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I want to bully Tracer until she cries!


Here comes T.Racer!


why does tracer like monkeys so much? Is it because she's a dirty hairy ape herself?

My tomboy time-travelling wife, Lena Oxton, is just too cute!

Tracer threads, Tracer posts


We're all hairy apes if you think about it.

not as much as tracer apparently

>win dm with genji
>dont feel like a winner at all


Yeah, Arnold Vosloo.
Not now but I'll do merque lil bit later.

>primal rage tracer

I want Winston's load

Monkeys are cute so it's ok

>no limits
>everyone just picks a normal comp

Mercy mains are so upset over this video on the official forum they want someone fired over it lmao.

It’s ok Spider-Man. Just wash the shit tastes out of your mouth and accept perfection.

When Winston masturbates, does he think of humans or other gorillas??

>you will never chill with Lena and Winston
Why even live?

New Tracey skin when

>standing still for 5 seconds
>See a sleep dart go past me
>check the ana's profile
>mercy main

Rate my wife. I know she is little old but she's still lovely and a proper beast in the bed

I'd rather know how he manages to keep his sexual drive in check, he lives with two hot lesbians


Never because Blizzard fell for the "Tracer has too many skins" meme.

>make fun of fictional character
>reeeeeeee triggered
>f-fire or fine them for 2k$ or I quit. I'll do it, I swear!

How the fuck can retards bitch about bastion when Junkrat is even easier and brain dead to do well with?

If it's not in CNY abandon all hope of getting a new one ever again.

no one bitches about bastion

Casual skin soon. Flannel shirt, jeans, sneakers and aviator glasses.

mccree plz

Are you still in season 1 or something? Bastion is dead.

He think's of human Winston

>fanart makes her look 20
>a little old

ana waifu fags are the most delusional


>Summer skins
>Winter Skin
>best recolour in Rose for LNY
>Probably gonna get another skin this Lunar event.
The poor lass. She’s basically naked.

Friendly reminder that you should ignore and disregard anyone that mains Mercy.

>Tracer in a chinese dress

Agree, she needs at least one girly skin.

Something about these 2 having what was suppose to be a 1 night stand but then mutually feeling something for the other even after splitting off is just damn interesting.

She hasn't received a new skin in 9 months.

Lucio x Junkrat canon because Jamison inspired Lucio to wear tiny harnesses and show off that chocolate delight body.

>She’s basically naked.

lel don't get your hopes up. it'd either be a chinese suit or a furry skin for the year of the dog

Oh man, who would've thought. We went from can't win without a Mercy to can't win with a Mercy.


I would love to see Lena in a dress.

Platinum shitters cry about him in the forums every once in a while

Lena wears a tux and Emily wears the dress for their wedding

Sorry user, she only puts them on when she's going on a date with me.

Lena will wear a dress when she marries me.

>tfw no small cute Mei to cuddle and to talk during the night about many things

So does this mean Mercy is a throw pick now?

You're just angry that your waifu looks like 70 years old when 40 while Ana has only reached her prime when she's 60. Must be all those biotic nades she's been sniffing. Regardless, youre waifu a shit

>She wears jeans underneath because she is uncomfortable being girly


Lena will never marry you

She wears spats.

no you retard she's still the best healer

boo fucking hoo

Nah, she's still decent, but expect less people playing her.

Yes she will.


why is the tumblr art style so fucking disgusting

Time to derank to diamond and relearn how to call zen orbs in a way that people will actually listen

Can the tracerfags roleplay somewhere else? Thanks.

I’m just more upset about pairing two twinks together. It’s bad taste

why don't they remove mercy's rez and make her E shoot missiles?

Neither of those are twinks

The quads have spoken
Tracerfags go to /b/ or something.

Gonna miss Mercy. It was really fun bullying her with discord.

>tumblr art style
thats not even tumblr art style you retard
but nice try with the whole edgy thing

>first comp match of the day
>person picks Symmetra
>Attack Gibraltar
>600 total hours, 2 hours on Symmetra
"Are you throwing?"
>no response
>steamroll enemy team as Zen, all golds
>Defense, we hold them at the underpass before the first point
>pic related
We still won
I filed 3 reports against them. Abusive chat, Poor Teamwork, and Leaving

what a waste of quads

Junkrat and Lucio are def twinks. Hairless. Skinny. Young.

>Mercy's pickrate in comp GM went from 16.16% to 4.37%
>In general, went from 14.62% to 6.95% in two days
sounds good doesn't? but it's the same everytime they nerf any hero, usually their pickrates skyrocket some days later.
it looks like this mercy meta will remain here forever
i'm scared bros, the moth terrifies me



D.lete dis

why are you so angery

Too old. Twink is between 18-24

Define "tumblr art style" and explain why it means "everything you hate".

Yeah, the whore is not dead, but she'll be less played. Moira is a decent pick right now.

I got gunned down by a Mercy while playing Genji
Can they please make her a proper healslut so I don't have to see that in the killfeed again?

Because waifu/shipfags are fucking disgusting.

So people who are complaining about this have no idea what they're talking about? What a surprise. Christ, they're acting like this is the same thing as the Roadhog or Doomfist nerf.

Pick one.

>Get a 5k without ult as soldier
>POTG goes to genji using his HIGH SKILL CEILING ult and getting 3 kills

She does not scare me. I was able to solo kill an ult mercy with a Zenyatta and not hve to agonize about her never taking damage because her Regen was so strong and just fluttered like a spectator cam.

She’s done user. She’s still a good healer, but she’s not Freelo anymore. She can finally bleed. We can kill them all.

>I filed 3 reports against them. Abusive chat, Poor Teamwork, and Leaving
nice blog, you should post this on reddit too

oversized lumpy potato shaped nose (even if the character has a normal nose)
oversized eyes
other facial features might be oversized or exaggerated too
thick contours
no or very little shading
rounded edges

>explain why it means "everything you hate"
>disgust=everything you hate

80% of the people complaining about Mercy in general don't play any of the healers.
So no, they probably don't know what they're talking about and just want the game to be easier for them.

They're equally shit.

>play with low ELO friends
>stuck healing as Moira but outdamaging the DPS
>attack eichenwalde is legit poke at the choke but we somehow get the point
>one guy on the team who picked Ana and was trash before picking Zen (still trash) calls us idiots
>he has not left gold for 7 seasons

I like playing with my friends, but when the SR of both teams is like gold/low plat, it's aids.


why are you posting a picture with tumblr artstyle then?

It's my impression or climbing on OW is slow as fuck ?

I am gold and I won 2 match and gained something like 35 SR then I lost a game and lost 20 SR.

Last time I posted on Reddit it was a reply to a fat girl cosplaying Roadhog. I got -3500 karma in two hours

It was when Roadhog could still one shot.

"She should nerf her diet."