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Dry rotten vagina
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Hunter or warlock nightborne
I'm leaning towards warlock
Void Elves
So do all Void Elves canoncially know how to use shadow magic or is that specialty with warlocks/shadowmancers?
If I preorder the new expansion and get a level 110, what's the fastest way to get filthy fucking rich in gold without spending real money on a token or something?
Shadow Priest class now!
Non-void using Priest dd spec now!
Post your love rocket the moment you get it /wowg/
A certain faggot who lurks here doesn't have one yet.
Thanks for the feedback, /wowg/! Taking your ideas into account, here's what the class design team came up with:
Acolyte, Shadow magic cloth caster
Void - Harness your insanity to summon hallucinations and apparitions to torment your foes and hold pressure with mental debuffs like longer casting times
Whisper - Utilize the whisperings of the Void to mend your allies' wounds, though this healing comes at a price. Either the whispers take their toll on your ally and harm them after doing their healing, you redirect the pain inflicted by your shadow words and convert it into healing on an ally, or transfer your mana into another caster or healer over time.
Insanity - Succumb to madness and give in to the Old Gods to become a frightening hulk of a Faceless, capable of tanking damage and holding enemy attention by infecting them with Insanity.
stormwind guard set
What’s the best alliance race for warlocks? I was looking to roll one. I was thinking maybe void elves but I think they’re pretty lazy, how are worgen casting animations and how do they look in tier gear?
Is lightforged the new disc priest master race? Their racial is basically another artifact ability
Blizz would need to nerf their ingame height, at least the pc's
>void elf priests get another dps spec instead of holy
yes please. it makes no sense that they can be holy priests
If you find yourself guildless on Moonguard(NA), is a place for you to relax with other wowg users!
If this would happen there won't be Velf or Undead priests anymore but they can be this void using class instead.
>how are worgen casting animations
Stay far the fuck away unless you like flailing everywhere all the time. Unironically Human is the best race for Alliance warlocks. Gnome if you're a memer or want to play a qt fegnome. Dwarf is cool too, I like their casting animations.
But for the love of god, stay away from Worgen casters unless you're a Druid in boomkin or treant form.
why didint they buff heirlooms for people who dont care about slower leveling
People who don't care about slower leveling surely have 60€ spare, hehehe.
becaues everyone who hates leveling leveled all the characters they needed when they heard blizzard was nerfing leveling. literally only drooling mongs are still leveling that hate it
>quit 4 months ago
>want to try out the new allied races with friend
>pre-order and get in-game
>look at requirements
>exalted with Argussian reach and army of the light
>press U
Is there a faster way to grind rep than WQ and the weekly quests? This shit is fucking gay.
buy low, sell high
And no LF Draenei could be shadow priest but they can use th new dps priest spec that isn't a contradiction to what LF spacegoats stand for.
I might just have to roll a human, I already have a human DK so I didn’t want to have yet another human. I guess I could race change my DK to a nelf or something but I don’t know if I’d take it that far.
>place for you to relax with other wowg users!
not possible
Nope. Enjoy your timegate!
>tfw didint make use out of raf and only leveled 2 characters to 90
>people sitting in cities for 10 minutes just killing guards
whats the point
>joining an ERP guild
No thanks
Does anyone know the VAs for player highmountain and nightborne males?
Do all the Argus WQs that give the Rep Tokens
Save them on your main (alliance) character that has the highest rep
Wait until the Darkmoon Faire
Get the Whee! Buff
Eat all those tokens.
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
Doing every quest in Argus should at least get you decently far into honored. And I think running the Argus dungeon and raid on LFR provides some rep, but outside of that you’re stuck with the weeklies and the WQs. The weeklies are really easy to finish though and give a lot of rep.
Be my Valentine, user. I'm to die for
doomsayers robe toy farming?
Tha fuck are you boys up to
unironically check imdb
>that gaudy budget transmog
ah okay
Already have, doesn't give player VAs, only npc.
Lighting sorcerer from swtor
Guildless on Stormscale EU. Anyone need literally every class at 110 for pvp or pve?
>defeat the entirety of the Burning Legion and kill every demon in the universe
>Warlocks can still summon demons
It's not that hard
I'm sitting on 12 tokens for Argussian Reach rep, each one gives 250 and you get two per completion of the WQ.
I'm going to do this all my alliance and horde characters, mail them to my main and use them when the Darkmoon Faire starts up.
With 12 tokens right now, that nets me about 3,300 rep with the 10% rep buff included from Whee! and I'm not even done with getting those tokens yet. I haven't even started getting them for my horde characters.
Youd be surprised!
Not the case!
