Who killed Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?
Who killed Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?
>And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it. And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.
>Pharisees insist on tradition and mosaic law
>persecutes true believers
>Catholics insist on tradition and church fathers
>persecutes true believers
Really makes you think.
Pilate let the Jews choose.
>600 years after
Your sins
The Romans, but because Jewish leaders asked them to. That being said, Pilate was known for being particularly cruel, and several scholars have argued that Caiaphas probably didn't want Jesus to be crucified.
>Pilate let the Jews choose.
There's actually no historical evidence that the choice between Jesus and Barabbas took place, or even that letting criminals go on Passover was a tradition. Since Barabbas's name literally means "son of the father," that part of the story was probably added for symbolism. And to make Romans look less responsible for killing Jesus, since Christians were both trying to attract Roman converts and distance themselves from Jews in the early days of the church.
>throw a hissyfit in the temple
>claim to be the christ
>stir up religious fervor on the day Jews celebrate their liberation from slavery
The Pharisees thought Jesus was gonna start a riot and turned him in to Pilate who was happy to execute him.
If you mean the historical one of whom we know nothing, the only way to tell is to infer this from the political situation and many other similar cases of the time.
This time period is the decades of tensions leading to the Jewish - Roman wars.
Rebel leaders who tried to raise the masses or lead unsanctioned popular movements were persecuted by the ruling regime. Roman governor and his troops and their Jewish collaborators among the priestly elites both of whom were hated by the masses (and were slaughtered in the rebellion to come).
The Biblical one IS the historical one.
Stop acting like an edgy atheist.
>There's actually no historical evidence that the choice between Jesus and Barabbas took place
Yes we do. It's called The Holy Bible.
you and me
There is a difference between Tradition, in Catholic understanding of this word, and man-made traditions. And where are you getting the idea that Jesus didn't insist on mosaic law?
It needn't be symbolic, there were many people claiming to be Messiah at that time, so perhaps the name was symbolic ("Son of God" was a somewhat popular title though), but there is nothing in the name that makes the story itself symbolic. As for the Paschal Pardon, the fact that there is no historical evidence for it doesn't make it symbolic - currently known Roman writings from the first century aren't the full and complete account of the Roman world - minor, local traditions, like this, could pass unwritten about.
The romans of course, the jews couldnt compel them to do anything
In reference to his life and mortality, Jesus said this.
John 10:18
No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
He's God, he cannot die, he is the giver of life.
>/pol/ meme answer
>actual answer
The Romans had him killed for sedition/treason, but the Jewish priests gave their blessing to the enterprise because he was a blasphemer and heretic
Actually the Jews saw him as some guy who was starting shit and could cause the Romans to enact a heavy crackdown on the Jews, potentially taking their land or their lives. The Romans didn't understand the paranoia, but they went along with it because it made the Jews happy.
You shouldn't get your history about Jesus from "Jesus Christ Superstar"
Jesus never existed
No, the crucifiction narrative of the Jews being responsible is a mirror to the persecution of Christians by Jews and them not choosing Jesus.
It's all fiction, bro, that's it
The probability of him being "Son of the Father" and being put alongside the "Son of the Father" as history is low
He was called Jesus Barabbas
That's all you have?