/lolg/ - League of Legends general


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how do I play singed

>adc is behind
>buys cull
>never becomes relevant for the rest of the game

why is this general so dead now. league is still the most popular game in the world isn't it

no relevant players on this entire site
Veeky Forums as a whole is a dark political autism asylum

Very Soraka news!

Holy bananas! Look at this!


How do you have an impact playing top?

Pick a GP spam R on bot

But I don't want to become the cancer.

Stop playing top then

>Get my first chest
>it contains a single skin shard worth 500 RP
Wew lad, I'm blown away. Sure is worth the hype.

Reminder to fug your supports lovingly, they deserve it

Keep opening those chests my friend, every box has a potential of a special surprise inside.

Nah i'll just keep using my skin lol program

Veeky Forums is not a very good place for discussing a game of this type

Good morning
did ya'll enjoy the violent rape and butchering of Annies lore

Hopefully some comfy lck times can make me forget

what did riot mean by this?

Every single Yordle are faggots. All of them.

is it worth getting 2 keys for chests for 2.5 euros?

What in the heckin dickin is that?


Yeah I'm not opening a single chest until they make it so that emotes aren't automatically added to your inventory. Fuck this cuck shit.

I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!

xth for my wife Syndra

is there a more unforgiving lane than top?

Botlane. All it takes is for you partner to be a shitter and how good you are becomes meaningless. And you're stuck with them the whole game.

you're late

I used to come here a lot more but over the last few years the general became 90% silvers blogging their frustrations over a single game and erp/waifu shitposting. I bet tons of people occasionally check back in, see nothing has changed, and leave again without posting.

not even close

well first of all understand that unless your team is full of complete braindead retards and the enemy team is full of marginally better braindead retards you probably arent going to 1v9 powercarry because singed isnt actually that good right now

other than that just build as a tanky CC tank and lob people back into your team with your E so your team can blow them up or lob people away from your teammates if they’re in trouble

you want to build movespeed items so deadmans plate and righteous glory are pretty much must buys. Other than that he wants AP so a Ryali’s and a Lisandry’s are good pickups if the game is going late and you want to put more kill pressure on people.

Make sure you grab movespeed runes in the sorcery tree and also you can proxyfarm on singed where you literally walk behind their tower and just fart all over the minion wave. Other than that your basic lane kill combo is to turn on your fart cloud chase down someone with your movespeed items and runes then lob them over your head into your sticky jizz trap and fart clouds then just auto them and stick to them so they stay in your fart cloud.

i mean i would say that toplane is actually very forgiving because you’re usually playing tanky champs that even if you fuck up you can still just kind of eat some damage and still be ok, not to mention most junglers dont pay much attention to top so if you fuck up its a lot less likely that the jungler just instantly jumps out of a bush and punishes you

Am a fresh scrub and I liked the new Annie video. was the old lore that much better to justify all the hate? Or is this just another case of MOMMY THEY TOUCHED MY LORE AGAIN tantrum?

This is technically the new thread user...
what happened to my post

nigga, if you are playing a duelist matchup and die once you are fucked

Read her new lore r word.

By being good at the video game. You’re basically your team’s ace in the hole if your midlaner and botlane get dumpstered. IMO its still a good lane to carry out of, it takes more effort but its still perfectly doable.

I wouldnt really say that

you have to slow the tempo down and play safer but I’ve still turned lanes around after feeding an early kill

>Everyone does well
>Can only honor one


This ain't season 5 kiddo

Do i legit have to dodge whenever my mid or top laner picks yasuo?

below diamond yes

>p/kill 46%
show your kda

yasuo players are usually so easy to dumpster

you can literally be up 10/0 on them and they still wont respect you and will keep trying to all-in. They never CS well either. Literally just don’t chainfeed like a complete retard and you auto-win every time. Not to mention they’re the easiest players to tilt in the whole fucking game.

So, people recommended me to play Tahm if I want to stomp bronze, but what exactly is he good for? Is it the ult? The eating teammates?

jesus christ you just described everything he did exactly. is duo queuing the only reliable way to climb ?

He’s like the anti-fun support

Global ulti, eating teammates to cuck good plays from the enemy team, pretty damn tough to kill, a pretty easy to land slow for chasing and peeling

I climbed out of silver by bullying bad yasuo players lmao

My account got suspended and i got it back i'm not going down that road again.

It's spot on actually.

