Tfw just want to go back to a life of sustinence farming and being protected by a lord

>tfw just want to go back to a life of sustinence farming and being protected by a lord

world is too complicated desu
education, wage slavery, 30 year loans just to have a roof over your head, no guarantee of employment, shitty food that gives you cancer, no town idiot to beat up and make fun of, no arranged marriage with chaste qt peasant girl, no body goes to church any more because they know it's bullshit thanks to mass literacy

/returntofeudalism/ when?

>Mass literacy is a bad thing
>Arranged marriages are a good thing

You'd probably be the town idiot desu

>being married off to a qt as soon as finish puberty

Whatever Chad Thundercock

> chaste
> peasant
> qt

Mass literacy is indeed a bad thing, especially for women.

Most NEETS can't even get a GF. Sacrificing reading to get something that is at least female is kind worth it desu,

Arranged marriages ARE a good thing. Mass literacy is a contradiction of terms desu.

Society worked perfectly fine with arranged marriages for millennia, reasonably controlling shit like carnal promiscuity, mass spread of STDs, abortions, adultery etc.

I swear if people were as degenerate in the 1200s as they are now, Europe would be wiped clean by some STD instead of the plague.

>there are men that would be content as illiterate subsistence farmers without freedoom of movement as long as they could get their dicks wet
This lack of ambition right there is why you don't get your dicks wet.

What if you get stuck with some broad who isn't someone you like or even get along with? Not every girl in an arranged marriage is going to be a 10/10 qt virgin waifu like in your animes. Grow up you fucking manchildren.

>muh looks
You're still not getting it are you

>reasonably controlling shit like carnal promiscuity, mass spread of STDs, abortions, adultery etc
Bull. Read apologetics of prostitution. Read how abortion was mostly deregulated and practiced when adequate abortificients were avaiable. Read on the syphilis epidemic. Do I even need to go into adultery?

You'll never get it lol

These guys would settle for the bottom of the barrel. Finding someone who would settle for them is the real issue, see?

/r9k/ is the possibly the most miserable board on Veeky Forums.

I understand it perfectly unlike you.

>What if you get stuck with some broad who isn't someone you like or even get along with?

Have you ever spoken to someone who's had an arranged marriage?

This sometimes happens, but most of the time the parents actually care about the quality of person their child is going to marry.

Besides, people marry people they don't like or get along with today for money, social status, etc. Not much has changed.

>Chads are THIS out of touch

"freedom of movement" is a meme

the only people who have it are the egregiously wealthy

Then whats the deal with tourism and economic migration? I could be in Norway or Italy tomorrow, to see the sights or to get a bigger slice of the pie for my self.

I couldn't.

So why do you think you'd get a qt?

wew you can lose your livelihood at the drop of a hat the moment you're no longer profitable for the compy but at least your boss lets you go on a McTourismâ„¢ trip for 10 days a year

sure you can migrate to italy for a job but once you get one there you won't being doing much moving that's for sure kek

>tfw Catholic monarchist

I have a greater social safety net and am part of a larger resource trading network than any serf.

Actually, I'm reminded that I'm technically a landlord now. And even if I wasn't my personnal wealth and knowledge of the world would still far exceed that of a petty king from the distant past. I wouldn't part with that without a bloodspill.

But I'd let you be my serf, sure.

>And even if I wasn't my personnal wealth and knowledge of the world would still far exceed that of a petty king from the distant past.
lel I'm arguing with a literal moron


>/r9k/ is the possibly
Certainly * the most miserable board

I'm fucking ugly and I've been with multiple women, I can't imagine how fucked up they must be mentally and physically

>wage slavery
how is this different from being a peasant
>30 year loans just to have a roof over your head
how is this different from owing the majority of your crop to your lord
>shitty food that gives you cancer
instead you would have shitty food that gives you vitamin deficiency
>chaste qt peasant girl

ignorance really is bliss, isn't it, user?


can't get fired from being a peasant
your hovel doesn't get repossessed if one year you yield less crops than the previous
I dunno abu but most cancer patients would gladly trade their affliction for vitamin deficiency
yes most girls are on average perfectly average looking and the odds of you getting an average girl is very high

>can't get fired from being a peasant
You can, from a cannon

>your hovel doesn't get repossessed if one year you yield less crops than the previous
Your head will

>yes most girls are on average perfectly average looking and the odds of you getting an average girl is very high
You'll get one according to your social status (a shit one). If she'll be any decent looking I'll deflower her personally

Now get back to plowing the field
t. Lord


oh you mean how every girl both decent AND ugly gets deflowered now before I meet her anyway?

okay m'lord

*tips fedora*

only thing u will deflower is my dick
with ur mouth laomao

you asked for it

>economy should be regulated, because i can't compete in the labour market
>sexuality shouldn't be regulated, because the laissez faire benefits me in this area

Why are socialists such hypocrites?

Im a socialist and I support the regulation of the sexual market to lessen genetic inequality.