Old: Harem edition
Old: Harem edition
1st for my wife Vi
first for artistic consistency
where's vladfag
xth for my wife Syndra
>Caring about league of lol lore when all of your favourite pieces are going to get retconned in a year or two
>tfw no qt petite gf
My fav lore is Zaun and Warwick's and I really doubt they change that at this point
Guys, how do I into Udyr? I want to slap people.
annie cute vu when
Needs more booty. What does everyone think of new swain? I don't play pbe so I havent seen anything.
reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!
Level with me, /lolg/. Do you think Riot should balance the game for casuals or elites? And if so, why?
why live
>balance the game for people that can't rub two brain cells together
>balance the game for people that actually know how to play the game
gee boss it sure is a hard choice
Don't love the tomboy.
Retards dont know what his W does and think E is supposed to be used at melee range.
He's a human shotgun, with a 40% win rate on release that will get hopefully not buffed because he'll be 55% WR cancer even if they don't and people learn his strengths and proper items.
They'll still be going Spirit Visage RoA rush and building mana items in low elo for months, except Swain has absolutely no mana issues and doesn't burn through it.
Let me impregnate you for once!
>Balance the game for a large majority of people
>Balance the game for the top 5% of players
i wanna resize annie's asshole
The Noxian maintain that the Demacian people has lost faith in victory. Do you believe with the King and us in the final victory of the Demacian armed forces?
The Noxian maintain that the Demacian people is resisting the kingdom's measures for total war, that they don't want total war, but only capitulation!
Before us lies Demacia! In us marches Demacia! And behind us Demacia follows!
The Noxian maintain that the Demacian people have lost faith in their King, I ask you: Do you trust in your King?
The Noxian say that the Demacian people are tired of struggle. It is not for ideas that we live! Not for theories! Not for fantastic party programs! No! We live and fight for the Demacian Folk! For the preservation of it's existence!
You must never slacken! Never Tire! Never lose courage! Never despair!
This generation, it is the bearer of Demacia's destiny; of Demacia's future or Demacia's fall.
And our enemies, they already cry out today: Demacia shall fall! Yet Demacia can give but one answer:
Our Demacian people, HAIL VICTORY!
>Losing a game with someone still playing their placement matches on your team counts as a loss
>Team comp is comprised of 3 split pushers, an ADC, and a support
Who should we send to a side lane and who should stay mid? Should I just contest every opportunity to split in low elo?
Finally someone who speaks my language. Me unga everyone else bunga/
>tfw new and still learning Ekko
>When you go 13/3 with Ekko with the million IQ plays
>You get A+ and you're not even mad
Holy shit that felt incredible. I only even used the ult twice, I completely forgot I had it at some point.
Are there other champs like Ekko?
Who are the split pushers and who is doing well?
>Losing a game... counts as a loss
Yorick, jax, tf. TF can't be trusted, Yorick won lane, Jax still needs to scale.
I really dislike that they turned him from an intense, creepy, cripple into NOXUS DADDY GIVE ME CUMMIES
Yorick is a better choice in that case. Don't let them do the double spilt push bullshit. It never works.
Why not?
his long hair looks like shit
How do you make that decision?
Mega Melon Models
Like you said. Tf cant be trusted. Jax is almost always better in a team fight. Yorick won lane so he is probably strong and has a better chance at winning a 1v1/2v1 when the enemy sends people to deal with him.
>tfw no riven GF
>be me
>14-4 out of my placements, climbing steadily
>Getting 1-2 honors per game
>tell a teammate to stop whining and keep playing the game instead of tilting
>call a udyr who was purposely trolling and afking (he even said it in chat) a faggot for doing that
>get 14 days ban
HAHAHAH, great fucking Riot.
I want to bully other male yordles with my husband, Kled!
so I'm plat V 51LP. Let's say I play once a every two weeks, I win one, I lose one, I win one, I lose one, and this cycle just keeps happening until the end of season. I'll still stay plat right? The decay shouldn't effect me.
That's what you get for calling him a faggot in chat and not just out loud.
Swains passive is actually super legit in a teamfigth. Just played him a bunch on the pbe, and the extra cc duration you add to your allies cc is no laughing matter.
where were you when the lore genocide happened
What if TF can be trusted? What if it's a tryndamere jg and he's hitting his powerspike?
i hope they give annie better clothes than that retarded blue/purple ensemble it doesn't look good with her red hair it's stupid
if u call anyone nigger or faggot you're gonna get it retard. the ingame chat isn't Veeky Forums
new laughing girls reaction image?
Does Runaan not throw out additional feathers for Xayah's passive? Should I just take RFC instead?
why is the art team so bad
use the splash arts art team, not this shit
my dog could do a better job if i gave him a stylus goddamn
I swear if RIOT gives Annie a twin who died that now lives inside of Tibbers...
