use Gunnthrá. Should I feed the one I rolled last banner to Myrrh? I'm really tempted.
One team defends you, the other four are coming to kill you. How fucked are you, /feg/?
>votes for vanilla Ike
>200 orbs
>didn't get Siegbert or Ike or Sanaki
>hell no I want to uninstall this game so bad
tell me user, why was the stream so underwhelming?
Rape Olivia!
>Lyn legendary of wind
>+Spd boost to blessed units
>Rapid Breath
>Drive Spd
Lyn Army assemble.
I blew all my orbs on Camilla before NY left. Didn't get her. She's now dead to me. Just like Tharja. I'm never rolling with my dick again. The only time it's ever worked out is STiki.
>Not running her with her daughter Myrrh
It's free and easy arena points for characters with noodle arms. But, then again, we got drive defense with this tempest too, so... seals are incredibly underwhelming this time.
Do NOT rape Olivia!!!!
>ultimate chad ephraim is defending me >alongside based haar and some random twink
they dont stand a chance
fuck off
36 orbs for a +res -hp Snack,wish it was gunnthra or Pazura but I'm not complaining much. Rolled til I got a 5star
P Please vote for Legendary Ike
sauce me you faggot or it didn't happen. Radiant dawn and PoR left fire emblem on the chopping block. I'm sure its hard for you to swallow but waifu emblem saved fire emblem. Get that ike dick out of your mouth
Warding Breath Fjorm, yes or no?
I love Severa very much! I wish the best for her because she is the best!
I want to grope Cordelia's boobs
>sauce me you faggot or it didn't happen
Look up the app data yourself on a site like Thinkgaming you stupid faggot
I wish there was a Severa with good art.
I'd trade you one of my Axura for one if that were possible, user.
Your falseflag would be more convincing without the Veeky Forums filename, just saying
Yes, that's literally the only unit who benefits the best from Warding Breath, since Mages can't inherit the skill
Put it on a good character who can actually kill people & doesn’t look like an ugly stable wench.
>I want to grope a 2x4
Tsunderes suck, she sucks
The Eight Legends of Elibe seem like they'd be good picks.
>Fire Roland and Hartmut
>Wind Durban and Hanon
>Earth Bramimond and Athos
>Water Elimine and Barigan
>Miccy banner kicks the game all the way up to #4 in grossing overnight when it was previously sinking like a rock
>le forced mommy and yet another Azura alt (this time with yet another unique movement type) barely broke top 20
Your move, mommyfag.
50 orbs, mostly for Fjorm/Lancina.
Got a +Spd -HP snacks. She's cute so it's alright I guess.
>rapid breath
>spd for a bait centric unit
Well I guess it would give the speedy dragonshitters a new toy.
Hell yes.
u wot
Jehrald Severa in Heroes when?
your so full of shit you know that? You state that it gross more with tellius banner and yet you refuse to post the data. Fuck outta here, stop talking shit
Rolled him so nope, lucklets please vote for something else you didn't get
>Ike sold well on the mobile game! That means PoR and RD were well recieved!
>Nevermind that the world found out he existed in brawl.
Legendary Ike is Sm4sh Ike confirmed.
>reward for completing the dungeon is a consumable item that gives any unit a +1 merge
Good idea? Surely it has to be something new at least if they're keeping it a mystery. No reason to keep 20 orbs or coins a secret.
No legendary Askr upgrades and Feh turned out to be a cakecuck.
>10% pity rate
>still no Ike or Snacki
I'm going to get Siegbert'd aren't I.
Yeah, nothing incredibly flashy like heavy blade or quick riposte. But drive def and hone attack is p nice, even if they aren't high priority for me to upgrade.
Is the easiest TT yet?
Reminder to buy the Starter Pack.
>got another eirika
>this one also is +res/-hp
>got another roderick
guess I can make a firesweep cordy now
Pick team yellow, send ephraim and marth on suicide mission to kill/maim tiki. Meanwhile me and Haar flies of into the sunset since no one left can reach us if we fly high enough in the sky.
I got a -spd Siegbert for my trouble. That faggot will become Death Blow fodder now because fuck foddering off a +atk Klein.
Athos and promoted Ephraim seem like safe picks
Ike is my favorite lord but goddamn this just made me realize the wasted potential of giving him a 3rd alt, a disappointing one at that (lol base stats and no prf skill except some worthless Aether variant).
We could have actual legends from game lore like Anri, the Elibe 8 Heroes, the 5 from SS, Altina even.
Why in the fuck is this tempest trial such an absolute clustetfuck????
>Marissa as a reward because ????
>Axezura 40% because ?????
>Summer Xander 20% because?????
>>Nevermind that the world found out he existed in brawl
You realize Ike was only put into Brawl because he was already popular right
>Comparing miccy to camilla when the argument was between camilla and ike.
No one asked you
100 orbs, +atk -hp Takumi on the second orb and then nothing until 10% when I got a +spd -hp B!Lucina. Unit's and IV's aren't bad but I don't think I got very lucky with the amount of 5* I pulled. Wanted Ike a little bit bu didn't really care.
it's because this tempest trial is a jank substitute for actual new content