Fighting Games General /fgg/
>This kills the Capcuck
ruining reputations over the internet is the new stab someone over losing in mvc2
Year of the dog!
>Still not in Jive
so opening the case wasn't just a matter of unscrewing the underside? I thought all of the budget qanba sticks were basically the same
Quiet, you parasites.
Do black guys like brown anime girls?
Of course it's a brown majin male
poor 16 forgot to put his hands back on before taking out the trash
Both Vampire Savior AND SFV
So Toffee is going to get DarkPrince rebanned?
black guys like any girls too stupid to run away on sight
Yea I do but I also hate the le BBC meme.
This one is technically first. Also first for ps4 stick recommendations. Under $160 if possible
of course I do. the better question is who doesn't?
>No, a target combo is just a series of already accessible normals strung together
You are literally the wrongest person alive, and you should feel very wrong.
i do and menat is pretty popular here so yea
Wish i was Sin bros...
Some do, some do not. I do, but one of my friends despises them and calls them niggers.
Year of the log!
Do you like this?
I'm confused on your situation with the drone, but it looks like the hori rap is your best option as far as moddability and price
the parts should be fine, just don't switch out the spring on the stick. the hayabusa has a really strong return to neutral for some reason if you do
You make friends with other anons?
no nigga
WOOOO New thread baby, that means new chances, new opportunities, new horizons. Were here LIVE at the start of a new /fgg/ thread so see whats hot, whats new, whats poppin. I got my boy anonymous here and I'm gon ask him right here... right now.. which fighting game girl is the MOST sniffworthy?
LMAO, someone is jealous that his "guides" aren't getting attention. Maybe if he used his real voice instead of hiring cheap Mexican labor, showed his face once in a while, and got better internet so he could netplay with his fans and not complain about lag from packet loss, he'd be more popular. I like Novril, but this is still funny.
Watch your back.
need that insta, my man
Is Toffee sexually active? Why would a 15 year old repost this?
you Vsav players are fucked in the head. time to let go of your grudge, dyne
anyone here tried brainfood to be more inteligent when playing fighting games?
no i dont want to try adderall or energy drinks i'm talking natural stuff
Capcom used their last 'blonde' slot on Falke. Sorry user.
I want to get her pregnant
Chads slamming her.
Because she thought it was funny?
Still true after all these years
please leave the little girl alone
Fatfeels is not a Chad
I'm confused, is this person suppose to be trans?
orbiters are so fucking pathetic
I wish you would die
who is this ugly bitch
calm down pizzadiddle
finally, i know the identity of that loser who makes oc requests in /v/ drawthreads
Falke when
>Double digit player count
>You still feel the need to post Reddit images to kick it while it's down
kinglord of the betas. amiright?
stop posting about this kid
Think I have a lipstick fetish bros
No, it's Dyne. He got in trouble for calling a transsexual "bro," then got banned
I don't think Dyne posts on here.
why don't people play that game
i heard carnal talk of a minor is a punishable offense
i should probably submit this to tips and have you extradited
those legs
anime games can be fun but dealing with the anime community isn't worth it
>Heh, men are such fucking perverts. All they want is to have sex with you. That's not what I want at all, I like you as a person.
>So uh, what are you doing tonight? Oh, you already have plans?
>Who's Noel Brown?
>O-Oh... I see....
>No, it's fine! I'll talk to you tomorrow!
>... Hello?
kefla, android 21. you can tell toriyama has a passion for sniff drawing when he gets the chance. he should do it more often
Because there is literally no reason to play Arcana Heart unless you have lots of extra time and money.
>small playerbase, split discords due to community drama
>difficult execution even for the "easy" characters
>high learning curve with figuring out how each arcana works
>no in-game tutorial, will have to scour several sites and discords just to learn anything at all since many of the guide videos are unlisted on YouTube for no good reason
>netplay is very hit and miss and good luck finding other locals to play it with
So unless you like to just trainingboar all day, don't bother as a beginner. People will say that no one likes Arcana Heart because "it has anime lolis" but it just generally has a very high learning curve and the community is mega dodgy. You're better off just learning a game like Guilty Gear or even BlazBlue if you really want an airdasher that's easier for beginners. At least they have larger communities that can potentially help you out.
Is this the new pasta bros?
why do people play dbfz
I'm undecided on buying DBZ because neutral is my favorite aspect of fighting games. Vanish being universal and completely safe on block makes DBZ neutral really jank to me. Yes it cost a bar but you'll get one easily just walking forward.
I was watching Psyken's stream and he did a long set with a defensive player. It was the first time I saw actual neutral in the game with both players being patient and slow because Psyken's opponent Zero(something) was very good about launching attempted homing attacks and not getting hit by vanish. Zero could reflect at key moments as well and was able to do some mild Zoning with Piccalo's assist and 21 on point but I don't think real zoning will ever exist in this game because of the way it was designed.
TL:DR DBZ has no meaningful defensive options and punishing your opponents offense isn't the same thing as controlling the pace of the match.
Why the fuck isn't the NLBC on already?
Does the dbfz server maintenance has anything to do with it?
Because its ____fun____
Never, Jive is cancelled
Because it saved fighting games from the shills
Just use your defensive options
I posted that in a worried sense, not in a "I want to have intercourse with this child" sense.
When is NLBC marvel happening?
Most 15 year olds are sexually active
>Mash L
epic falseflag bro
i was waiting for this eventually
>pizzadiddle admits it was him that posted it just as everyone predicted
LMAO whats his obsession with that girl
Oh, wait. It's on now. Nevermind.
>the most shilled for free game in recent history
>saved anything from shills
Thank god I won't be around in the future when you stupid kids actually grow up.
imagine mating pressing this...
Take your pills blitz.
>split discords due to community drama
Really? Over fucking what?
I actually don't know cause I'm not that user but thats what I would guess
is chris matrix the worst shill of all time
Hey its the rock's character from that one disney movie
Because it's based on a normalfag anime that a bunch of people watched when they were 10. That's mostly it. Just have serviceable airdasher mechanics that have been used a million times before, but add in recognizable characters and you've got a hit. If this were Persona 5 Arena or whatever, it would be getting 1/10th of the attention it is getting, guaranteed.
Not really, I wrote this myself.
Frosty Bolt insulted some casual player (he didn't get that not everyone wants to play the game at a competitive level as their main game and that the game is so dead, you need to join the discord just to find matches with any human beings) and then Bill307 got angry, resulting in him making his own discord.
>DBFZ is the most shilled game in history
Are we serious right now?
i just got paid
is doobers worth it or is everyone going to drop it it like a month
why do people play fantasy strike
How are you going to deny this shit?
Are we hyped for UNIST next week?
Stop impersonating me.
>nobody gives a shit about arcsys game
>they make one skinned as DBZ
I can't believe broski lost his /fgg/ sponsorship
nobody actually plays fantasy strike
Don't bother until it's 50% off, $40 max.
It's lame, not much going for it aside from being the most active fighting game on PC but even then the servers are shit and you can't fight friends so who cares?
easy to understand