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No more cuddling Mercyfags - Edition

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Here comes T.Racer!

lung cancer is my only salvation from comp

Just climbed from silver to plat playing only Reinhardt and Winston
How many more ranks till I'm decent?

Lena Oxton is my wife!

You mean please be big boobs? You can drop the act, you just care about the big boobs.

And no, it's definitely going to be Sanjay or something he created.

Recluse for Hero 27!

If you take this game seriously you're a fucking joke, every game is a coin flip and there's barely any skill involved.

Daily reminder.


what? you can get to masters playing tank except zarya

>he doesnt want Mama Hong to be the next hero
Get a load of this pleb.

Reposting from last dead thread:
>username is “ItsMeYourDad” to mess around in chat
>people pick up on the absent father who went to get cigarettes and never came back cliche pretty easily, it's funny
>get added and messaged from ThatOneGirl: hey daddy
>against my better judgment, reply with my go-to shtick
>its me
>your dad
>“suck my right nipple daddy”
>let her know that I played for the other team
>"that's gross, daddy"
OK. There's no real moral to this story

>Everyone cheering about the mercy nerfs in VC
>mercy one trick shitter sits there quietly taking all the roasts

get a load of this reddit

Get fucked bitches. Symm will not be bullied!

Remember to bully any mercy players you see.


>that roadhog argument at about 3 minutes
nani the fuck? Are mercy mains mentally ill?

So in three weeks will we all be back here complaining that the nerfs weren't enough?

I want to kiss my mommy!

They aren't enough though, but it'll do for now

Some girl confused my jokey Dad username to be a sexy roleplay username

Have you faggot realised the Mercy nerfs mean nothing yet?

Ahh, was she playing Mercy?


I never checked. I was queueing for MH

16st for reaper is a pedophile

The Mercy nerfs mean quadtank moira meta.


Has any of those shitty "gaming journalism" websites written about the Mercy outrage yet?

She's so beautiful! I want to be molested by her the way Pharah was!

>someone plays Moira
>I get gold healing as Zen
>check profile
>they were a Mercy main
This has been happening way too much today.

And the pros whined enough about triple tank

Why the fuck do you fags spam the thread up with this same post

It means a fuckton
I haven't seen that many mercy players besides one tricks since patch. Lucio/Zen and Lucio/Moira should stomp a team with a mercy

I just play QP because I can still use Reaper against people who are bad.

/owg/ realised it instantly, it's Mercy mains are so dumb that slightest nerf make them lose their shit. They need time to learn how to play her again now, dysfunctional brains of mercy mains need to adjust to the new button pressing frequency.

Zen/Moira is the shit my man, moira for close range heals zen for long range

this guy here

just lost on comp game on eichenwalde against six dps I'm fucking uninstalling.

>lucio requiring high skill
LMAO are you retarded? All you need to master with him is timing:
>speed boost on first push
>if majority of team gets killed, speed boost back to spawn to get them back quicker
>speed boost during large AoE ults like Barrage, Blizzard, w/e
>alternatively, pop ult during a Grav or during a pitched fight
>every other time, have heal, and amp it up whenever people are actually taking damage

Congratulations, you are now good at Lucio. You're welcome.

Nothing wrong with losing against six dps, as long as ur not GM.

what happened to the left nipple tho?

is it amputated?

>Took Blizzard like 5 months to make Mercy not a demigod and return her to the plane of mortals
Does Blizzard even play their own game? Jeff says he plays but I don't believe how he could miss how absurd Mercy was for so long.

Jeff is plat

moiras a fag character, true support bro duo is zen + lucio

already uninstalled the game and battle.net. I hate this game, i really don't know why i fucking play it. Blizzard is a bad company who can't do anything right, always has been. I hope this game fucking dies

>join match
>see a sombra/doomfist/widow instalock
>leave the match

Why do you have to win to gain the Arcade Boxes this is so retarded?

>new common occurrence gets reposted
such a novel idea

>someone plays genji
>I get gold healing as soldier
>check their profile
>it's a Mercy main

just play FFA
if you finish from 1-4 place you'll get a "win" in the lootbox system


>someone plays widowmaker
>get gold objective time as orisa
>check their profile
>it's a mercy main

>literally can't win matches in any of the game modes that are leagues more fun than quick play
>especially with its retarded matchmaking that puts me: high plat vs bronzes and silvers

? I don't understand. How are you expecting Genji to get gold healing?

>he doesn't get 10k healing a game as genji by deflecting ana's heals and nade
ur bad at genji bro

Rabid mercyhaters are retarded, who could have guessed?

>Someone plays Doomfist
>Get gold teleporter uptime as Symmetra
>Check their profile
>It's a Mercy main

>Mercy mains are this dense
that's clearly a meme post, holy shit are you stupid?

That comic weird reminds me of that weird series of comics where people unexpectedly kill each other of fuck up the disabled etc


to make you feel like youre working for something


Imagine being this entitled.

>Someone plays mccree
>Get gold scoped critical hits
>Check their profile
>It's a mercy main

It's like 90% golds and lower just pick a DPS and meme on them.


Big tiddy maid hero or riot


>child having heart attack on stage
>crowd cheers
really america?

>Mercy mains

>play arcade
>3 games
>3 losses
>complete waste of my time

You should have seen our TV in the 80s and 90s.

>pharmercy in qp

? post

>mercy in QP

Hey the new thread came in early so I don't think you saw my reply, it's

Post yfw people you kill actually stay dead now.

I'd cheer for anyone doing the worm in front of me to have a heart attack to be quite honest

>Someone plays Hanzo
>Get gold healing as D.Va
>Check their profile
>Its a mercy main

Are Winston and Dva OP?

Play FFA as McMeme and press E, then M2. Be sure to type out "WHOA THAR" every time you get a kill.

no but widowmaker is

>someone plays mercy
>get gold healing as roadhog
>check their profile
>it's a mercy main

does anybody actually enjoy playing this game or do you just do it to pass/waste time?

what is the appeal of 'team' games like overwatch in general?


>Orisa is the reason you never fucking buff a character

>tfw you instalock pharah and some good heal slut automatically picks mercy and becomes your personal property for the game


>The state of Mercy mains


Play Quick Play atva high enough performance level and the game will automatically start matching you with and against better players leading to better games without having to suffer through getting matched with tons of boosted literal retards.

>Always say this
Like if you're not willing to healslut, don't complain.


MH is out.
I just pop in to Ana every once in a while.

It's retarded though, you need your tanks, the extra DPS should go healer.

It's always the DPS that says that though

you cant control what other people are going to do or not do, be the change you want to see or accept it


In this comic it's shown as the tank
>single tank is told to switch to healer if he wants heals