League of Legends - /lolg/

Don't chase edition

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!

xth for my wife Syndra

post disabled champs

>kata "non existence" jungle
>mid 40 cs less than enemy mid
>teammates fighting with the mark fighting garen and die
>i went afk

sometimes I fucking hate this game and people playing it

Oh ho ho *Splat*

How is Nunu not dead. I can believe a talking beat but I can’t believe a low-iq child (I mean look at the way he talks) being able to take care of himself in the snow desert. Unrealistic.

Bring back Ornn's unstoppable Riot you boosted ass skidmarks. It was not a problem.

>3 zeal items + IE on jhin
>110% crit

This triggers me.

*stopwatch* heh not even close

>camille jungle


she is your wife
and you are my wife (male)

I mean, the Yeti does all the work. All Nunu does is throw snowballs.

>go afk
>get rightfuly reported
>whine about it on lolgen

Why do people even play this game anymore?

I have played 20 matches today and lost 16 in ranked. How the fuck do i ever get back to diamond when i am stuck in silver with just the most horrible people on the planet.

It is a video game....

Looks like you just need a good ol cup of GIT GUD, user!

what the fuck is wrong with blank
he was out

>wasting time on a stupid unwinnable matchup with stupid teammates while being ganked 24/7

can you fuck off pls? I don't have time to drag this bullshit for another 20 minutes trying to miraculously win. I can play only a couple game after work before I go to bed

> why do people even play this game anymore

because I fucking love Singed user! He is even the only champion I have played this season.

>notices your bullshit item
OlllO what’s this?

>kind of squishy for a toplaner
>always have to buy a tiamat even though she doesn’t have really any items to build it into when you play toplane
>you wind up either having to build a ravenous which kind of sucks a titanic which is worse or building a triforce super late because you’re at a 1.2k gold handicap
>you can just play jungle and build a ravenous and because you aren’t really expected to facetank everything it matters less
>she has a long range engage stun with an ult thats basically a better version of J4 ult in terms of its ganking power
>tons of burst
camille jungle is actually retarded good

>always have to buy a tiamat

y tho

blank lmao, what a feeder

Best couple

>former diamond
>now in silver

user?! Are you sure about that?!? I'm not sure I qualify...

>amazing dragon rng
>lose herald because urgot wants to be a bitch


>one trick a champion
>achieve only 60% winrate

>get back to diamond
>when i am stuck in silver
If you're not lying about being diamond in the past then I bet you healslutted your way there duoing with a duo eboy, in which case it serves you fucking right, slut.

You already lost

>3 infernals, 19 minutes
what the fuck, how

No waveclear

>186 games
>49% winrate

like im letting an egirl ruin my 100% winrate for yorick right now
i have intense autism

why are you playing with delusionals
>has spellbook
>replaced Barrier with Heal

>get plat 5
>immediately delete all sub gold 1's from my friend list
no time for shitters

What is it with whores flocking to Janna and Lux?

It is over user do not put much effort you will see late game

>late game
good one

blank is a fucking garrbage holy shit.

>what is it with whores flocking to Janna
yeah wtf why are whores playing shield/healwhore champions

At least remind the bitch that you carried her please

It's not hard to understand user. Girls love cute things and supporting. Other than those 2 you have jinx who is just a female insanity power fantasy.

Going 10% over the cap is not a big deal, same with CDR.
It does trigger me really hard when people buy zerkers on onhit varus without lethal tempo. You're gonna hit the AS cap too quickly nigger, just keep tier 1 boots forever or buy tabi/mercs.

they left before i could say anything

Who will you be sad to see go on Riot's freshly confirmed rework hitlist?


oy vey


Morgana and Kennan. I don't think either of those champs need a rework.

Fuck lux mains seriously sometimes I throw game when I get one of them and I never get the blame because lux will always have shit score compared to me

Cho because I occasionally play him
Pantheon because he was one of the first champions I bought almost a decade ago. With that being said I think making his abilities into skill shots would be beneficial for every top laner's sanity

Where the heck is my big heavy machine gun usin' nigga Riot?

link to post

good riddance
what worries me is not the fact those will be goners, but that their reworked versions might have CertainlyT's leper touch



>reworking the same champ multiple times

>tfw CertainlyT is reworking Akali
this is gonna be absolutely hilarious

she said "nigger" so they'll have a restriction soon :^)

You are now aware that Lulu is EXTREMELY CUTE!


I did not see it clearly, only caught it on the corner of my eye, but did Blank just jump on kha and kha just oneshot him?

what the fuck happened to blank?

this has to be tilt, you don't fucking go undefeated for however many series last year and show this kind of shit just 6 months later

what am i watching

If you're only gonna stick for games that are handled over to you then don't bother queuing for a competitive game next time. You signed up for a full game, easy or hard, the moment you hit the queue button. Or at least stick with EUW where the fucking french people play.

>this asshurt that you'd respond to such an old comment.
come on mate

>amumu jungle

i love this

“hey riot, which of the champions in your game would you say have poorly designed kits that basically need a complete overhaul before they’ll actually be playable?”

“oh y’know just *lists half the game’s fucking roster*”


>I Darkvirus I - Vayne

Oh Jesus...

Get out

bad opinion

bad opinion

good opinion

Nice kektch

Teemo will seem to be trolling in the beginning lose lane but either him or ekko will carry late game
Alternate : teemo and/or thresh will int causing vayne and ornn to stomp your team

>what happened to blank
is this a joke? The guy has always been fucking turbo shit. He just had Faker, and Duke to boost his fucking worthless ass.

xth for warwick mid

It's a fucking waste to get 3 zeal ite
S when you could get 2 zeal items and IE + ER, not wasting crit chance and actually doing damage with each hit, to say nothing of the CDR/mama regen stats of ER.

ive always struggled on Corki but other people seem to do really well with him

i love the banter
shame i fucked up my early dragon
he;ll wreck my shithole with ease

No!!! I am not a whore!

Someone post the Aatrox collage, you know which.

damn that is a HARD one trick

honestly they really should just get rid of autofilling. It will actually make people want to play support because they’ll get into way more games.

why did bang walk all the way around when everyone was on faker?

Seriously, stop being so assblasted. Or at least don't make it so obvious. Have some pride ffs.

post reasons to live

nocturne ;_;

bang is your boosted friend who also got autofilled
its best to just ignore everything he does and pretend you didnt see it

nah cobber, think I like it here


find love, user

You can't stop us.

everyone on skt is fucking boosted at this point.

not playing lol


Amumu needs a quick buff and he'll be fine

The best way to kill an aussie is to strike at their ground harness from a distance until it breaks and they tumble into the sun.


He shit the bed really hard in game 3 I don't know what you're thinking, that he's good?

i dont get why people think toplane teemo cheese actually works on anything above literally bronze III

i feel like once you’re bronze II people will have it figured out