Old: eyosongive.us
/lolg/ - League of Legends general
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>never have lag issues
>yesterday my adc says "I normally get like 40 ping but I'm at like 1000 right now"
>take the L because whatever, sometimes people have connection issues
>queue today
>1000 ping that doesn't go away even if i restart the client, close other programs, restart wifi, etc.
anyone having the same issue? I'm in Chicago if it makes a difference
>you will never sniff Riven's delicious white haired pussy
Feels awful man
Well that kind of feedback would not be legit to me at all. Those types of people I avoid at all cost. Not that I want it to be sugar coated but that holds zero information on why and HOW I suck. Like, that person needs to learn how to critique.
Now, if it's a stranger I'd just ignore and walk away but if a "friend" is like that he can kindly fuck off. I know I suck but jesus that type of braindead bullshit doesn't work with me.
xth for my wife Syndra
bard is the best champion
prove me wrong
Daily reminder that even the best ADC in the world has their fair share of bad games and never let it discourage you. Keep playing and keep grinding.
He really is, and I have 92% winrate with him after 12 matches, but these retards say that Bard/Bard players are shit. Maybe I'm one of the few blessed players
I recently broke my tilt, I'm feeling great, I'm in my promos and my mechanics have improved.
how do you beat a team comp based around Kog?
what a waste of 40 minutes
>Open Hextech chest
>Get champ shard (dust it because I own all champs), 150 BE, and another chest/key
>open second chest
>Skin shard for skin I already own and a gemstone
>not interested in any hextech skins so turn gemstone into chest/key
>open chest
>champ shard
Well that was a roller coaster that ended in disappointment
Pentakill Sona ass fucking Arcade Sona; while giving Arcade Sona a handjob causing her to cum on her own face; while both are getting ass fucked by a double penetration dildo; so Arcade Sona is getting Double Anal.
Waifu tiddies.
You wait till nerfs because Kog is 100% retarded rn
ban him
>demoted twice [2wice] in solo/duo
>keep climbing in flex
wh-what does it mean?
I'm gold 3 in flex and silver 3 in solo/duo
the quality of my teammates in flex is SO much higher even when I was s1 first week
getting carried by premades
>over-photoshopped 3dpd
> singed
Pentakill Sona: "Never tell Sona of PENTAKILL that keyboards aren't metal. Her instrument is filled with living barbed wire and a sonic scream loud enough to bring other, lesser musical genres crashing to their knees."
Silent Night Sona: "Drifting through the streets as she plays, Sona's beautiful melodies bring out the wonder of fresh snowfalls, quiet evenings by the fire, and time spent with family and friends. She can also weaponize these songs, raining destruction upon those who would spoil the holidays."
Sweetheart Sona: "Sona's quiet elegance and mastery of enchanted music might make the heart go all aflutter, but don't be fooled - she can still cut a man in half at thirty paces with her harp's soundwaves. That's the duality of love: sometimes you win, sometimes you get cut in half by soundwaves."
>the Demacians have a psychopathic music-witch wandering their streets and they don't even realize
I wanna fugg Soraka.
looks nothing like soraka, looks like a white draeni from WoW
>enemy telling their azir hes shit
>for losing to bard mid
is it justified? im siding with azir not getting the help he needed
so whats the official lore view on lux using magic in demacia
why hasnt she been killed yet?
Lux is a Disney princess so she gets a pass
>playing the best mid laner
Yeah it's his fault
>player locks Vayne top
>yells "invade" over and over again
>feeds hard into Kled and gives up first turret
>blames the jungler
>who did actually gank for him
>goes "fk u niiggers" in chat
>tps bot and ints the Twitch
>"gg ez" after winning the game with a 4-12 score
Holy fucking shit. If Jayce and Skarner weren't broken that would have been a sad sad game.
Also nerf Twitch when.
> Nuked Master Yi's entire village
> Nuked Riven's friends
> Killed Darius waifu
> Kidnapped and tortured Warwick
> Made Jinx insane
Is Singed the main villain of LoL?
wait he made jinx insane?
>queue mid/jg in ranked or draft pick
>100% guaranteed to get the role
Do people hate those roles that much?
Azir takes some time to ramp up and Bard does a crapload of burst with meeps. If he wasn't used to playing against it, I don't know why he should be expected to shit on it.
And yeah, it's always a good idea to camp the troll lane.
Oh shit he took Ignite. Yeah he's probably just bad.
Used to be a normal boy until he was exposed to Singed's soy gas and then turned into a tranny.
