Lightforged master race
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Lightforged master race
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Blood of Sargeras to gold:
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I'm literally 1.7k from exalted with highmountain. Is it true that the 3rd boss in the dungeon there gives rep? If so I might see about spamming it.
True beauty
>I don't know anything about Enh Shaman besides how often they top meters by like a good 20% over the 2nd highest
So you just don't know anything then, given that isn't true
Reminder to report and ignore avatarfags.
They look fine on Tauren, especially if you don't have a cloak
BEST Shemale reporting in!
Should add all WQs exhausted and all token missions are hours from finishing and aren't even going to give me HM rep
Pls gib sauce
Which tanks are actually fun? I played a Blood DK from Wrath to Legion but the changes killed my enjoyment of the class. Mainly considering monk, preferably something that can do content solo (old or questing) reasonably fast/well.
only managing 12 right now
is there some addon to keep track of mission progress across characters
not the night elves, that'd be rude :^)
>moon guard
Lightforged are cute CUTE!!!
>dark irons
what is it about solid red slightly-glowing eyes that's so damn appealing
Just calling what I see
Of course not on fights where afflocks destroy with multidots but enh seems really strong and the wclogs rankings seem to support it
>buying bfa now
why tho lol
Just did a Ragefire Chasm lfg run (horde side), I was 15 others were 20.
Guess the race(s) and gender(s) of the characters in the group.
>mfw rolling lightforged shadowpriest
Just google Dark Iron Dwarf. The sfw source will come up.
Simply the best kind of eyes.
demon hunters and death knights are the kings of self healing, with dks having more healing and dhs having more movement speed
>not supporting the tiny indie company with preordering
>blood elves making fun of themselves as well
are they retarded?
>afflic is amazing
>afflic is the most unfun boring spec in the ENTIRE game
all female trolls
>Lightforged Shadow Priest
>Void Elf Holy Priest
this should not be done
prot's fun if you enjoy the utility of being able to basically double as a secondary raid healer and having lots of external CDs, plus they can do solid damage with FA/Sera Build for farm and M+. Can be a bit tricky pushing with their AM coverage though
female nightborne
Perfection DOES exist.
>Just calling what I see
>wclogs rankings seem to support it
It doesn't
They're solid at sustained single target with little movement, but aren't great with heavy movement involved. Morever, they aren't as broken as other classes on fights where they shine such as Afflock on Coven or Aggrammar. Its closer to 2% better than 20%, and only for a select niche.
TL;DR fucking nope
> nightborne mage
> high mountain warrior
> light forged priest
What should I level for void elf? Leveling with buddy and can't make a decision. Was thinking maybe rogue?
Haven't played in fucking forever, does Alchemy still rake in the gold or is there a better way to make money now?
I love you
>mfw I rev the fuck up that fuckin' void elf holy priest right before your very eyes
But wheres the nsfw at user?
Re asking since last thread ended,
Probably gets asked a fair amount, but whats the best way to get back into the game after not playing for 5-6 years (Since cata) in terms of getting caught up with all the expansions?
Are there good promos / refer a friend incentives for creating a new account or should I just re log from my old account?
I know I'm.
>triggered treenigger
Guys I sick, feels bad, there is some cold wind from the Pole, I have my hot chocolate and blanket but still feels bad. Love you guys.
Rogue is good
Also Hunter, even though they're taking out all the thematic Marksman "Dark Ranger" stuff in BFA
blood elves ancestors are also trolls, same with nightborne
>wasting your boost
user pls
>shadow priest
no no NO
On my ssd.
Realllllly hope they change the nightborne casting animations at some point, casting teleport with your arms sprung out like that looks so dumb, leave that shit with Nelfs
No user you can mog that at lvl 20 now.
I'm not crazy about DH fantasy or that I'm forced to play a blood elf but gameplay-wise they're appealing, mobility and self-healing is very nice.
If Zandalari get Paladins I might seriously consider that, they only reason I haven't tried pallies before is that I don't like either of the Horde options.
Welcome to literally any fight where we can't make use of lingering insanity or has immune phase changes.
