Fighting Games General /fgg/
APology Edition fixed EVERYTHING bros, PLEASE PLAY SFV
post favorite sniffs
oh, gotenks is probably pretty good at zoning too, and his assist can set up a lot of meterless combos off projectiles while also being a tracking hit that puts you in lots of blockstun
nice thread you guys got goin here
would be a shame if something were to happen to it :3c
I hate that if I wanna play kof I have to play 02 because 14 is dead as shit
I hate that I have to play against Latin americans
someone make a doobz EU lobby
RIP to the user breh who couldn't make it to this thread with us
wish i was Rashid bros...
im literally playing it right now
i feel the same way, i like to play 14 but noone ever wants to play
so i just play jive most of the time
Evo champion.
I also saw that post, why couldn't he make it?
Game still randomly crashes if you have a drawing tablet plugged in.
How and why
Play Under Night next week!
i got beat up really hard by a juri earlier, i anticipated them being just a bandwagoner like the other 20 juris i fought today but he was pretty good
How you doin'
Has anyone bought this and modded it? Is it worth it?
Not enough sniffs killed the poor man..
it's a doggy dog world
thanks for the tips user. I come from a primarily street fighter background playing mostly guile or dhalsim so rushdown isn't something I'm accustomed to.
How do I get gudder at rushdown?
People need to learn the matchup now she's pretty good and with a 3f (low) and a dp you can't really be awful in jive.
Play more.
Have they patched proper stick support into DBFZ yet?
Why is down+up up on a hitbox? That's just weird.
Any DBZF /fgg/ lobbies up right now?
I wish I liked jive enough for it to be a decent substitute
I'm aight
Don't think. Just unga.
but 02 is better
the spics on fightcade are bad at it though
>People need to learn the matchup now
I've noticed with AE there's more variety to my usual matches, so I have to learn a lot of matchups I wasn't familiar with. In fact, now that I think about it I don't believe I've found a single Akuma since the update, and before he was in about 2/3 of my matches.
my ps3 stick still doesnt work...
What is balrog thinking at this very moment?
>not 02um
see me in dbzf
>which is more fun
hard to tell for me at this point. i had the time of my life in mvci at first and then lost all interest overnight despite having like a 90% winrate. with dooberz its atm kind of the opposite, i was about to drop the game day 2 but now its pretty fun, just gotta take your time with all the casual mashers. can't really compare it to SFV right now, sf can be fun too.
absolutely no idea how the balance is in this game, there seems to be decent diversity of characters in the top ranks
>which one is more kuso
they're both kusoge but DBFZ doesn't have laura or mika so that's a plus
>will dooberz last long or die quickly
i think it will have the same fate as MKX. it will still have great player numbers months or years after release but only a small dedicated group of people who take the game seriously. i haven't heard what the marvel community thinks though, maybe they're gonna try to play it. i'd of course be happy if i'm wrong and if the game can sustain a big playerbase of enthusiastic online players.
p.s. i havent yet felt like i got robbed during my losses in arena/ring matches against good players, a feeling i frequently have when playing SFV. the pressure can be pretty damn oppressive tho if the other guy knows what he's doing
see me in melty in the near future
So you dont have to move your middle finger to press up. Either down or up had to be under the thumb, and it made more sense for it to be up.
Patch the game and I will
Depends how near it is
quantum physics and how hes gonna juggle getting his third phd while raising a child
No I'm talking about the socd cleaning. Left+right is neutral which makes sense, and I figured down+up would be neutral as well but it's not.
>Patch the game and I will
nice dodge, netcode is fantastic in it
>Shitting on laura and mika while playing Abigail
wew lad
Anyone else hate this kind of design? Not sure i'll buy scvi now.
how do i fight abigail
excuse me, i'm playing nash
I wish Android 21 would turn me into a cupcake and then step on me
I'm coming for you Brick... the Italian menace will end soon...
is this Hit tracking a bug? easy to time it.
Lads, hows this for a sniff?
Is archetype earth the only melty character with flight?
My wife.
haha what if the victim reverts back to normal after android 21 ate them and they are now stuck in her belly.
She eats people.
are you dumb?
soul calibur designs stopped making sense a long time ago
I just kinda treat his gorilla normals as fireballs and jump forward as a read whenever I feel like it.
Oh I forgot about that, thought you were just memeing me last time we played
why does your team have three point characters user
i hear dbfz is lit af?
Welp I just got fired, my wife is going to kill me.
that chun pose reminds me of this guy
>Depends how near it is
I don't know, I'll let you know in advance though. Probably not this week.
>learn actual combos
>niggas still using auto-combos still find a way to beat me
Did we ever find out if Max and Aris were being paid to promote DBFZ?
can't believe the dbz player count crashed and burned so fast desu
Hey guys I just got promoted. boss caught some dumb fuck looking at porn while at work.
did they get early copies
why the hell would you remember this
Combos don't teach you neutral. If you can't get a hit your combos are useless.
Based snifffposters getting people fired.
Who should I run as my last character with Piccolo on point and Tenshinhan on mid
how do i neutral against urien
Thank you, is the character any good? I like her dress
auto-combos ruins the beginner-intermediate growth period in fighting games
As a beginner you want to mash autocombos which discourages learning
But if you try to actually learn you get more frustrated than normal because auto combos are far more effective than some dude trying to do his basic bnbs
assist synergy
Autocombos in DBFZ are essential to the game and doing any complex combo requires you to use parts of autocombos you fucking autist. You are the masher that fucking hates them because you are losing to other mashers. The fact you dont know how essential autocombos in the air and for specific autocombo exclusive moves shows how fucking retarded you sound.
>Autocombos in DBFZ are essential to the game
the hell? there is no reason to use autocombos after you learn basic BnBs.
Epic vappa reaction image
>autocombo exclusive moves
holy fuck lol
please tell me this isn't real
m8 the next level to autocombos is a bnb that requires almost 0 timing u just press them out in quick succession which is easy for new players SF style of them being all different timings throws them off.
actually you can use them to extend combos you wouldn't normally be able to do because of the tracking properties they have
basic bnbs have auto combos in them though
there are some autocombo exclusive moves though and they track somewhat
I didn't say they were easy or hard
I said that it's doubly frustrating for new players because they try to do a non-auto combo and if they drop it and get auto comboed to death they'll be seething even more than usual
If you fucks weren't so shitty to each other we wouldn't have to have 5 separate threads discussing fighting game.
I don't play jive sorry.
DBFZ has as much neutral as you want it to have.
It's real. Beerus has a cross-up move that can't be accessed any other way except for his light autocombo and there are likely others as well.
When are the Monster Hunter costumes coming to SFV