>Killed Darius waifu
this is not true. they literally released a comic showing it was some noxian assassin
he poisoned her arm off and made her lose faith in muh Noxus so it's pretty much indirect killing
the nerfs dont go far enough
>supposed to be a boss late game so lets give him a shit early
>oh wait his w lets him bully the fuck out of the enemy and his e stops them from retaliating
i can get off to this
0-4:play a game
5-9:watch more anime
apparently he took someones role too. guessing it was hecarim top
>Unsealed Spellbook
>Summoner spell cooldown reduction lowered from 25% to 10%
bad luck
can someone give me a quick rundown on how to play top lane in general?
any tips are good because i'm complete shit.
Annie is my wife!
play the game you pussy
if 5 another game
anything else, eat first then play game
how low is your self respect and how much do you hate every single player on your team
Annie is not for waifuing. She's for rimjobs.
Bro he sometimes gets autofilled in other positions.
Control the wave. Never trade aggressively unless you know where their jungler is, otherwise assume he's in the river waiting for you to walk up. Don't bother looking to make TP plays because no-one will ever put good wards down for that so just save your TP to try and transition item spikes into lane advantages. If you want to play a tank play Maokai or Malphite, otherwise play something lane-dominant like Jayce, Rumble or if you're shit elo Garen/Trundle/Pantheon. Scaling champs top kinda suck since you will be outscaled by bot lane unless you pop off or are just way better at macro than the enemy team. If you ever get the wave pushed into the enemy tower go ward some camps and take away blast cones.
Don't feed. Don't take Ignite unless you're on something like Pantheon where it's kill-or-be-killed.
Don't ban Teemo, learn to play against the rat. Unless he goes on-hit with a Frozen Mallet he's free as fuck.
Don't play marksmen tops unless you're high elo and have counterpick with a good comp. Otherwise you'll just fuck it up.
pick a melee champ
don't pick a tank
don't take tp
be a man
don't be a pussy
KZ still putting faith in the Peanut experiment, starting him over Cuzz verus ROX.
Ban Zoe and don't firstpick Azir, don't like it. Yes Vlad ban sets up GP super well but you have Khan, he has to have a counter to the GP if ROX takes it.
Bdd takes Ryze leaving the Azir up for ROX. I hate this fucking draft. You ban out the meta Azir counter and then pass him over to ROX after already giving up Kalista-Braum.
oh ok
This gif always makes me want to fap, stop posting it.
>This gif always makes me want to fap, stop posting it.
>zoe micronerfed again
just give her the killer nerf, stop the micronerfs
remember when LoL had a good art design?
if you think thats better than what they have now then you're a giant contrarian retard
toppest kek
>an error has occurred
I guess it won't
Kalista is free once again! Time to become a Kalista jungle god once more!
The BE grind is crazy
> I'm in Chicago
tfw won 16/17 of my last ranked games
i am a lucky boy
It never did.
user PLS
Yeah your isp sucks you retard
You do eat ass, right?
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu while singing cheesy love songs for her!
Runes for this Kalista jungle run, been trying out more support-y stuff
I wanna CUM and PEE inside Lulu's butt.
>tfw you'll never eat Ahri's ass as her tails wrap around your head to keep you there
Yeah she totally gonna play a lovesongs with some sweaty manlet neckbeard.
nigga i'm 1.93 metres tall
me in the middle
Anyone on NA want to queue? Haven't done placements but should be silver elo
>tfw no female Noxian commissar support with creep-denying and femdom-hinting lines
Riot, pls
i don't even smoke weed desu
What roles you play?
I want to fertilize this plant.
yet you have that faggot weed name
how do i watch high ranking games of specific champs
my autism is calling to tell you to shut the fuck up that splash is shit
Go to the op.gg page for the champ, look at high ranked mains, download replays
>be me (lulu)
>some autistic creep wants to touch me all the time
>thinks were in a relationship
>i dont even know him let alone talked to him
>others want to skin me alive because of him
>get massive amounts of porn that ruin my reputation for no reason
>and worst of all Riot nerfed me so I have to support shitstains now
Should I kms
I can play a couple before I get too tired, I added.
what's your fucking problem anyway
how to i watch replays? i tried downloading one from op.gg but they don't work
can you do it in the client like dota?
>can you do it in the client like dota?
ye so funny right? off urself
funnier than your whiny ass
>implying that spamming "dude weed lmao" is actually some funny original meme
i'm not even trynna be funny, ur the one ridiculizing urself
Tfw no dom gf
im not the original user im just here to tell you youre sucking the fun out of this thread harder than ezreal sucks taric's dick
>responding to someone that calls me out for having a "faggot weed name"
i'm sucking the fun out of the thread (which is not going on anyway)
>tfw no qt petite gf
What's up with everyone saying "winnable" like it's the new meme word like "boosted" and "inting"
>honor 1
>for rightfully calling players shit
That Nocturne is gonna be fucking worthless