/lolg/ - League of Legends general

Old: eyosongive.us

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i want leona to sit on zoe as suffocate that little bitch

xth for my wife Syndra

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!

5 decides first finished item


just in case user from last thread didnt see talon x quinn request pastebin.com/3idwZmia

lich bane

>team comp is comprised of 3 split pushers, a support and an adc
How do we decide who to send to the side lanes and who to jerk off the mid lane?

Great stuff. Weren't there some other ones you were interested in as well?

Zeke's Convergence or whatever the fuck that thing is.


The one with tp goes bot, the other solo laner goes top, jungler jerks off mid.

>No Death Knight champion
Explain yourself lolbabs

xth for Sejuani
Op last thread was shit honestly

>play thresh
>toss hook and miss
>team just pings me over and over
>hit a flash hook prediction over a wall through the FoW
>nothing, not even a good job
Fuck you faggots, if I didn't love winning so much, i'd troll you shitheads to death.

A sejfag is good at spotting shit

I wonder why..........

>tfw no gigantic knight who enslaves the souls of the dead with a blue color scheme champ

untie me user!

>already 4-1


how can she talk with her mouth sealed

i run away scared and confused

kiss me

In a moment...


>tfw no qt petite gf

nice pic but ugly
i shall catalogue it
nice pic but bland
i shall catalogue it

But I'm a male support, I want an adc gf but that is harder to find.

follow someone and leave wards
dont go around face checking shit alone

*licks your feet*

>beta getting a gf

i wish my gf played vidya games :(

I wanna fuck that cat.

I don't play healsluts though.
Also, stop projecting nigger

No you don't, gamer girls are cancer
I've got a boyfriend r word

Why is she not wearing a bra


Only dumb whores wear bras.

Playthings get rewarded for being good.

Honestly, my enjoyment or the game has really dwindled down within the last few months or so. Sure the new runes were fun at first, but now that the experimentation phase is over, it’s clear that the game’s drastically less fun to playas a result. Top lane and bot lane are total shitshows right now, games snowball too hard and are practically decided within the first 10-14 minutes of laning phase and its almost impossible to make comebacks or solo-carry now because of it.

Thankfully I’m just going to play Monster Hunter World & some occasional normal LoL games from here on out until Riot finally fucking gets their act together and destroys this “tanks carrying the ADC” soloqueue meta that’s been plaguing the game for well over half a year now. But I’m not going to touch ranked or play on a consistent basis until they do so. Doesn’t help that my main’s been in the gutter for over half a year, either.

Poppy buffs when?

Don't fuck cats

>winter is over in cali
it was so comfy

When Poppy gets on my dick.

So does this mean they're coming real soon since she's a whore?

>Not wanting to be comfy in the summer

Come on man. Cali is all about the summer comfy.

Can I fuck frogs instead?

if they made a kaito kayn I would one trick him forever

Can your worthless shit state slide off into the ocean already?

Untargetability is a mistake

No. Go find a fish or something.


God damn, I want Leona to sip on my lap!

fuck off irrelevant flyover state peasant

I think you all should apologize for all the terrible things you said about Caitlyn while she was unjustly thrown in the dumpster

A digital program of a little girl, perhaps? Is that acceptable?

>be me
>play 3 ranked games, go top as Vlad
>fucking feeders in bot lane every goddamn game
>like actual baddies who gave 10+ kills before 15 minutes
>people flaming each other every game
>report some of them because holy shit
>this happens in all three games
>be super tilted, stop playing league, make breakfast, fap and take a nap
>wake up to 2 nice surprises
>some user took my request and wrote a Talon x Quinn story
>and pic related

shadow kayn buffs when

>die 5 times on the first 5 minutes
>3 days ban from ranked

>die 10 times on the first 10 minutes
>7 days ban from ranked

>die 15 times on the first 15 minutes
>3 days ban

>die 20 times on the first 20 minutes
>7 days ban
>die +15 times on a -30 minutes game
>a day ban

>die +17 times on a -30 minutes game
>3 days ban

>die +20 times on a -30 minutes game
>7 days ban
>die +15 times on a 30-40 minutes game
>1 day ban from ranked

>die +17 times on a 30-40 minutes game
>3 days ban from ranked

>die +20 times on a +30 minutes game
>7 days ban from ranked

>die +25 times on a +30 minutes game
holy shit i just fixed lol

>Cho'Gath is fucking enormous
>try to click on anyone but him on teamfights
>can't because his hitbox also gets enormous

Nice game.

outplayed idiot

I don't know why but that creep me out

>it's a "The Villain Sits Under The Hec/Cho/Zac 24/7" kind of game

It's because you want to stick your penis in it but you know you shouldn't.

wait a sec isn't talon supposed to be Quinn's brother?

I think that is covererd with Morde and Sion

I want her to sit on my face.

Is Sona getting TOO thicc?

>wait a sec isn't talon supposed to be Quinn's brother?
How the fuck did you come to this conclusion?

No Talon and Valor are brothers you r word.

Oh my!

>not wanting to sit on her face
Low Test.

I want Kled's fat fluffy yordle butt on my face!



>you get mid
>when game starts ekko writes "first mid retards"
>ekko insists on going mid when he had jungle in champ select and didnt say anything
what do you even do in a situation like this?

what are you even supposed to do if you sit on a girl's face?
have her lick your shithole?


see you guys in silver

that's gay mang

damn forgot how ugly LoL used to be
well, it still is because of the champions and their ugly ass animation and effect (Veigar, Miss Fortune, Nunu, Udyr..)

Fuck off Rainmang.

Is it wrong to expect a certain level of comprehension and decency from people in general? I'm 24 years old and even now I interact with people who act irl like a silver 5 shitter who blames others for their mistakes and are totally oblivious of their shortcomings.

No matter how much I try, it seems like some people are just incapable of change. Is it wrong to try to change people? League of Legends btw

call Ben Garrison

Is there a more satisfying ult than Veigar's ult?

Report him!!!

why would you try to change people when you can just mute everyone and pretend they are bots?

Threadly reminders that Riot Game need to make every champions free like in Clash mode.

Volibear for 4800 Bad Goy point is a scam. Ivern is a scam. Champions are a right, not a privilege.

post your rainman folders

Pick Nunu, follow him wherever he goes and steal his CS

I wish I could mute and report people IRL

man imagine being daisy you were just playing and chasing a butterfly until you slip on a rock and you feel a bolt of shock in your chest you fall into the water and the current is just beating you up it's beating the shit out of you it's like fist after fist to your face to your sides to your whole body you've grabbed on to some teddy bear and already you can feel it ripping apart even through the thundering waters even through the bitter taste seeking to drown you if only by filling your lungs first and at this point the shock has subsided into pure panic the kind that you get when you're completely. and. fully. aware. that you're about to die. and you starting crying the tears just surge up from your heart to your eyes because crying is the only way to keep your heart from beating straight out of your rib cage and you're crying and you're holding on to this teddy bear arm and right when it feels like it's about to rip it gets on fire out of nowhere your hands scald and blister and get stung in the dirty muddy river water that's taken ahold of you grabbed your entire body and trashes it and trashes it and crushes your skull and snaps your arms until bone comes out of it and you're still crying


fuck ahri


When are they gonna update Ahri's model to have a thigh strap?

Never because Riot Games art team have no talents and because it's a top down game so ugly ass visuals are allowed because who give a fuck about graphic in a game where you only see the top of their head lol


I'll fuck her for you. I'll also fuck Soraka and the other girl while I'm at it

>they reverted the rengar changes for now
thank fuck

>wanting to fuck leona
why when diana is the better choice?