The strange thing is i was on like a 75% win streak as soon as i hit my promos i get this yasuo and adc master yi and dodging = one loss in promos

hows my guy Varus doing these days?
i mained him around the days of the old UI where you had to hover over the skill to see its rank

Guys how do I play NotBain? Is he a good top?
Also is his ult the most fun ult in the game or what? Literally chaining people to the grinder.

>hows my gays Varus

Dopa says he's the best adc in the game right now

Who's Bain?

sadly im not korean though
im dollar value chinese

I dunno. Think its some guy who like to break the backs of bats, or something.

If you've ever played Street Fighter, you just Hadoken, Hadoken, Hadoken, combo with E + R (the stun is long enough for you to shoot it) + W and grind them into paste.

pity bump

do you need high iq and mechanics to play ekko?

Pic related

Game is shit.

>In prelims
>Forget to do recon in case I need to dodge
>Paired with this fucking guy

He has one win in the past 12 matches. I tried so hard to carry. I was the only person on my team with a positive KDR. Please kill me.

I win bot every game of last 5. Every game we lost. Last game - top int, game b4 - afk, first game - adc afk from lvl 1. HOW FKING PPL CAN CLIMB. You cant do any shit.

I'm at a 70% win rate right now because I'm a Gold level player on a Bronze cancer account since my main account got banned. I skipped all of last season after it got banned, made the new account, and didn't take the placements seriously. Now I have to climb out of this shit tier rank with people who have 25% win rates. I wish I was kidding. HOW CAN YOU LOSE THAT OFTEN!?


Super Saiyan Nasus when

Did they rework Swain yet?What about Morde?What's taking them so fucking long?

was blanc using snus the fuck

Sounds like you haven't had the yasuo experience yet.

why is it so fucking slow in here

>your match history will never be this powerful

Most people are still at work

Play Shen. I can't tell you how many times an enemy Shen has cockblocked me from getting fed with his bullshit ultimate.

At this point I simply ban Yasuo if my teammate declares him. Same with Zoe, Gangplank, Ryze, Lucian, and Jhin. I know Gangplank and Zoe aren't bad champs, but all my teammates seem to be struck with a curse that makes them feed when they're on my team.

>Ban declared champ
>Now your team mate is on tilt in pregame

Sounds like a great idea.

I'm at work too but hoped that it wouldn't be dead. Guess I'll wait

I hit my promos to get into gold the other day. Didn't scout my teammates cuz I had to send an email. Game loads. My support Lulu solo invades and dies, then flames the rest of us for not joining even though we don't have an invade comp. Then he arrives bot lane and starts constantly autoing and Qing the minion wave, making it impossible to cs. He dies again to a level 2 gank from J4 since we're pushed and he burned his flash during his invade. While backing I look up his op.gg and see that he's Gold 3 with a 23% win rate. He's obviously a low bronze player who bought a Gold account and is rapidly dropping back to bronze. I just can't believe anyone is that bad at the game.

It either forces them to dodge or pick a champ they aren't gonna feed with. It works, trust me. Even if they do troll, it's worth it for the satisfaction of ruining some piece of shit Yasuo player's day.

>no brahgas skin wielding a keg of graggy ice

what's the context here?

Take Resolve with Sorcery secondary runes. You want the Explosion keystone because it's literally OP on singed, then take movespeed wheerever you can get it.

Build Catalyst first then boots. Complete rod or abyssal mask depending on how much AP damage they have. Keep building tanky with AP when you can afford it. Basically to win you either split push or act as the initiator. If you can get noobs to chase you, do it, chasing singed means they lose the fight.

And that is pretty much it. Max gas first followed by flip then sticky goo. Tenacity is a great stat on singed but many people take swift boots for the extra movespeed.

Reminder she is getting KNOTTED every minute

How do I make this random control ward go away in my item set? I have 4 boxes with 4 items each and it makes it look ugly, and I already have a control ward in the first box so idk why it's even there


How big are dragons dick?

>tfw no qt petite gf

post skins that shitters use

How relevant is pic related in teh current meta?


Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
I am late!

Comparable to void cocks but warmer

B-but i use this skin

Replace Top with a picture of some Chad beating up a nerd and shop Jayces face onto it

What happened to orianna the queen of mid lane? She's so bad now

>super galaxy anyone
how dare you

Super Galaxy was a pretty shitty line before the last batch.

No you are just fucking shit,she is still obnoxious and relevant in every comp

removed the chick from the support image and change the word from support to botlane

Being on shyvana just makes it 10x times better! she is just that good!

I will respect my supports neck with tender kisses!
I will protect my supports hair with loving pettings!

any skin they paid money for.
paying for free (bad) game is degenerate