No it doesn't.
You should only buy that item on like 2 people.
Nowadays only Jinx and Twitch get anything out of Runaans desuu
Reminder to always give your support the D!
They deserve it for all the effort they put into providing vision and shields!
Especially if they are Janna!
Like i get the art is intentionally bad because its supposed to be childish. but its so nasty.
>annie is now gay
>her girlfriend lives inside the bear
I've been fapping and playing league all day
What's wrong wih me
Still a better love story than Varus---------
That's normal.
>playing league
That's a tough. It depends on what yorick is buying. If he has a bramble vest/thornmail he is the better choice. Tf still shouldn't be split pushing he will get melted by trynd. Jax could splitpush and run away if he is still weak.
new void marksman?
>implying Annie isn't gonna be 3 gay bears trapped inside a little girl's body
With 3 changes, put any skill back into midlane.
why haven't they removed stop watch already ? its gotten so ridiculus
>when your husbando sits well with you.
Feelsgoodman. Now I know how waifufags feel
>Next let’s talk about the Darkin Blade, Aatrox. As noted previously, Aatrox’s changes will be the largest pure gameplay update we’ve ever done, and it’s taken us a bit longer than we originally predicted. We think that Aatrox really isn’t holistically living up to his Darkin Warlord theme and needs to be rethought from the ground up.
>After many iterations and a lot of experiments, we’ve finally settled on a design direction we’re happy with: “bloodthirsty, greatsword-wielding Warlord.” We want Aatrox’s attacks and abilities to feel very heavy and powerful while still maintaining the duelist nature of a sword master. And he’s definitely gonna have a giant Darkin sword that feeds on the death and destruction of all humanity. You know, typical Darkin stuff.
Oh great I'm so going to enjoy all the Aatrox mains coming out of the woodwork going AHH HE WAS JUST FINE BEFORE AS A SLENDER FEMME BAT FREAK for a million months
>new Vayne-like marksman
oh no, another Bronzord piece.
well it was predictable since they mentioned the vgu after Irelia would be a female and the only candidates were Morg/Kayle or Akali, and they said Morg/Kayle vgu isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Waifufags don't actually play their waifus.
>implying Annie is not a small plane hiding inside a big plane
I thought Irelia was next.
If I pull that greenpost off will you die?
>Nunu's dumbass model is finally getting a VGU.
Aatrox is after Irelia, and then there's Akali, and then they're teasing someone snow themed that's probably Nunu.
oh shit, the void marksman is probably kassadins daughter
Next champ is related to kassadin, and is going to be a high risk high reward vayne like adc
Aatrox is having a big ability update
Next reworks will be irelia, then akali, then nunu
I'f be worried for Akali if it wasn't for the fact that she'll be handled by Jinx's and Vi's dad.
Plus anything will be bettet than DicklessAbandon
What if TF has R and we have good vision? Also, how do we decide on who gets to last hit the minions in mid lane?
I hope they don't fuck it up.
>We think her Shroud is an awesome and iconic ability and want to push it even further.
Kill yourself, riot
>It would be extremely painful...
it's funny as hell, just stop diving like a retard
It's wrong.
What about Syndra-user
6min long cinematic for annie tomorrow.
that's not true
>Akali has always been a beloved champion, but she hasn’t aged particularly well
It's from 5 minute animation
Just nerf her tits.
>145HP from resolve secondary
>100 hp from celestial body
>second wind
>increased potion duration
>doran's shield
This champion has so many crutches to stay in lane. How anyone manages to die on him is beyond me. Even Pantheon is a breeze for him with the new runes.
>do shit at champs I love
>do super well at champs I hate
Why must fate taunt me so?
>dude trolls
>admits to be trolling in chat
>call him a fag for doing that
>get banned
Ok, I learned my lesson, to the uninstall club.
Is there any way to refund the money you've spent in the game?
stop loving hard champions or stop being bronze
Post the pic.
Litetally who?
Adc usually gets farm mid. If your adc doesn't have full items then you wanna give them priority if they are competent. Even if you have good vision it should still be yorick or jax. Whoever can take push faster. Tf's gold card is a big threat to have while grouped.
>6 MINUTES for Annie
>take a break from league for about 8 months
>come back last month
>because i hear about potential varus updates
>favourite character and all that
>kinda blank it, play a bunch
>playing with my champ pool
>they suck dick
>all of them are weak or considered "dead" and "trolling" if you pick them
>no buffs for them for years
>still play them because i legitimately think theyre fun
>can't win games though, whatever
>decided to read the varus changes
>they make him gay
>for no reason other than diveristy
another 8 month break i think.