Fighting Games General /fgg/
Not enough players so the $50 dollar pot is going to jive.
Play Weiss
play thicc buu
Hello, please tell me is it better to get cvs2 on dreamcast or should i buy the ps2 version, keep in mind i don't own a dreamcast but will be willing to save up money to buy one, i don't rely on emulators to play games. Also I heard the GCN's button layouts are different.
yes no?
Is it too late to get into Marvel? Is it dead on PS4? Should I just keep playing DBFZ?
I jive
PS2 is fine if you already have a PS2
>Just started playing SFAlpha 3 Max on my PSP
It's fun as fuck bros it's not kusoge.
Year of the dog!
the fuck is that anatomy
Play Krillin my dudes.
dragonball is bored, make a ranma fighting game. It would have more sniffs too.
When is the memorial thread for MVCI
rip in peace
>Online matches don't give zenni
Year of the cog!
There's no difference between the dreamcast and PS2 version? People say the dreamcast is stronger.
that was launch day
yes they do
if you win
What happened?
There's already several Ranma fighting games they even had one at Evo Japan
So I can get a crooked tooth Japanese girlfriend if I just keep a stiff upper lip?!?!?! Thanks.
No one online, they could only get $55 donation to dooberz $1000, and no one joined the tourney so the pot is going to to SF
We are all free now
yeah but I thought they all sucked? not to mention are old and for dead platforms.
Literally no one online.
Only got 2 entrants for NLBC today and got dropped.
Mr. Wizard is going to announce that MVCI isn't going to be at EVO 2018 as a main game next week
Even SF x Tekken made it to Evo
any have the image saved that's a flowchart that basically reads "play a match > watch the replay > go into training mode > repeat" with a picture of yipes and daigo on it?
Used to get posted a lot here a few years ago
Goku Black is so fucking disgusting, my god
>Reddit killed a legendary tag fighting game series for a casual party masher because Chun Li had an ugly face
>sonicfox wins lol
The power of sniffs.
SonicFox is making HIT look over powered as fuck
I dont like doobz in fact I HATE DOOBZ
But DBZ only has two sniffs
This pressure is actually fucking absurd.
>People get pissed waifus are ugly in fighting games
>SNK realizes this
>Makes Sniff-NK fighting game
I really thought Capcom would make a Darkstalkers game with just the girls in it but here we are.
sonicfox is raping him
Quality over quantity
This brings me joy and I even think Infinite is pretty fun
Didn't the PS2 version remove roll cancelling?
The dreamcast is better because a dreamcast is made if the same hardware Naomi games like CVS2 and MVC2 runs off of so you get near arcade perfect gameplay.
But the PS2 version is perfectly passable. Other than that there isn't a difference. The GCN version added EO and removed roll canceling which made competitive players hate it and consider it the worst version.
That's what happens when you make a 3v3 game without push block.
>some sort knife fighter, hilde-tier lewdness
>Amy with bloodsuck grab suckdick/bent anal
>Latina girl?
>Cassandra dual-wield swords or heavier shield, pretending to be pyrrhas sister and fuck patros too
>Certain females get gangbanged depending on story and input
Pushblock only widened the gap between high tier and low tier characters. Kuso mechanic.
I think iceman gets a busted super combo since it's glitched on ps2
Please stop posting my daughter to shitpost. Thanks.
Nah PS2 still had it, it was GCN that removed it.
>everyone else dropping confirms left and right
>nobody else has actual pressure except him and grover
Launch roster was shit/bad PR. The Chun Li face was a harmless meme
I dunno guys, NLBC is making DBFZ pretty viable on a competitive level. I think you were wrong.
Hi step dad.
His set vs Shine was pretty close though and it's not like Shine is some prodigy
Reddit haters will be #leftbehind
I thought Cell was OP, why do I never see him in these tournament streams, do I keep missing all the players?
Still just seems like Marvel. I mean theres obviously a desire for it but I'm not sure how much presence it'll have in tournaments outside of NA players.
i shouldve refunded DBFZ before i hit 3 hours
Is the Battle Outfit still Cammy's best costume in SFV?
Better a kuso mechanic than no mechanics.
Marvel 3's rushdown characters would have been just as, if not more, oppressive without pushblock. 90% of the reason rocket is cancer in MvCI is because he negates pushblock with his set ups. Imagine that shit, apply it to an entire game, take out IB/burst, and add one defensive mechanic that is punishable, and you have DBFZ.
But hey, this is the game with a safe-on-block get in free button and auto-correcting auto combos, it was designed with retard offense in mind.
It's an ArcSys anime game, so I'm sure at least some asians will try it out. We'll see later today once the Japanese get home from work.
It was not a harmless meme, it actually did a lot of harm. Her and Dante were the poster children for the poor models of the whole roster. It shows how rushed a game is when SFV, a game released ~2 years earlier had better looking faces.
Dragon Ball is crack to asians, it's gonna have a big scene there.
schoolgirl mika is clearly the best
But I was just asking about Cammy.
>like Marvel
That's exactly while it'll last for a bit. I think with DBZ's and ArcSys appeal it may even catch on overseas.
There is a literal Cell v Cell game on at the time of you posting this.
>SonicFox now officially owns all NRS and Marvel-style games
How did we let this happen?
We kept supporting meme games with no neutral or meaningful defensive play.
Why do I never see Vega in casual?
That game had like zero effort put into it and it was sold at full premium 60$ pricetag.
It didn't help that the gameplay was nothing like UMVC3 and it played more like very broken version of Nitroplus Blasterz than a marvel game.
You didn't buy fantasy strike
Going to bed with Laura!
fuck off ryu
sonicfox is cute
I know what you didn't do
Does anyone here play F.A.N.G
When is the first major featuring dbfz going to happen?
I want to see a match between Chris G and SonicFox already.
Also I believe Justin Wong will be a strong player in this game if he decides to pick it up.
That's what you get for preferring anime dash n mash with infinites over real games.
This is what happens when you choose alpha3 over alpha2
Latin Americans LOOOOVE Dragon Ball. Expect many BRs.
As a person that likes Nitroplus, how is MvCI similar to it? I still play NPB a little on the side when I actually bother to open up discord to ask for matches, but couldn't stand MvCI for more than a week because of the stones being way worse than the assists in NBP. All I can think of is it having guts and non-tag assists.
How did Arcsys get away with this?
SonicFox didn't play UMvC3?
Same assist lockdown mixup gameplan except in mvci you got even more mixup opportunities because of how tag cancels work.
When is the CPT supposed to start?
You can now add ONE major change, feature, or mechanic to MVC:I to save it from the grave, what do you do?
Xrd graphics
because Mai is my wife.