Are there any movies set in Ancient Mesopotamia ?

Are there any movies set in Ancient Mesopotamia ?

I would love to watch some Babylonkino...

Not any good ones

It's too much of a political debacle to make any movie about that region.
I mean, just look at any movie featuring ancient Egypt.

And most "movies" that were made are pseudo-documentaries about biblical accounts were the Babylonians were all evul and enslaved the poor jews.

Life is so unfair... There are like 10000 movies set in Ancient Egypt and none set in the place where fuckin writing was invented...

Yeah Babylon is political, but why not a movie about Sargon of Akkad or a mythological epic about Gilgamesh ?

>one of first civilizations on earth
>no one ever talks about it
>even books about it are fucking scarce

Its true of most cultures from the period

Egypt is only so well known because the made fuckhuge monuments

Are you really implying that anything worth being called a civilization may exist and leave behind no monuments?

> Egypt is only so well known because the made fuckhuge monuments

See pic.

Egypt is well known because, for long, Europeans saw it as a predecessor to ancient greece, and by extension, their "heritage". Ancient Mesopotamia was never seen like that.

> What are Mongols ?
> What are every fuckin civilization that built everything with wood, which decays over the time ?

Didn't ISIS bulldoze that place to the ground?

I'd imagine it's the same debacle for certain nations that wanna push "pan-arabism" or islam as the greatest thing of all time in the region.

But then again, Saddam was a really big fan of that old stuff and would put alot of resources into restoring old ruins. Problem was that they would mostly come out like shit while damaging the original ruins even further.

This thread makes me so sad...

Please post in threads where user refuses to believe sub-Saharan Africa developed civilization.

I can't perform miracles. I can't explain to someone with an IQ under 80 that stone is not available everywhere in the world and people have to build with what they have on the spot.

And thats cool, but there arent many like that, whereas egypt is covered in big ass pyramids and temples and other things

ISIS recently bulldozed the Ziggurat to the ground.

You can't compare the grandeur of Egypt with anything in Mesopotamia, perhaps in pre-Roman world. The greatest civilization of the ancient world. Don't believe it? Back to school!

No they didn't that's the Grand Ziggurat of Ur the façade and staircase of which (pretty much everything notable in the picture) was reconstructed in the 80's during the Saddam Hussein era.
This is the Ziggurat that ISIS is said to have destroyed.


what do those guys have against archaeological sites?

There's tons of places no one talks about.

I'd love to see a minI series about the Assyrian Empire

They hate ancient ruins because they represent the greatness of pre-Islamic pagans.

The Bible.


The Old Testament goes from creation (4000 BC) all the way to the Persian empire (500 BC).

Daniel's prophecies include the Greeks and Romans.

But all the events, stories, wars in the fertile crescent should peak your interest OP.
