Is he our our guy?
Is he our our guy?
Fuck yeah he is
People always try to demonize him but they always fail because literally everything he did was justified
Not EVERYTHING he did was justified. Dude could be pretty petty and spiteful whereas a more sober mind would have shrugged it off.
>thinks Islam is the world's greatest religion
>kills millions of Europeans on his trail to glory
>can't defeat the British
>can't subdue Spain
>invades Russia in the middle of winter
>leaves France much worse off than he found it
>thinks only merit mattered in judging a man, instead of both merit and ethnicity
>kidnaps the Pope
Looks like we have a winner.
>thinks Islam is the world's greatest religion
Gonna need a citation
>kills millions of Europeans on his trail to glory
The vast majority of European countries Nappy defeated were the ones who declared war on him
>can't defeat the British
He actually planned to invade Britain before the Prussians intervened. As for Waterloo, the Brits were already loosing and fleeing before the Prussians arrived. Furthermore, Nappy wasn't commanding the troops because he was sick that day
>invades Russia in the middle of winter
Completly false, he invaded in Spring. The winter came 3 weeks earlier, he didn't want to amnex Russia btw, he just wanted them to stop trading with the Brits. So normally this shouldn't have took long.
>leaves France much worse off than he found it
Hope you're joking, before him France was unstable as fuck, there was basically a revolution every week. He stabilised France.
>thinks only merit mattered in judging a man, instead of both merit and ethnicity
That's true
Forgot the pic
Not an INTJ so no
>thinks only merit mattered in judging a man, instead of both merit and ethnicity
So? Does your racist bitch ass have a model that works better than his?
>Gonna need a citation
Idk if he ever said he loved Islam, but it's possible. I know he did, when he was planning his invasion of Egypt, say:
"I was full of dreams. I saw myself founding a new religion, marching into Asia riding an elephant, a turban on my head and in my hands the new Koran I would have written to suit my needs."
So he did dream of LARPing as Mohammed.
Another sick Napoleon loves Mohammed quote:
"Muhammad was a prince; he rallied his compatriots around him. In a few years, the Muslims conquered half of the world. They plucked more souls from false gods, knocked down more idols, razed more pagan temples in fifteen years than the followers of Moses and Jesus did in fifteen centuries. Muhammad was a great man. He would indeed have been a god, if the revolution that he had performed had not been prepared by the circumstances."
I honestly think he just really loved exotic cultures, even more Egypt because of all the temples and pyramids (he really liked history). Don't forget that Alexander the Great was his favorite person ever
I thought Nappy was commanding but since the poor management and misinformation with Ney's army They were too far to succesfully intervene with the prussian army before it could get to napoleon's position?
Le epic INTJ are so kool m8! My favourite character is Shadow the Edgelord too.
t. ENTJ :^)
Napoléon was definetly not commanding. He was present on the battlefield but stayed in a house during the whole, pic related was him close to this moment. I might have exagerated, the Brits weren't completly defeated but seriously weakened, same for the French it was pretty much a tie. And the Prussians did fight since Grouchy couldn't defeat them. They arrived late but they fought
>ywn travel across Europe with the Emperor
Nah, he's just pandering.
Yeah exactly, i mixed Crouchy with Ney my bad. Ney was the one trying to do the last desperate cavalry charges if i remember correctly? I'm not nearly as well versed in napoleonic Battles and history as i should be.
>ywn march on the Filthy monarchist's capital while singing la Marseillaise
>can't defeat the British
Lmao, he didnt even bother facing them because they were so shit the 2nd rate army he sent in Spain was enough to stall them for 6 years
>leaves France much worse off than he found it
He found France in a state of civil war and near collapse, yet he managed to restore order
Then Britain chimped out and series of wars ensued but it wasnt his fault
Yes it was Ney and there was another one that I can't remember his name. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Grouchy stayed with Napoléon during the battle, I'm pretty sure they would have won
>ywn flirt with local women as you march across Germany on your way to BTFO the Prussians
>ynw burst into laughter as you see a bunch of Austrian soldiers carrying the flag of the >H>R>E