Memorial Edition
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Memorial Edition
MEG's updated Pastebin:
Femtur Pastebin:
MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
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Other urls found in this thread:
gigi-chan best waifu
>all the Korean Mass Effect artists are lesbian Liarafags
All redheads are gays
3rd for spiky girlfriend
femtur cancer needs to die
What good taste af.
Someone shill the discord for the new thread.
Fuck yeah dude
Do people even post in it? I haven't touched it yet.
Yeah we got a full 10 posters!
Yeah, sometimes. It's only 10 people right now.
Thanks for helping out a dirty phoneposter, user.
>Thanks for helping out a dirty phoneposter, user.
What even is discord?
we kinda do the same there that we do here, except that wont die
You'll die.
how do you know i didn't already?
Something that kills off generals.
you know what always bothered me?
who the hell are the other people on that memorial? i dont know who any of them are and im supposed to feel bad for them?
It's the original Normandy crew that got killed by the ME2 opening Collectors attack.
well yeah, but i didn't know any of them except Pressley
Pressley was shitl.
Why is she so perfect?
Didn't know them, but those are the same names on the dogtags you collect in the crash site DLC. At least, I'm pretty sure.
I'm gonna plug the Discord, for posterity.
Come and see, my boys.
That's three plugs already. Not bad.
You take that back.
Oh baby.
nth for illusive man being the best man
it's such a nice ass.
TIM a homo who loved MT's
idk what an MT is but TIM isn't a homo, he seems like a high class guy who would buy a woman and keep her as a pet and treat her nicely **if she behaved**
wait fuck wrong spoiler method reeeeeeeeee
>idk what an MT is
this is the only thing I can think of when I hear MT
Best man at being dead, that's for sure.
She's so pretty
Consider reading the pastebin then, friendo.
>yet no texture and/or weather mods
it's a screenshot I found on the internet, don't get mad at me
that didn't help
Allow me to assist you.
That's even worse, I'm playing New Vegas right now, why aren't you?
I really wish you hadn't
Why did they suck exactly?
How can we improve them?
Are they a positive addition to the lore?
What a funny way to say "Thank you."
They suck because they're bland as hell. The characters are hardly compelling, and their design isn't all that interesting, plus they're like the only new race we run into in the entire galaxy. They would be more interesting if there was another alien culture to compare them to, besides all the ones that we're used to from the OT.
They should have an interesting culture, or something that is based off of facets from current human civilizations instead of being boring, westernized electric cats with super-feelings.
Best gril,comin through!
This vid instead.
Tali talking about the mako.
Oh shit, you found them.
>that face
More like that everything. Looks like a 3rd rate CG from a z-tier movie made in Uganda.
This is very shit.
>Why did they suck exactly?
See >How can we improve them?
Completely remove them from the ME universe. Not like there's going to be more ME games after the turd that was Andromeda
>Are they a positive addition to the lore?
That's an insult to Uganda.
he was a filthy racist
>leave general for about two months
>come back
>it's all gone to shit
Are there still writefags, at least? Do I dare start writing?
No to both.
>gone to shit
Honestly, it's gotten slightly better than it was a few months ago. It's just no one's writing/drawing anything anymore.
If you think you're up for it, yeah give it a try
Go for it user, I believe in you.
Well, you´ll know at least Presley and Jenkins. After that you can add further teammembers (EGM also adds Rupert Gardner to the list.)
> when the Discord has 10x the activity of this thread
Not even. It's almost the same, if not slower.
the latest round of joinings surely has propelled things forward.
It's still the same 4 or 5 people chatting.
> which leaves more ppl to post here
Your mom would want you to pick ScarJo.
How do we always manage to hit 90-99 posters at every thread limit yet move so slowly?
Also not having a Salarian teammate in Andromeda was downright sinful.
>inb4 we had a Salarian pilot
It's not the same. It's not the same...
just relax about our speed, it's 630am JST
depends on the timezone. Most posters are muricans i presume, so Asian and europe times are just a bit more comfy.
Not sure, I'm surprised we manage to even get above 60 still.
It might help to discuss things other than the state of /meg/ and how discord is supposedly preferable. You're fuckin' depressing, user.
What the hell is wrong with those bellies?
Sorry user, didn't mean to trigger you.
Get it together.
Old, linear bruises?
bad model
stay away from that nasty page
stay away from those femtur's
The crippled pilot is a lucky man.
Did you just assume it´s gender ???
the crippled pilot is a broken man
now this catches my curiosity
I wanted to see more wildlife in Mass Effect, hostile or not. There could be so many interesting creature designs to use, especially on different planets. I just want to hunt some monsters while exploring, is that hard to ask?
I played some Subnautica yesterday (same user who asked about it), and the wildlife is really cool. The reefback scared the shit out of me when I first didn't see it as I ascended to the surface.
The bioluminescent vines are really cool, too.
Alright /meg/, what's your ME raifu?