When It Rains It Pours edition
NA's sudden but inevitable demise
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net
NA: NEET - na.wargaming.net
PS4: BLAPS - console.worldoftanks.com
Old thread
When It Rains It Pours edition
NA's sudden but inevitable demise
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net
NA: NEET - na.wargaming.net
PS4: BLAPS - console.worldoftanks.com
Old thread
no point in clans anymore
pzmoe motto since 2012. the clan for playing alone together
>clan wars
check the memo
>years of being a shitter
>now nearing 2500 wn8 and 60% wins
I think I finally made it, /wotg/
Now what tanks do I need to join a clan and get the 907?
make a 3rd account
NA clan activities are dead m8
God, the Cent I is an insufferable piece of shit.
It's just my recents though
Is this a total meme or is it 100% true that I couldn't get a 907/m60?
I wish I were memeing but cw activities are uncertain at this point on NA.
CW meta is WZ5A on every map in every situation, then a tier below that obj 907/140, on certain maps super conquerors and in certain situations mauses or type 5 heavies
The last campaign for reward tanks was in December so the next one probably won't be till summer
Time to grind out cash for the t8 chinese heavy, then. I have a 140, but besides that no other 10s. What should I get after the 5a?
batchat is never not used
I just invested $1000 in NA account
What to do, boys?
Cool. I am at a lot of t8 lines right now, all the chinese lines at 8. Will the chinese lights ever get used in lower tier CW/strongholds/etc? What are the meta tanks for each tier?
write off
Kill yourself
as if any sane FC would let a shitter without competitive play experience play a BC
his best bet is getting a 140 and the good old retard proof is-7
sad b tru
What clans should my shitter ass be looking at?
at this point you should be looking at another game
What other game is both alive and similar to this one?
There isn't one.
just go play csgo
it's essentially tanks
That seems utterly untrue
Isn't there no RNG in csgo?
therefore a better game
look into top clans and see if they have feeder subclans like YOUJO -> NICO who'll get you experience and a foot in the door for when you meet the better clan's reqs
or just join a Veeky Forums clan who'll take any shitter as long as they use the right memes
it will come back
>NA: NEET - na.wargaming.net
>links to awoo clan page
No new hires for austin HQ per WGHQ mandate
its fucked jim
prem tanks and other shit or just buying the account ?
Seems good to me. What skills should my 5a crew have, anyway?
>mfw art appreciation is such a blowoff I can shitpost from the back of the class
awoo is dead m8
are you trying to tell me spamming the thread for years didn't actually do anything to keep it alive?
Its a dead game populated by shitters and clanfags.
What were you expecting.
the usd 1k special from october
awoo was never alive to begin with
but i just want to toon
sometimes i wonder what it's like being yewchung
> buying a bundle that didn't even have the kv5
i'm not saying your a retarded virgin but in a way i kind of am
man this guy is seeing the future
streaming BLITZ on YOUTUBE
what a god
>wanting kv-5
your permavirgin is showing user
NA is saved you guys
Our threads are nowhere nesr fast enough to justify two threads, let alone some faggot making a thread 70 posts before bump limit. Fucking idiots.
> pays a grand
> still doesn't get the defender and the type 59
>got a type 59 watching wgl
why the fuck would anyone want a 59 again?
Probably the pref mm that cucks the current mm
pref mm is nice as is the prestige value
it's not a terrible tank
Can someone invite me to the awoo discord?
Just let it die fags
isn't pref mm fucked in the current match making?
not really
only thing that fucks prefs rn are OIs
so what games you guys gonna play now that world of tanks is F?
Dragon dildo and lube and a fleshlight
no, pref is godlike because you can't be bottom in a 3-5-7 game and it tricks the matchmaker into actually letting you see tanks lower tier than you
>pref is godlike
not really, especially when most games will be tier9s and tier9s nowadays are tier10s.
a game against tier 9s with pref is still usually a game against tier 7, which isn't likely to happen even once a day for a regular tier 8
just being able to see tanks lower tier than it on a regular basis is a godsend for your mental health if nothing else
how to pen t62e4 without premium
ohhh i'm used to those not doing anything
shoot under the ears and the cupola on top
You have to hit it dead centre so only try to hit it close range.
>radley fadin's
>no mastery
aim for the drivewheel from the front at a 45 degree angle
why would you aim for that when the cupola is a much better target from the front?
the cupola is a much smaller and frequently moving target, you don't even need to hit the machine gun port dead on the hull plate is weaker all around it
> playing the batchat and expecting easy mastery's
bitch plz