How did you find your religion, Veeky Forums?
How did you find your religion, Veeky Forums?
By throwing darts on a chart with the world religions.
Still looking.
I beheld the Almighty Glourie of the Amazing Dildoni, as He saved me from a group of muggers by beating them all to death with His Almighty Glourie.
what did you end up with?
Was born into it, will die into it.
what is it?
I made it myself and keep it to myself desu
Nuwaubian Nation
I will literary die in it, in that all of my descendants will be by my wife and her African American boyfriend. But hey we're all Abraham's sons, right? This is the way Jesus would have wanted it!
>Nuwaubian Nation
excellent choice my brother!
I really want to into asatru, but too many larpers
I've just been conducting blots on my own, and observing vestigial rites that have passed into secular tradition
Never found it.
You're a larper.
I've also been working out, learning hunting from a buddy, and saving up to raise kids.
The events of 2016 and the overwhelming heaps of proof of meme magic showed me Kek is the way to go.
My parents chose it for me.
>those digits
Well, I guess I just found Kek too.
I became Orthodox, after that Cuck pope started to cater the shitslims and the cucktheists, and the pacifism and apathy of Cucktolickism disgust me, i want a militant faith not some nu-male bullshit.
I guess Kek is alright
See what I mean.
When I learned Jesus transformed water into wine, I knew then this was the kind of guy who I'd want to follow.
spamming of YEC cartoons on Veeky Forums convinced me of biblical literalism
The fuck?
I didn't. I gave up catholicism for lent years ago and I never looked back.
You learned this you say? Sounds more like you were told a bunch of nonsense and you never bothered to question it.
Assume the next pope is basically Jude Law from that new TV show, or maybe Cardinal Sarah. Does that retroactively make the Catholic view of St. Peter true?
i didn't
>people need a religion
the cuck is strong with this one
atheism is a religion
(checked & keked)
>Does that retroactively make the Catholic view of St. Peter true?
Nope, because the Pope is considered as infallible, if he fail even once, it meant thee Pope isn't infallible and that the Cucktolickism is wrong, anyway, even if a new pope declare a crusade(which will never happen) i will not go back to this shitty religion.
>it meant thee Pope
It mean that the Pope*
You do realize that comic is criticizing the perversion of Christianity yes? The Jeb look alike is not holding the Holy Bible but the "equality bible" and the slogan is that "cuckservatives" will destroy CHRISTENDOM.
I used to be a secular atheist, but seeing so many memes of hirsute fat men wearing anachronistic hats convinced me to become a conservative Christian instead.
By following my roots, now I feel like I have something that actually feels right.
When I was an edgy teenager I thought religion was bullshit but every time I would think to myself,
"God is not real"
I just didn't believe it.
I believe In God, I know in my heart he exists.
Chesterton was a fat man who wore a hat, but he lived at a time when men typically wore hats. Checkmate, atheists.
After reading on where the ideas come from, what they mean, how they're argued, and so on
but most of all. I learned why leftists hate religion so much. and honestly, that drove me further to religion from being an atheist.
leftists are going to be the death of us all
>I know in my heart
fuck off plato
>i want a militant faith
Then be literally anything other than a Christian.
By reading. Mostly pic related.
Aztlan is such a meme.
I'm Hispanic and I'd never even heard of Aztlan before I saw White Nationalists freaking out about it on the internet.
I realised science doesn't refute god, it refutes the organised religions this world knows, what it does not refute, it actually proves, intelligent design.
Unless of course you believe everything just 'happened' perfectly, the way it is on an atomic level.
All you have to do is look, and you will find your god. Thos who don't look ar intelligently lazy.
To counterbalance I'm SW Amerind and I read Revolt of the Cockroach People at like 13.
>the Pope is considered as infallible, if he fail even once, it meant thee Pope isn't infallible and that the Cucktolickism is wrong
You do realise that Papal Infallibity is a very specific thing, right? It doesn't mean that the Pope is always right, it just applies when officially defining dogma, which is something Francis has mostly avoided, as far as I know.
Now, I have to admit I'm not a fan of the man. He is clearly too idealistic, and I don't think he realise just how serious the Islamic threat is. When seeing refugees in Europe, he only sees poor people fleeing war, when we know these people went through dozens of safe countries just to get best benefits possible and leech off Europeans. When he says that all religions want peace, that Islam is not inherently violent, he refers to talks with imams during official visits, says that all religions have extremists, he is again either blind, or he lets himself get fooled by the minority of truly peaceful Muslims. But I don't think he is pandering to them, he's just again too idealistic. And celebrating Reformation Day and praising Luther was just plain retarded.
But if the actions of one man, even the Pope, are enough to make you lose your faith, then it wasn't very strong to begin with.
Personally, as long as he doesn't fuck with dogma too much, I don't really care.
Would you share your experience?
I realized Allah was the one and only true God and his messenger was Mohammad. Plus Muslim women are hot.
kek what
Overwhelming evidence for the Bible led me to Christ.
>i want a militant faith
join ISIS
Oh shit, the bible DOES exist.
everyone pls pray to your gods that this meme spouting faggot can die and experience the worst possible afterlife
Gary Christ found me too, we're having a barbeque next weekend
>Orthodox Christianity separate from Christianity
Something tells me this is more meme than theology
Like most people, raised into it. That's why I left it.
Raised in a protestant family, extended family is Lutheran, immediate family is a sort of "just Christian"
As of recent, I've begun to question things, and refine my belief.
I'm young, I've still got to answer the big questions for myself.