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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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A little early isn't it
>not a spic thread
Good thread.
>14 posts early
Fucking cry some more. If it were 100+ early then yeah I can see people being pissy but this? Eat shit
Fuck off
No Shade GHB post? What happened, ShadeAnon? You feeling okay?
Lads, just filter him. You'll feel much better.
much arigatou.
Ummm, Sigurd Bros????
That Ike looks very boy-ish compared to the actual Brave Ike
It's how he should have looked
kill yourself moron
don't fall for the bait banner guys
Good for Eldigan
Brought her from 5*+1 to 5*+10 today. She's so good and precious and I love her.
>spic mad he didn’t get to make another mommy thread
Fuck you. You’re the reason early threads exist.
thx bro
Thanks for the reminder.
GHB/Tempest reward fucking when
>Azura and THOTmilla, two SHITFUS that already have two alts, getting so many votes
That's why I hate NuFE, it's like a freaking cum-guzzling black hole that sucks all attention. Thotmilla existing is already terrible, ISIS forcing her down on me is just an insult to my intelligence. Fuck NuFE scum.
>was expecting an Ephraim banner
>it's not a Sacred Stones tempest at all
Might as well since I already have all the herofest banner units anyway
So how many orbs does /feg/ have saved up for Nephfest?
I burst out laughing, I don't know why.
kill yourself soyboy
Well done PooInTheLooAnon
>look grandpa I posted it again
>so mad he posted it again
I wanna fuck her so much
>Be (You)
>Decide to go outside to take some fresh air
>While walking through the park you notice a figure laying down in the middle of the road
>It’s your waifu/husbando
>They have lost consciousness but are otherwise fine
>Suddenly become aware that you are currently alone with them, with no one else in sight
What do you honestly do?
I want to hold his hand!
If my post number ends in an odd number, I roll for Brave Ike, if it's even I'll roll for the new Ike. Let's see which Ike I roll for.
Blade tome refine WHEN
I'm gonna try for Sigurd and Brave Ike, Nephenee ain't a priority sadly.
0 orbs.
Soren needs a unique tome
0. I'm not rolling for a skill that should have been available at 4 stars by now. Fuck ISIS.
Probably wake them up and see if they're alright
I just finished FE4. Is Thracia 776 worth playing, or should I skip it?
Pic unrelated of course.
Imagine being this mad
* Wrath + SB fest
Shit taste detected
>All that dragon help last thread
I love you /feg/!
I want to +10 her but i still need a +spd and more Ninos
Maybe i can get some in HeroFest banner since i'm going for Bike
Not be a freak
>Eldigan actually is going to be the focus of the FE4 portion of the set
oh baby
From her Heroes artist
Who has the best voice in FEH
Wait for the new translation, unless that doesn't bother you
>jerking to Shinji's used goods
What kinda question is that? Of course Thracia is worth playing.
Prepare the bowl of eggs
>Being at 4*
That skill honestly is too good for a 4* unit, literally gives a extra Wo Dao effect and -1 CD every turn when you are in Desperation range.
Clearly the only answer is to take them to your home.
More like Steady Breath fest.
Take a picture and post it on /feg/
Free roll my rukina needs wrath
Even in other games you have the worst fucking taste in women imaginable
atiki is better than ytiki, people who disagree are autistic pedophiles. This is fact.
Yeah seriously, check if they're all right, not be weird about it
It's a meta-defining skill in arguably the most competitive skill slot. It's fine. It's in the same way QR 3 should have been available at 4 star by now.
Vote for PA Olivia
Who will you vote for?
Hector. Fuck your Ikes, fuck your thots, give me DC goddamn it.
>muh Raul posted a pic of this character so now I have to hate her
Fuck you autist
>it's an /feg/ gets raided by raul and his discordfriends episode
where the fuck is my zephiel rerun
I would rather vote for Serika because I'd fodder either for DD anyway
I want to, but the vast majority of other FEH players are voting for Hector or L!Ike ;_;
You can't actually stack it with desperation unless you're using Lyn though
At least not for now
Me too. Except for a merge
should i save my orbs or fall for the bait> any thoughts of what the next banner will have?
KeKtor for my armors
>Decide to go outside
There goes my suspension of disbelief.
>thought that was Thanos
>its just Abdahllah
Blue Azura because I really want her original version. I already have Hector and don't care about Ike.
Kokon Konfuzi is a treasure.
Ike, mines -atk :c
Jesus Christ that OP is retarded long. Why the fuck do they need all that garbage in the first post?
Gunnthra so I can have all the legendary heroes released so far.
I'm not saying you can stack it with desperation, i said ''Desperation range'' because it activates with losing a minimum of HP
Probably Hector. None of my favorites have a chance in hell of winning, and he's just useful all around.
If I went after who I wanted most, it'd be Spring Xander or Innes.
That's one dapper Eldigan.
>implying I wasn't a Fatefag for years
I don't need your boyfriend telling me he likes her to make me think Medusa is shit.
>I'm going to post this every day until you like it
5% :^)
I wonder who's behind this post.
Planning on it.
My wife.
That's what an actual OP looks like.
Hector since i don't have one or Ayra for Merge my actual one And as retribution against IS jewery