lewd elf edition
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lewd elf edition
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xth for my wife Syndra
There are people who unironically don't play ARAM, and some of them are here in this thread RIGHT NOW!
How can other waifus even hope to compete with these gainz ???
Reminder that you can't win games unless you 1v9. League is shit.
Reminder that Akali is getting rework by this motherfucker.
Lulu is for swimming in :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!
>adc leaves base and stays in game for 4 minutes when afks
>cant remake or ff yet
>i feed the Kat to make the game end faster and open mid
>Get banned for inting
I'm sorry that we're not coming back from a 4v5 in the early game so I wanted to make this game go faster so others can play more Riot. Fuck yourself
>Playing ARAM
user, you need to join OCE.
I don't have an ARAM account so it gets tiring of getting a team full non poke into Sona/Xerath,/Ziggs/lux.
>Wukong still not on the VGU list
I hate Riot from the bottom of my heart
well fuck
so her Q will one shot, her ult will knock people up, and her E will heal her?
She also gets a smoke shield and shroud gives her 3x crit
Should I text her bros?
Is that bronze?
>cancelled buffs for Caitlyn
>One tiny change in meta could put her back in the dumpster again
What champ attracts the most cucks?
What champ attracts the most sluts?
She's the love of my life though.
Janna is the answer for both
She's OK right now since the relic shit is gone.
Any assassin attracts cucks
Any female support attracts sluts
Silver 3 smurf. Aside from Annie my team barely qualified as human beings.
Ezreal x Lux?
Ezreal x Zoe?
Ezreal x Taric?
Pick your poison.
How do people solo lane with Rakan or Lulu?
Me x Zoe
Electrocute is the most broken thing in the game. 50-220 dmg with scaling is fucking insane. It shouldn't scale at least.
Based annie players in silver they're okay 9/10 times
You don't
Max Q/W, use it to disengage if try to get funny.
Take her top.
>that pic
Knew she's a whore.
It's a worse Thunderlord's. Even Comet does more DPS.
Why is this fucking game so unoptimized?
The client has many issues, it bugs and shit.
And the servers are beyond shitty, even with constant 15 ms, their servers just go ADHD and lags all over the place.
>tfw no fertile plant gf
>shroud gives her 3x crit
wouldn't be surprised if something similar happens. either she'll gain Shacos' backstab passive while in shroud, or gain some bonus damage in shroud for one attack
I want Poppy to sit on my face.
Then you should call her then
xth for Cute Ashe
Winter Edition
After some serious deep thoughts,i do realize all i want is a Janna main to duo with
She casts a shroud cloud that sticks to the enemy.
R is 3 dashes so it can stay the same.
Let's try to look at the bright side that mean, CertainlyshiT isn't doing Nunu
reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
No matter where you are, Whether it's a quarter mile away, of halfway across the world. You'll always be with me, and you'll always be my brother.
>ywn have Syndra tell you to stop shitposting on lolg and come to bed
I want to main champs I enjoy but I want to climb without a ridiculous amount of stress should I play fiora and kayle or stick to easier meta things
Taking Mom Lulu requests
Apparently this is the new tier VGU chart, the user in the last thread was right Cho is still a tier 1 candidate
She's going to be able to endlessly use her W while inside of her W to instantly blink to anywhere inside of it with no cooldown. Additionally the longer she stays in the shroud without attacking she'll gain a stacking buff that converts a % of her next attack's damage to True Damage, and enemies who walk inside of the shroud and then walk out will leave a trail extending the shroud like Nocturne's Q.
Copypasta this it's 100% true.
AP kog mid?
Lulu tucking pix to sleep
Here's your janna slut, enjoy
give me someone to watch when the cytube is dead and t1 isn't streaming
Damn user that hits too close to home, she'd probably also toss my phone away.[/spoiler,]
Syndra dont need any sort of sweaty neckbeards near her. Return after defeating a few kingdoms.
You're missing the point of CT's designs. She has to be rewarded for fighting in her shroud, fighting out of her shroud, hiding in her shroud, and not using her shroud.
Skarner, Voli and Fiddlesticks are unplayable right now. Everyone is just boring or not meta.
I understand some of these but Rammus and Kayle function perfectly as they are.
Wait I enjoy the champs I'm playing what I mean to say is I want to main best girl but it feels bad right now
What do?
>loss streak broken with annie
Alright it's decided; I'm an anime now.
They think Kayle take too much time to scale and is boring even if she becomes a monster in late, their words not mine and Rammus i truly don't know he's OK, probably because he's to old
Thick Lulu wearing nothing but a towel around her body and also another towel on wrapped around her hair in a spiral like girls do
Seriously what rune i suppose to take on Fiddle he's shit right now
That's nice but make it mom related somehow
Fiddle is shit pick something else
I played Fiddle jungle the other day and did fine.
Got every dragon, rift, and baron.
B..ut,i like scarecrows user
Lulu giving birth.
She'll hover your phone over the air next to the castle and threaten to drop it if you don't behave
She'll also call you a faggot for phoneposting
wtf op this is a lol thread you cant post mercy...
Lulu having sex with his hybrid son
Play teemo and stand still
My mom does this very often...
mercy has breasts and hips though
how can you confuse?
>last match get a lee bitching about my choice
>feed and never ganks lanes
>only steals shacos blue (shaco doesnt even need that shit)
>alistar throws a bitchfit and runs it down mid
>get jungle filled
>try going nunu
>gets banned
>have to play yorick or bard jungle into a xin
fuck this game
it's 2018, respect lulu's pronouns bigots
Going to main Fiora top this season.
Standard build goes
>Cull start >Rush vamp scepter for sustain
finishes with
>Merc treads
>Essence Reaver
>Death's dance
>Maw of Malmortius
>Infinity edge
>Guardian Angel
The logic being
>Trade wave clear speed(Hydra) for dueling power
>IE to take advantage of her 100% crit chance
>Essence reaver for near-infinite mana and pairs well with IE for an extra 10% CDR
It feels like Essence > IE > Maw works better than her standard build of Tri > Ravenous > Steraks because
>Better burst and all-in damage since your damage isn't coming every 2.5 seconds
>CDR increases from 35 to 45%
>Vital procs increase from 12.5 to 16.5
to be fair he did not post the breasts and hips of this character
We all know why
lulu bbc cuck
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
She can throw it away for all I care.
also don't bully :c
oh god I hope I get matched against you
>mfw I haven't banned a single champion that isn't Fiora this season
That ended with the expanded free champions, user. Aram-only accounts are pretty useless now.
Have fun in Bronze V user.
He's good against teams that are shit at vision control.
Fiddle just has very low numbers and isn't good for much besides being annoying. He's cool though and one of the best meme champs much better than that faggot Morde
Ban Fiora.
I will respect my supports mouth with my cock!
I will protect her smile with my cum!
ALWAYS ban Fiora
that piece of fucking shit champion design doesn't deserve to exist
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife/mom/sister/swim
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Singed is fine he can work if you learn his playstyle and it's feels incredible to suvirve a 3 man gang and spam the laugh