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Dead game
How would you rate this latest Feh Channel and update today?
Personally the only thing that's worth it for me is the upcoming 100 orbs and daily maps/dev maps.
Hopefully the rhythm game gives something worthwhile too.
nice game /feg/gots
I actually like the gameplay and Leonidas and Hercules are free, so I already got all the units I wanted. I just play it every now and then when I'm out of energy for FEH.
Honestly it's pretty good in my eyes. Between some nice new banners and the Tempest Trials being way better than I anticipated it's hard for me to complain.
You told me Radiant Aether was inheritable!!!!!!!!!
Fuck you /feg/ and your mom
Ike was a disappointment. I was looking forward to more OC. The 100 orbs is goat but thats about it. Rhythm game looks boring.
Just got a L.Ike +SPD -RES from my free pull. Is he workable?
>dude VOTE
>and here is the new game mode ! town buil... uhm sorry I mean pointless tapping
I wonder if we're nearing the end of the Tempest Trials "story". With Loki finally showing up things will hopefully heat up.
is Ike's best nature neutral? -4 hp doesnt seem great on a unit with no refinement and -res seems counterproductive if you plan to keep warding breath
>Ragnell and R!Aether are prfs
>Warding Breath is niche as fuck, hardly anything can even inherit it
>nobody uses Seal X skills
>Shiro has Def Tactic already(although Steady Stance is probably preferable anyway)
What an underwhelming Legendary.
If the rythm game gives coins/stones I'm on it.
If it has the enemy phase music I'll uninstall
+def/-res with steady breath tbqh
warding breath is fantastic on units with DC prfs and ok res like Ryoma you're nuts
It was something, I was really hoping for friend point summoning to be introduced though, or laguz, or askr promotions, or skill refinery.
>Ike was a disappointment
The strongest lord got his dues as a Legendary unit, I'm not complaining too much.
How fucked am I?
Got him from my first red pull.
i feel like bike can be sacked for a cause more worthwhile than swapping 4 res for 4 def. also if your gonna sack his res you may as well replace his ragnell with a refined slaying sword because he isnt gonna counter mages thats for sure
>or askr promotions
>Anna teasing you might catch a glimpse of her making everyone think they'd get buffs
>all they do is stuff their fat faces full of cake
I hope that Ike being a legendary hero opens the way for other lords that deserve it, like Alm.
rate my pull guise
>Wake up today
>Check the game, no tempest banner
>Check the bonus units, Axura is a 40%
>Triggered because I never got her but 4 Inigos and a lot of pity breaker on the PA banner
>Fuck it, I want to do my free summon
IT'S HER, RES+ SPD- but I din't care haaaaa
I don't even want those 50 orbs. They will just bring me disappointment.
Brave Embla characters never ever
Imagining the gymnastics IS would pull to get out of making Brave Veronica is amusing, though
Just got this +atk -spd Siegbert in 15 orbs, how should I build him?
I bet you motherfuckers will vote Xander for another merge than Legendary Ike.
-Def +Res
At least Warding Breath you'll have 32/28 Defenses when attacked.
Just go "oh it's Veronica from another world where she doesn't have voices in her head"
I know. By putting him in the trash.
+RES/-DEF, synergises well with his resistance breath
>Veronica without that dumb headpiece
Would whale
>Rolling for Faye to make a good ram village team
>No colorless or reds so decide to roll green
>PAzura shows her face
>Have war flashbacks of never getting Inigo because of her
it still hurts
Thanks. I wonder if I can make anything unique for his IV set or just keep dumping orbs.
but no Jiku, explain.
Death Blow, Pass, Savage Blow, Galeforce, Heavy Blade
>Fjorm and her girlfriend Celica practically solo this TT
>mfw I got him with the free pull
Should i keep pulling?
>two units
if you want warding fodder or any of the units are your wife or daughter go ahead
Just pulled a +Spd/-Res Myrrh. Well aware that +Def is the ideal, but I'm not gonna dump 40 more orbs into this banner.
