Post the LEAST amount of money you need to live comfy, forever.
Post the LEAST amount of money you need to live comfy, forever
10 million
I only need a place to sleep, food and water, electricity, internet and computer, and my phone to live happily when I rrally think about it.
this tbqh.
2000$/month more or less.
Food shelter Internet running water and electricity. Maybe a dog. So not much maybe 1 million
Enough to be able to live comfortably with a wife and maybe kids one day. Being able to travel for a total of 3-4 weeks every year and to retire and do what the man in the OP pic is doing.
I think I could scrape by on $6 million as long as life didn't throw me any curve balls.
1m$, if I'm allowed to make more money, otherwise
1mil euros in the index funds, getting 8% dividends every year.
And be comfy? How??
I lived half a year on 8k and it was fairly comfy. More is better of course but this is my financial independence goal.
Where did you live so cheap?
Do you have friends that aren't online friends?
Did you continue to have sex with girls?
$500k if you are murrican
$170k for me
I was living in a dorm for about $380/month. Only ate out at restaurants a few times. Also I had a buss pass.
My friends don't eat out that much, we eat grocery store food.
>sex with girls
user please.
$100 millon. I would need enough that I could live a non-poorfag lifestyle on 1/2 of 4% (annual returns + interest).
the absolute minimum to last the next 70 years slightly above poor in my area would be like $2.5 - $3 million
i'd feel "comfortable" at $5 million i guess
Try Eastern Europe. Median earnings where I live (Poland) are at around 24000-30000 PLN (6268-7835 $) per year. If you're able to earn 20k$/year you'll be basically upper middle class.
Fifty thousand pounds per year.
Which is 2 million over 40 years
If you live in any of the cucked West Euro "old countries", probably. As an East euro fag, a solid 2000 euros per month puta you solidly above the majority of people asthe median wages are about 1000+ euros per month. This would let you rent a fancy apartment, have a nice car, eat whatever you want and just be overall comfy as a single man. If you have a family, it'd still have you covered solid, but you would have to accept not being able to enjoy quite as many hobbies/luxury goods.
A 1000 euros permonth in passive income is my current main goal. Then keep on ramping up the gains until I'm truly comfy.
Comfort is subjective
>1000 euros permonth in passive income
POSW. Look into it.
Enough money for a plane ticket and a log cabin far away enough where the government wont bother me.
What do you spend so much money on that you couldn't be comfortable with 20k? It's the average american income.
In on PosW since 3k sats boi.
I've fallen in love with this idea. To never again be a wagecuck, go for simple travels around the world, read, draw, be in the woods as I please, maybe write something, do some volunteering work.
I can't sleep because of this.
Has anyone succeeded with this idea from Veeky Forums?
Can cryptos give it to us within 2-5years?
This is EXACTLY what I am hunting. Fuck Lambos, fuck yachts - that's basic double ironic rich pleb shit. Pointless overindulgence. I just want enough to be 100% comfy, travel as i please and not worry about bills or costs. I want to find myself at a cafe in the Dubrovnik old town, gentle breeze caressing my face as I open up a map next to a nice green tea. I don't want the question in my head to be "ah man how much vacation money do I have left before I must return to my awful wagecuck nightmare. Fuck no. I want the only question in my head to be "Where to next?".
€700 a month.
I already own a fully paid off house, so very little.
damn I wanted to go to Croatia Erasmus in my Univesity, sadly that never happened, headr it's a beautiful country.
The more I read Veeky Forums the more I understand that I dont need a high-end phone or a powerful sports car or a fancy watch. This is just plain stupid normie consumerism for bragging rights.
And brag for what? Who is the biggest wagecuck,
Fuck those nigger faggots.
I live in a thrid world country, so 1M will be enough.
1 million
Good point. I stand corrected, And reflective.
My niggas. My parents are retiring to a little town in Mexico where they can just chill - I plan on showing up at their doorstep and saying "here's your new neighbor" someday. Hopefully someday soon.
Tell that to a homeless person fag
There is some truth to his statement. You dont need that much as you think you do
realistically, 7 million.
I'm 35, that amount would allow me to live up to my 90s happily and careless.
in not a big spender nor like to show off.
I'd keep working, though but now I'd work for myself and only on things I like and whenever I wanted to.
I make that. Can confirm comfy apartment and enough left over for food n fun
Your parents will probably end up as cartel gore porn on /b/ someday.
500 million
$2,900,000 to last me until I'm 90 years old. If I might want to live with a wife and big famiy in a large house I'ld make it $10,000,000
I want to attain the status described above, and use all of my gainz that would otherwise go to yachts to go to christian missionaries who's purpose is to defend christianity and convert muslims to the true faith, and thus forging peace in the world.