World of Elfcraft
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World of Elfcraft
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
Reminder to report and ignore avatarfags
absoLUTELY White and Based
Lightforged draenei are the cutest
Allied races are stupid
>the fuckin orc scouting in top right
says the guy led by a soyboy in an homosexual interracial relationship
Posted right before new thread went up oops
>at uni until 6 today
>working the night shift
>allied races out now
I like void elves more than I thought I would, it's over for me
yes but the racials are boring and useless
i dont even get the refference
Why have people here been shilling this guy recently? Who is this uggo?
>check out my void elf waifu!
Idk what I should use my boost on, I'm thinking priest because they are boring as hell to level
Yeah i know, but i want to be good tank\dps.
I tired druid and didn't like it, but thanks for advice.
So both of them is good enought, what is why i can't decide... Any info about BFA changes for this specs? Im afraid that they got big nerfs...
They are ok. Outlaw is still JUST but works if you want to make it work.
Don't worry, the boosting process takes three days, so you are not missing much.
How do Alliance even compete?
Did blood elves(and now void elves) get popular because of fan art? Because it sure as hell isn't because of their ingame models.
Why would you use the default player character portraits and map if the rest of your UI seems more simplistic and futuristic ?
Can RNG bless you and titanforge WQ rewards to 30+ ilvls? I swear the most I've seen is +5 warforges
Go jump off a cliff.
alright avatarfag, at least make yourself useful and tell me what weap mog that is
*/cast gilded ravasaur on Alliance*
fuckin newfags i swear to god
I heard that dh will lose a lot of talents which makes me worried. But unless they fuck up demonic+chaos nova+eye beam, it's fine.
We have degenerate pandas aswell i dunno what you talking about
Wqs can indeed titanforge but I don't know the cap
blood elves got popular because they were the hordes only beautiful race and then even more because of their broken racial
void elves inherited blood elf popularity because now the soylliance can play them without having to play the bad guy/looking faction
Only a n*wf*g would call somebody else a *****g
fat polish cunt
But the mount is nice.
It's the Frostscythe of Lord Ahune from Midsummer.
>Outlaw still JUST
Shame, they're my fav aesthetically. Sub and Sin are equal?
How well are Havoc DH doing?
Beware the sharp talons of these avian beasts!
>tfw theres finally a race that really feels fitting for playing a shadow priest alliance side that isnt also a dog
Feels so nice
Frostscythe of Ahune from the Midsummer event
Remember not to engage with pezado at any point during your stay here friend
>boosting allied races
yes, titanforge can be up to +60 I think? it's basically as rare as a legendary though so don't farm them
sin is better and easier than sub but subs still okay
it's much better and pretty much broken in m+ too
Outlaw sims and looks low because most people are trash, but if you really tryhard outlaw can be better than the two other specs, assuming you have the right legendaries and trinkets
NB mage or lock?
Reposting from old thread, Nightborne waifu or HM male for a new warrior? Also I want to make a fresh start with my Horde characters, which non-PvP EU server do you suggest?
Don't forget to cuddle a Worgen today, /wowg/! :3c
So everyone can see his name
Do you wanna RP a Thalyssra loyalist or a remorseful Elisande faithful?
pretty good
If I level through the starting area then boost an allied race with my 100 boost from legion, will I still get the armor if I finish off the last 10 levels?
Elisande is the best girl.
Hahahahahahaha no
Base Elisande, Thalyssra is a cunt
HMT, you'll be glad in the long run that you didn't pick Nightborne.
Is it wrong that I'm considering using my boost on my paladin only so that I can hurry up and farm the judgement set?
Begone, alliance scum!
*polymorphs u*
I'd wondered if you hadn't died or something
so I have to pre-order the expansion to play the Allied Races right now?
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
Cool, thanks. Most of my legendaries are for sin so I'll just stick with that. Bracers and Boots still the go-to?
Assuming you have the requirements to unlock them? Yeah.
I wish he did.
>my main has been stuck on a race change for almost 12 hours now
Kill me.
I am gonna trust you my man. NB look like ass when standing still.
>those femworgen faces
how could blizzard fuck up this bad
Worgen gruls look like an epic shoulders.
shoulders boots or bracers boots are basically equal, depends on the gear you have in those slots
Do I need to grind Army of Light rep on an Alliance character to unlock Lightforged Dranei? I've only done Argus on my Horde character.
Pls don't say I need to do Argus again.
Same here but with the boost.
What class should I level a lightforged dranei with? I'm thinking shaman if it's available. Also, but no boost do they mean heirlooms as well? Or just not using the pre-order boost.
no you don't
No, unlock requirements are account wide.
What are the requirements?
>lightforged dranei
The achievement is account wide, but you need a max level alliance character to start the quest. You still get credit for the rep on your horde character though
Probably worth about 100g now right?
>lightforged draenei
Lorelets like you should literally just unsubscribe
>talking about afflocks
>he says "no king rules for ever'
What the FUCK did he mean by this ?
>want heritage armor
>can't decide on a class to level
>fall in love with tpaartos while doing the the lightforged unlock scenario
>immediately want to make a lightforged monk like him
>lightforged cant be monks
fuck you too blizz
>>lightforged cant be monks
Alright, that's it. I've had enough. I am DONE with /wowg/, forever.
I've been going to these threads for years now and they've just been getting worse with time. Between the NFA/RIPiP shitposters, the Rehab Clinic attention whores, the constant fawning over Pizzacat, the love/hate relationship this board has with Vjera, the tripfagging/avatarfagging, and the furry ERP degenerates I think I've had enough. You know it's bad when I can go to Reddit and find more on-topic posting about a VIDEO GAME and not what some NEET had for breakfast four days ago.
It's not like I am missing much since I can go to /v/ and get the same level of shitposting, and none of you are really even cut out for heroic raiding guilds or elite PvP anyway. Good riddance, /wowg/.
He's not a monk, he's a retard. It also explains you falling in love with him.
also, why the fuck did I just a see void elf on the new ravasaur?
forgot pic
>tfw even our avatarfags suck dick now
1 in 100.000 drop
I wish I was dead too
Nice pasta. Anyone bored enough to change it to samefag?
Time to open my lootbox!
isn't the argus weeklies supposed to give rep across the board?
i didn't get shit this week.
use your fucking boosts you cock
>Race changing within 24 hours of an expansion pre-order coming out
you brought this on yourself you dummy
Nelf Shadow Priest was fitting right up until the void retcon
>lightforged draenei
>can't have velens beard
Dropped, have to choose a fucking void elf
So do the allied races only become available on the character creation screen once you have the rep for them?
What race has the best animations for survival hunter? And for hunter in general?