That said, is it pretty much accepted that her cookie cutter build is DC QR3 and Hone Dragons with w/e SS is needed? I always run buffs of some kind so I'm not too worried about 3 lost Res and missing out on 3 Def.
I would say no, unless you want one of the other characters.
All I need is Gunnthra
-ATK +HP myrrh or -DEF +SPD myrrh.
>quick everyone do my work for me because I don't know how to google
fuck off
what the fuck is wrong with his face
New (permanent) mode when? Having a stockpile of rare power creep units is meaningless when you only need one busted squad of 4 for most modes.
hoping for the best!
Are the cracked ice tiles on the final tempest map defence tiles or not? I can't tell.
-spd/def/res all seem to work depending on what you want him to do
>Great bonus units
>Easy as fuck maps
This might be my favorite TT ever.
Why would I want more of that shitty AA dagger counter?
>Staff Imouto Veronica
Nice comeback, let me see if I can do it too.
$180 later
>Ike, gunthraa, spring xander, spring federick, faye and PA! azura
Finally hit 300 units in my barracks, now i need to start foddering off these units
Got this gorilla in my free roll
Any way to salvage him
>posting this at 2AM
Damn it user
Man why did I even roll on this shitty bait banner, all I got was a 10.5% pity rate and more reposition fodder
I was thinking about pulling for Legendary Ike just to use him as warding breath fodder, but then it came to my mind: who the fuck would even want that? I got an unmerged Julia, but that's about it.
How does it feel to know you spent that much money for pixels and sound files on a phone game?
By removing Warding Breath for Steady
Muh f2p
Is it bad that I see her pupils caving inward?
Julia can't equip it anyway
Watch Ike be the free unit and you cry with 0 orbs lol. You're lucky we are getting a free 50.
Just got him -Atk +Spd, now which is the better?
Sounds good. Would Darting Blow work too? His speed is kinda shit with that IV.
plz respond
+spd is nice if you plan on using him without cavbuffs.
I pulled the units I wanted and I rather just enjoy my time with the game until the servers shut down. I had my fair share of fun with hookers and cocaine, spending this small amount of money on pixels isn't bad as destroying my liver with alcohol
-3 atk >>>>>>> missing possible doubles
especially since he has already swift sparrow and death blow from the start
>Twink Ike has 32 Def at neutral
>Buff Ike has 32 Def with it being a bane
Feelsbadman, Buff Ike has better art, tools and BST. I think Greg Chun is turning to stone though, his line delivery has got worse and worse.
One thousand dollars
Bank wont let me buy more orbs
No ike
Just a bunch of summer robins and a gunnthra
Seriously why
Goddamn, these guys are rude for eating FEH's cakes.
This stupid bird only got macarons.
>things that didnt happen
You were caught by the Gacha demon of Hope.
Free 100 you mean, I'm not even rolling for Ike anyways, I'm rolling for summer Robin and snacki, I couldn't care less about powercreep fodder Ike number 2
What do I do with swimming Xander? I have no interest in using him.
If a unit with Warding/Steady Breath has Vantage and they attack before the enemy does do they still get the -2 CD?
>idiots will vote for Camilla and Tharja in the Hero rising event
I honestly hope we just get Raigh so everyone will be mad
I'm 99% sure you're making this up but the thought of it still scares me
Infantry Pulse
I have no plans for him as off now. Thanks to this banner I have way too many reds and little to do with them. Will still try to snipe Ike with the free orbs.
Well, glad to hear it wasn't all that bad. Thank you kindly, anons.
Both are pretty bad
I'd say +HP/-ATK is the less bad of the two
>7 grand hero battles
100% fe6 and only 2 characters missing for Elibe. Feels good.
32 isn't too bad with cav buffs, Swift Sparrow would probably work best though.
Macaroons are pretty good.
Can we vote for Veronica?
The seals are okay/good this time
Camillafags and Tharjafags already wasted money for their banners. L.ike, Reinhardt, and other seasonals are the most likely choices.
Let's vote Surtr for even more confusion.
Don't think you can vote to non playable shitters but everyone should vote KeKtor for DC
Macaroons taste like cardboard
Who is /feg/ voting for btw