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Guess I'll be choosing Veronica as my free pick. I'm happy with these results desu

I'm just gonna pick brave Celica and ignore this shit banner. You couldn't pay me to roll for Veronica and as much as I like Ephraim, that was Marth's rightful spot. Hector is cool though.

>Combined votes Nephenee in top 50
>Ishtar in top 50
>Louise top 100

Better than expected really.


He rose, if only by some. I'm happy.

>Ephredditor still seething that he got exposed

Reminder that Marbels is unironically /ourguy/


Humbled after acting so cocky that Tharja was going to win when she barely made top 10. She lost to fucking Michiah of all people


inb4 literally who

And Celicafags act like they aren't as cancerous as Camillafags.


Fuck of marbels, go be angry at myrrh dicking fae

And you act like you aren't more cancerous than both

I still have hope for the future Please add her IS before you close the game


But I'm the one dicking myrrh


double digits baby you made it!

We won, bitch. A lot of good all that shitflinging did for you, huh?
Hope you're ready for FE16 characters to blow his last chance at ever being relevant. Maybe his legendary alt won't be as mediocre as Ike's- just maybe. :)

whoa, veronica's in fifth place! maybe she might beat azura at this rate!


you'll get your legendary alt someday mars

I erased everyone who got alt/seasoned costume in Heroes
The ones who are still up are the true winners without any kind of milking

who are you disappointed with ranking wise, other than the obvious ones

Is Marth sad because some people won't get off their high horse?




One order of content, please.

I don't know who this is.


Remember when Ike blew the worst fanbase the fuck out by turning their precious Tempest into Legendary Hero wank right between the Lyon GHB and Valter rerun?
Maybe if I'm lucky they'll roleplay at me! Oooooh, scary!

loki giv milkies

>Veronica 2nd
Literally how?

So what was the word cloud for the last thread

Anyone who is pointing a finger at Ephraim is directing their anger at the wrong thing.

>Ryoma 10th

Supports of Pelleas in the second Choose Your Legends event, please pick up your rewards below!


I encourage everyone to take a look at the results so you know what to expect for FE16!


>Keaton made top 20
I’m alright with this.
>Veronica number 2
Very okay with this

both got higher than fucking 10th place, holy shit how do you blunder that fucking hard
>um well I think Brave Tharja will have waste and be red armor mage :) 2nd Reinhart!

That means Selkie and Morgan for a potential Far-fetched Heroes part 2.What about the guys' side?


It´s all downhill form here but I´m glad he didn´t drop too much

Dread fighter Gray never ;_;

Do you like these results better than the previous ones?

>Tharja is hyped up for every event
>Never wins, or struggles against teams much worse than her
That is a sport team I wouldnt bet on


Pot, kettle.

split votes were a mistake

Good because I'm dicking Fae.

You're an intern at Nintendo. You're in charge of explaining to the devs why and how Veronica gained over 9000 votes in just two days to go from 5th place to win 2nd place, overtaking Camilla, Eirika, and Azura who all had alternate designs already prepared. What do you tell them?

Really wish Mila could've beat Naga; it was only 12 votes off. No way is Naga a better dragon mommy

By not being a stupid whore like the redditbait in your image.

The previous results were more indicative of the Fire Emblem fanbase as a whole.

CYL2's results were more indicative of the kinds of people who actually play something like Heroes.

>Marth people generally being humble, only expressing disappointment over the vote split screwing him
>Ephraim fans being toxic as fuck.
But why? I thought you guys were supposed to be bros?

Tharja got in 10th lol



Nothing will be more funny to me than Ike still winning after getting cucked by split votes

Is it just me or is RDIke the worst legendary hero?

>Camilla and Eirika aren't even on the front page results while Marth is.
This is truly best timeline.

I'm sad that Marth lost by split votes but he'll get an alt in due time, hes the first lord after all (and also I like Ephraim and Hector).

>they just put Marth in as filler and won't honor the split votes because they think Reddit is a bigger source of income than Smashfags

The poll was run during a Micaiah high, so that's really not as insulting as you think it is. Should have used Femui, who had the same issue of "bad art" bringing down her popularity. Or Loki.

look just cuz i think Camilla is alright doesnt mean im one of you mommyfags.

its just anti mommyposters are way more drenched in faggotry than you

hey man we got 66th/800 i cant be too mad but im dissapointed that Nowi is still higher than all the good dragons i like myrrh but shes not as cute as Fae js

Veronica won't get an alt

She'll be available as an actual unit

Kick in the door screaming VERONICA SUUURGE and hope they play along


>Stop releasing mid-term results and splitting the votes you fucking retarded cockroach people

yes because these results have nothing to do with Smash Bros

>>Marth people generally being humble
You clearly weren't here during the voting week.

I like that it's specifically FE12 Marth

>thanks for voting for me suckers


He's easily the best his color is the problem

The first poll was hardly a good metric either. For all kinds of reasons.
But yes, this one is even worse for any indication of actual "popularity"

pic related, last CYL's version of that screen

Should I reroll for another with better IVs? I kind of want to use him cause I like RD Ike more than PoR Ike

is marth being included here a sign that IS realizes how shitty the split vote system, and will throw him a bone?

gunnthra has shit arena scoring which is the only reason you'd want to bother with legendary heroes in the first place
like fjorm's just all around incredibly mediocre but you're willing to cripple yourself with her to stay in T20

Fuck off.

Rate my band, /feg/

>Camilla people generally being humble, only expressing disappointment over the vote split screwing him
>Veronica fans being toxic as fuck.
But why? I thought you guys were supposed to be bros?

Does Marth count as one of the obvious ones? Fuck vote splitting.

I kinda wish people rallied for FMorgan and Owain more. Best fates kids.

Alm got way too high due to recency bias

stay hyped for CYL 80~

make me nigga

It was Nohrian hackers, colluding with the Pheraens and Emblians. They rigged the votes!

Did we actually helped the writers

>Veronica was the main bad guy during Book I
>Will be obviously betrayed in Book II
>Brave Vero in Book III, will probably help Alphonse "b-because I just want to destroy Sutr"

>wake up to Veronica winning

>spend 40 bucks
>get nothing but 4/3 stars

i fucked up

>over 9000
stupid memes making me feel nostalgic

Whip the door down and explain people's Deep Dark Fantasies about Lolis.

I want both. I am a Xanderfag who voted for Ryoma because he doesnt have an alt and he needs one. I want more of Matt Mercers sexy voice damn it.


>Camilla people generally being humble

Fjorm is legit absurd if you use the QR seal on her.

Gunnthra is a mage cavalry.

RDIke is a marginal upgrade over a unit that fell off the face of the earth.

>tfw Loki alt could have given us the first shapeshifter class

>a fucking Leaf got exactly 9001 votes

Lolicons are the strongest posters.