God I hope Zandalari can be DKs.
stop posting this fucking repulsive picture
yeah but only one of these lives in a tree covered in their own dung user
It was Nightborne Infiltrators who laid all the pranks, thats what the quest was about
But also even still, Blood Elves are one extra step "evolved" from Night Elves, so BE's saying NE's are closer to Trolls is valid. Plus there's the thing about BE's being more cosmopolitan while Night Elves are a lot closer to nature. t'd be like a white person calling a black person a monkey
pls gib
Do you own her?
Remember when people made cringey WoW music videos
What do you dislike about it?
Not happening retard
But they will be paladins, screencap this
fuck off already
>z-zandalari paladins guys, can't wait!
imagine being sexually attracted to this
what do you even look like
it's ok, the cold will kill some rapefugees
Hi wowg! Hows the heritage armor grind going
that one larper is going to kill himself holy fuck
they are talking about high mountain being shamans and lightforged being paladins
They actually devolved to be effected by sickness and disease, just like trolls. It's also not valid because it says ancestors
Affliction has great DPS, it is also soul crushing to play as you don't really do anything
What does this mean for /ourguy/ Bellular?
..Which means Zandalari wont be Paladin. Thats what hes implying.
the well and elune is what "evolved" them, that's not how evolution works so it was more a mutation mixed with intelligent design, nothing in that insult is more valid for either race. it was mostly just retarded writing
>really wanted to level a HM druid
>ended up in love with the velves
Why are they so cool
feel better now
>surv is the highest hunter dps spec in mythic
Well, it is my "oc" I suppose.
I'm not even happy with that commission. Its just perfect to shitpost with
if only they actually looked like that and not total shit
Anyone know if you buy BfA if you still need to buy Legion if you have no other xpacs? Newfag here ready to throw his life away.
only 5 people play it and therefore the parses are inflated
wrong my brainlet friend
It's a bit silly if the Horde gets no new Paladin, but the Alliance keeps getting them over and over again. Warsong sure as hell won't be able to be them.
do you think hes railing evitel behind talisins back, or does tailisn know about it?
That's an okay looking night elf, not Tyrande level but that one is pretty cute
>thats not how evolution works
maybe in our world but this is warcraft, a species changing in phisiology due to different environment conditions is evolution, even if that environmental condition is "magic"
>mutation mixed with intelligent design
evolution is mutation though
and there was no intelligent design, it's not like Azeroth did this on purpose
best PVP server NA?
The only difference between buying now or later is that i don't get access to the races, so why not?
user come on now post link. I'm dying to see her.
Why? It doesn't have to be balanced. Plus Horde is getting all the Shaman.
nothing, because he wouldnt have the know how to do that. he just browses reddit/wowhead/mmo champ/other youtubers then takes what they have and make a video of it
Horde is getting 2 new Shaman and likely a third come Draenor Orcs
>still believing in zandaladins
let it go user
To play WoW as it is right now you need:
>World of Warcraft
This includes all previous expacs and the "base" game. Currently level 1-100
This includes Legion; 101-110 content. It requires World of Warcraft to play.
The BFA pre-order specifically mentions requiring World of Warcraft and Legion to access the allied race content now, but when BFA releases you won't need to buy Legion, as it will be added to the base game.
If all you bought now is BFA you can't play. If all you bought now is BFA and the base game, you can't play, yet.
intelligent design by elune, that's why they look more like the elf half of dryads who are part elune, evolution happens over a long period of time, these basically rapid changes that happen basically over night that change everything, even their spiritual essence (night elves turning into wisps etc) is not evolution and more than just a quick mutation, even in the warcraft world. the race is entirely different over night, that's not how evolution works, it was guided and the changes were done quickly
Furbolg new allied race being shaman, fixed
keep leveleing my orc warrior or wait for Draenor Allied Orc? Are thye rally confirmed?
>alliance get no new druid race
>none of the supposed upcoming allied races will have them
>they still only have one race option for the class after 19 years
[00:11:57] You receive loot: [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].
What should I use my boost on (either Alliance allied race): hunter, rogue, priest, warlock.
Classes I have played and liked: balance druid, fire mage, rdruid, disc priest, affliction warlock, shadow priest. Classes I have played and disliked: warrior, paladin.
I kinda wanna do another caster, but I have a priest and lock at level 90 and it feels wasteful to use a boost on a class I already have so high.