OT - eyosongive.us
Ahri is cute edition!
OT - eyosongive.us
Ahri is cute edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
Ahri is every sexually attractive feature all at the same time
Redhead girls are best girls.
Firefox Ahri is best Ahri.
ftfy senpai
Name a champion with more autistic mains than Draven, you can't
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!!
xth for Bard
god t1 is so cool;
where's your god now?
>DracoZyra is bad
Yeah nah neck yourself. I fucking love Dark Star Thresh too but you are a pleb. I hate Thresh in general because I find his kit tremendously unsatisfying.
Time to delete the thread and start again, this is pure cancer
I will respect my support with my lewd caresses!
I will protect my support with my passionate kisses!
REAQT? what?
woohoo! Ahri thread
*farts and shits everywhere* too late i've marked this thread as my territory
leg eleged
First S+ on this champion the game after I get Rank 5. That's pretty neat.
Video is a good example of target priority in a teamfight. (Also a good example of basic tping to a fight.)
These past two games I used:
Iron Skin(Game 1)MirrorShell(Game 2)/ Second Wind
Take Demolish if you need to hard split and won't be harassed in lane too hard.
Forgot link to video edition.
*teleports behinid you*
heh, nothing personal kid, ill make you regret it
I'm pretty sure that not liking DracoZyra is the litmus test of garbage taste.
The only bad thing about this skin is that it's not a legendary with its own VO.
xth for mindbreak.
Do you play any other role besides support?
Can you do this in league?
Need to remind everyone who best girl is every so often
Singed, heimer, unironic teemo mains.
t. clinically autistic
Read the letters one by one out loud and then look at the post I was responding to and it will make sense unless you're particularly slow
I don't have many Ahris but I'll contribute
I want to fertilize this plant.
>Camp bot and make them snowball
>I start falling behind and getting killed every fight as jungler
>Bot is constantly flaming me for being useless
Why are adc players so toxic?
RIP in pieces your dick
And here I was trying to figure out what the fuck that was an acronym for.
I agree though
Is it an Ahri posting kind of time?
>akali being reworked to focus more on shroud instead of marking and dashing at niggas
why does riot have to ruin everything fun in this game
I could easily take the thread to image limit but I'll just post a few of my favorites for the moment
Hopefully with Ahri's help.Such as telling Xayah that her charm had already worn off and she's the one willingly moving her hips on a human cock
>people didn't notice Sonas ass until the dj Sona skin came out
for shame lolbabs
Dunno who you're quoting but we were posting about Sona's ass for a long time. Even before they removed locket.
this is acceptable do not go farther !!!
Here's my current fave atm
I hate how many acronyms people use in this fucking game. Half the time when someone says something I have to ask myself if they were talking about something specific, if they're having a seizure, or if their cat just happened to barrel down their door kick them in the face and run across their keyboard.
>no panties
Star Guardian Ahri best Ahri
But lewd caresses always turn into lewd undressings!
>tfw no Janna main gf
What a sad feeling.
>lewd caresses are acceptable
we're making progress, keep it up anons
SG is my favorite skin for her and even though I never play her I'm thinking of grabbing it in the early sale
True. Even the concept is god tier.
Daily reminder that it's not rape if you cum.
I really like this one too
she's way too cute
>Star Guardian Ahri will never sit on your lap without panties on
ended up getting this semon demon skin instead of le black hole hook man of many playz
guess im a zyrafag now
>start rubbing banding
>wtf, ping is at 60, never goes higher
>lose connection and try to reconnect
>unable to connect to the server, please check blah blah x9001
>close league and reboot from fresh
>sorry your game has been corrupted and must reinstall a patch xD
>finally get back in game 10 minutes later
>rubber banding right out the gate
>dc again
>lose and get a leave
Why is Ahri such a sexual goddess?
Is there a compilation of all the concepts yet? I really love the red stockings one and the whole ZR theme of Star Guardians drives me wild.
ahri is not important
>not having shit taste
good man
Nice, although you should redeem your Thresh shard if you still get around to playing him, it's a great skin. I love Zyra and she's in my top 5 girls but Tahm Kench is my main support.
ur not important
>P E R F E C T body
>fluffy tails
>semen demon magic
>tight magical foxpussy
>Switch between Comet, Aery, Aftershock, and even PtA
>Start going into the Domination tree for the fuck of it
It all feels so bad to take on characters like Urgot and Camille. For fuck's sake, Fioras are taking Klepto. I hope this new keystone is good.
Canonically a semon demon. Dunno if rito changed her lore.
There's one imagine with 4 or 5 different concepts on it, I dont have it saved though
>Ryze gutted
Who is the new go to snowflake mid lane pick
>Tfw won one game and just want to bask in it for hours.
Is it humanly possible to have sex with Ahri and not cum?
>there are people that actually play this nigger mid
What the fuck are they thinking. Just look at that awesome winrate.
>Ywn sit in a corner and watch your beloved fox waifu take on numerous void cocks at once as she glances in your direction for a quick second only to giggle at your small size as you savor the entire sight, knowing that the love between you two could not be stronger
I love you so much Ahri...
I remember these creatures from yugioh but forgot their name
Hey ya'll it's your Neighbor /d2g/.
Just wanted to drop by, you let some cancer into our place and it made this.
Keep your fucking shit in your own place you sick fucks
Probably have to do anal only unless you want to ded by snu snu.
God that is a strange feeling
>not wanting Ahri to fuck you to death
Name ONE more bullshit mid laner when fed than Xerath
Can you guys recommend some offmeta junglers for me?
I'm tired of playing Jax/Pantheon every game and I don't like most of the junglers that are meta right now.
oh yeah I'll get it eventually for sure. Will just be a while till I get the orange for it
Actually the opposite, I want to penetrate irelia's rigor mortis anus instead.
Don't mistake lust for love, user. You're only deluding yourself.
The only downside to fucking Ahri is that you'll know you've felt the greatest pleasure a human being can feel and nothing will ever top it
But of course I love my Ahri waifu! I only want her happiness which is why I love that those voidlings can provide her with such when I cant! My sweet Ahri is my princess and my only goal is to serve her every needs!
Does Ahri have a virgin fetish?
A fed Katarina
A fed Akali
A fed Azir
A fed Annie
A fed Kassadin
A fed Zoe
A fed Veigar
A fed Brand
A fed Ahri
A fed Aurelian Sol
A fed Corki
A fed Zed
A fed Diana
A fed Ekko
A fed Fiddlesticks
A fed Gangplank
A fed Fizz
A fed Leblanc
A fed Malzahar
A fed Oriana
A fed Syndra
A fed Vel'Koz
A fed Yasuo
A fed Ziggs
A fed Anivia
When will mods ban anyone that posts any sort of female?
>captcha now having me do 7+ tests for one post
Star Guardian Ahri probably seeks out shy virgins because it's the most potent magical energy
>This is the world the gays want