NA's sudden but inevitable demise
NA's sudden but inevitable demise
Other urls found in this thread:
>Split the thread by making a new one 50 posts early
>Both die
Good job nerds
AUS has always been shit at keeping threads alive during NA dead hours
Doesn't help game is dead on NA
Also I don't understand how tournaments aren't automated at this point. NA hasn't had tournaments for a long time because dance got moved to TW Arena. Unreal.
super dead
Don't make threads early. I refused to post in that early thread and I'm considering letting /wotg/ sleep for a few days to teach you bitches a lesson. You have no idea how much I bump threads even when I'm not playing.
>tier 7 light
>vs t54 lightweight
wat do
dont shoot the turret
2 strong
>bounces off sides
>i fell for the upgraded gun on m103 meme
>better aim time, penetration, and accuracy is a meme
how yellow?
>16mm, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.3 difference.
all that for an extra 60k xp to grind to tier x
>playing that line for the E5.
Lmao. The upgraded gun is well worth it and 60k xp isn't even that much.
it has probably been one of my least frustrating line so far
the e5 is just i don't have anything useless when me and my friend plays tier 10
why would you even play anything beyond T29 when british heavies exist?
i have started the brits now, a bit too late maybe. not looking forward to churchill 7 and BP though
7 will be bad, but BP is even worse, so I recommend skipping the latter
>why would you even play anything beyond T29 when british heavies exist?
Because I'm not scrub who needs to play OP tanks to do well. The T29 was easily my least favorite tank in that.
No one will miss this general if it's gone so SAGE
CW is back on the menu boys
Everyone hates the Black Prince, I thought it was a unique fun grind. Treat it like a more defensive version of a British TD, stay in range of ally TD or Arty and get mass tracking dmg. Rapes Mediums and Lights and just don't stand in front of Heavies.
Is the kv122 decent or trash ?
But then the problem is that your team has one heavy less
Fuck em. I only care about raking in damage
its one of the most forgettable premiums in recent time and much worse than the is-2 (premium) or any other russian tier 7 heavy
Were can I talk to some russ anons? I need to ask them what the FUCK is even thinking
Trying to leech wot blitz but doesn't have anime
Hello, this is /wowsg/
Could you please come retrieve your Tioga from our thread? It's been a pleasure hosting him, but he's becoming quite a handful.
Thank you for your help, fellow slaves to our Cyprio-Belarussian overlords!
Anyone posted this yet?
he is yours now, we wont take him back
>It's been a pleasure hosting him
yeah sure
Being polite is normal! Is there some sort of repellent we can use? He's making a mess on the carpet.
What's so bad about this Tioga guy? I've seen him mentioned in /wowsg/ and /wotg/ on numerous occcasion but can only recall like maybe a post or two from him. I'm one of the consolefags and have only been in this general for about a year.
their /int/ doesn't seem very popular
There's AW, with which they're mucking about for a year doing nothing,, which suggests they've given up on AW... But now there's mobile AW? Why?
How's light tank now guys?
I'm at LTTB. Not sure whether to get T-54 first or not
lights are shit mediums, so dont.
t. yellow
>smaller so they are a little harder to hit if the other is not using an aimbot or knows how to shoot, wich is normal in t10
>maybe a little higher camo value
>same vision range
>same mobility
>forced to use gold rounds to pen the rear of someone
>unless you play as a redliner TD or a hiding rat you will die pretty fast
>you need a miracle and a premium account to end up even with credits
And most of all.
>no russian mediums magic
>that one artist who would be really good if every doujin didn't end with scat
>not enjoying the finer things in life
Fakepucco that assfaggot.
>"Improved armour coating test is now running on the supertest server"
That manga went pants on head retarded pretty fast. Does it get better after the whole battle royal in school arc? I dropped it somewhere there.
what did you mean by this
Not him but they did ruin some of the best/most fun light tanks in the game.
Used to be absolute monster of burst damage for players with a brain
Now its a shitter type 64
Used to be able to drop 720 hp bombs on people with small profile and great gun depression
Now it's just slow and shit with no redeeming features. Literally a shit medium.
Used to decimate arty and other lights with the howitzer and beefy enough to ram to finish off other lights
Now its just objectively worse than all other tier 6 lights especially with its size.
streamlining of gameplay)))))
The 59-16 is still decent after the nerf and is nowhere near as bad as the Kraut lights. There's just no reason to play it over the Type 64 other than grinding
the worst part was the american line keeping all its fun features but everyone else just getting boned.
Its not bad but its nowhere near as great as it used to be. The change completely changed the playstyle of the vehicle from close quarters demolisher to bush camper.
The entirety of the rest of the series is part of the school royale and finding out who the boss is with about 4 fake bosses.
"Ablative coating reduces the HE penetration chance by 20%"
>Its not bad but its nowhere near as great as it used to be.
That's debatle desu. The view range and mobility nerf definitely sucked but I didn't like the horrid penetration on the 76mm pre-nerf and stuck with the 57mm until the change. The penetration buff to the 76mm made it usable at the sides of tanks and not just the rear.
>The entirety of the rest of the series is part of the school royale and finding out who the boss is with about 4 fake bosses.
Fuckt that.
It took more skill and there was situations where the 10 rounds of gold wouldn't work but it game the tank a personality.
even the russian line get boned?
They were actually alright. the MT-25 lost the 40 round autoloader but that was a joke weapon anyway.
The french didn't change much either.
The problem was very little actually got better.
>The french didn't change much either.
Oh shit yeah ELC AMX statpadders go absolutely destroyed to the post you rarely see it anymore.
I still have this saved
>The problem was very little actually got better.
Tier IX got better across the board because of the addition of APCR standard for all of them. The 13 90 especially got better because of the changes to its autoloader. For every other tier of light tank, the patch was a mixed bag because they removed autoloaders from almost everything that isn't French and cut view range across the board. The MM changes helped a little, but you're still facing mostly the same opponents with a worse vehicles.
For real tho, how to play a light tank?
I've picked the game again after not playing it since like 2015 or something(played the game since 2011).
Are the newer French heavy tanks good or a waste of time? Was grinding the line before I quit, I have AMX 50 100 right now but I'm not terribly impressed with it so wondering if switching makes sense. I liked both ARL and M4 quite a lot.
Don't get shot.
LT gambit should be to zone the other LT with VR first, kill the other LT, then you essentially have free reign to bush snipe
m54 51 is good
so is that some new meme premium equipment/consumable or is there a chance for a soft nerf to the anime line?
First half of the battle you just want to be spotting. So get yourself binoculars and a camonet and just sit in a bush. Don't be tempted to to fire while you are spotting as something will immediately annihilate you and you will die like 90% of light tank drivers in the first 3 minutes of the battle.
Once tanks have settled into points on different flanks and you spot damage starts to drop down then you start moving. Move up a bit to spot TDs and other campers. Kill the arty if it is unprotected. At this point you want to be bush sniping targets unless you are sue they are alone.
If you aren't sure if you can take something alone, dont take it on. You will have to and should run away from some situations.
Towards the end of the battle you want to be using your mobility to finish off weak and distracted targets.
The biggest point is to have patience at the start to not shoot while you are spotting because that is why lots of light tank drivers die really fast.
Pic related I rolled forward 50m and then sat there most of the game. I was stock so couldnt do much actual damage to the AT8 sadly.
Oh boy, that was a good laugh. We're ready to welcome you to EU!
it was really painful for me to want to do this, but not having enough view range due to bad crews was really painful. thankfully I don't play anymore so I don't care.
>play with 4x the ping
I can just do that on LATAM
Does anybody give a shit about the TankBowl event on console? I can't even muster the energy to play more than a match or two.
WG would never shut down the server so Kek they would get reported and have to buy everyone out if they even tried
The reward is some lame ass sherman. Why would anyone bother.
Yea not only that but I've been experiencing major WoT burnout for the last week and a half. I really want to get my enthusiasm for the game back but WoT just sucks the life out of you.
>it's your own fault. just improve dude
Join AWOO today!!!!!!
some games you just cant win dont worry about it
sometimes i lose and other times i just cannot win
>IS-2 body
>didn't get 15 kills
Git gud.
why do you think it's "M"?
>other times i just cannot win
play carry tanks
just flank lmao
ofc its your own fault, you're stats arent very impressive
>under 2k dpg in skoda t50
>under 1,5k in ravioli
>over 1k games in a t7 and no 3 marks
there is lots of room for improvement and you greenshitter wont carry much over tier 7
why the fuck do i have to carry 14 guys. i dont want to play singleplayer. when i wanna play singleplayer i play fucking singleplayer
Play with friends
> 4k in a tier 6 game with a tier 8
its not carrying 14 people
hard carrys like that rarely ever happens
it's influencing the fight in one location to your favor
then that has a cascading effect on winning
over sitting in the back until your team is dead farming useless damage
>1vs29 etc
you can nott and should not expect anything from your team "mates" in randoms but its not like they suck so bad every game and its not like you do 4k damage in your t8s every game
why the fuck do you have 190k exp saved on your lorry?
you would have an almost full 3 skill crew by now if you hadnt
because i have no french tanks
even more reason to boost your crew training
judging by your pic (no prem time, no gold) you wont ever convert it either
btw lorry has really good camo and gets more from that than from repairs, as do bc ap and bc
>camo over repair on a medium with big tracks
heck off