>>defeat the entirety of the Burning Legion and kill every demon in the universe
Do you agree?
despairing over the fact that i don't have enough gold/money for preorder
I've already spent the majority of them, I didn't think about the darkmoon buff. Fucking shit, this will take weeks.
>Warlocks have utilized the void for years and nobody batted an eye
Explain this lorefags
in 24 min im gonna get the fox mount
get ready faggots
>th-they're better!
>arguably the worst models of the current Allied Races
Absolute state of the Horde.
Blizzard are cheeky cunts.
>spend 30 minutes finding two people willing to help me do blood infusion legendary questline
>eventually end up with 5 people total
>clear instance, spend 30 minutes helping one guy do an achievement
>have to explain every mechanic to the newbies about blood infusion
>fail miserably 4 times
>one of the ones with combat ress leaves
>keep trying with two lower level dudes who are helpful and social
>one other guy remains but stays out of the boss fight because he will just be in the way.
>he later leaves because he felt left out.
>spend two hours trying to complete blood infusion
>despite watching videos nothing goes like it does in the tactic descriptions and the other players dont do like i told them so they die before i can bite them.
We manage to get it so i just have to kill one more player that i bit to succeed.
>the last remaining player is a blood dk who just wont die even without any gear on
>he survives so i fail the infusion and have to reset
>this happens multiple times in different variations
>when i actually manage to kill 3 people with shadowmourne while having bit them i had to pop bubble as a paladin to not die because of some new spell she casts that makes a red line that causes massive hp percent damage to all players in the raid.
>the bubble resets the debuff counter which i need to get to 4
>i kill lana thel thinking i finally will get it and dont.
>post yfw
But my heritage armor
Excapt the males
>not slightly greyer draenai with piss tattoos
>edgy blood-elf reskin
The Alliance got the short end of the stick when it comes to allied races.
t. alliance player.
oh nooo our elves arent as good looking nooo all blood elves are going alliance for void elves
please stop....
>going to be able to make a Lightforged Draenei tomorrow
>already have a paladin
>priest would fit but I'd have to level as Shadow which would damage my immersion
Well, shit...
>find some fags on trade chat to help me for 5k
>some nigger kills the boss after i hit him
>report him for griefing
>nothing happens
you can level as disc rather easily
My dk during Love is in the Air
>Tauren but with antlers instead of horns
>shitty skin squish onto NElf rigging
At least LF are cute and VElves look good. I'd even play a HMT, but NB are just fucking nauseating in their current state to look at.
>implying belf shitters are going to mass exodus to the Alliance and lose the most powerful racial in the game
best way to make gold?I used to farm Glorious Legplates and sell them for 150-200k but it's very tedious.
I'm enjoying nightborne thank you very much
Both sides got the shaft pretty bad at least for now desu
>Poor recolors of one of the faggiest races in the game for Allies
>White Dranei with some admittedly neat new horns
>Tauren but with stupid moose antlers
>An actually decent new elf model that is unfortunately clearly unfinished due to issues with its animation and armor clipping
Time will tell how everything turns out in BfA, but Zandalari at this state look fucking great while Dark iron seem just as lazy as void elf’s.
>being a repcuck
No one would pay that much for slutmog. No one is impressed by your dumb lies.
Well you got months to save.
dumb frogposter
EU Quantity 286
EU Median Price 183144.96
EU Mean Price 246019.66
Ok goys.
I've been leveling my Void Elf in the most efficient manner possible, only using:
>Doing dungeon quests/Dungeons once
>World questing
This is the fastest method FOR FREE to get alts up.
I have been leveling since the Allied race release, and she is currently level 70.
If anyone, ANYONE has managed to get to 110 they have used XP pots and have fed money to the Blizzard Jew.
I don't have a job currently, so i've been capable of waking up at 3pm and leveling all the way up to 9am when I sleep.
That is 18 hours leveling, 6 hours sleep.
Food is made in between, running up and down the stairs of my house so I can multi-task.
I'm going the fastest any unemployed person can manage for free.
You've made a strong argument for boosting.
Something's not quite right
LF is just regular draenai with yellow tattoos. Void-elves are alright I guess, would've rather had high-elves though but that didn't happen so whatever. Nightborne is atleast a new race, sort of. HMT is complete shit, don't even know why they bothered, did anyone really want them? I really hope they put in more allied/sub-races in the future but won't be completely lazy and re-use current skeletons for everything.
You forgot to choose monk to get that xp boost
>Play through the Nightborne recruitment questline
>Literally DINDU NUFFIN the faction that out DINDU Orcs
>Play through Highmountain quest chain
>You're a bovine, I'm a bovine! Lets be bovines together! Also an ancient evil awakens!
Why are Horde constantly shit on by Blizzard? I bet the Alliance quests are amazing.
We've made kindling of our suffering...
>18 hours a day for like 4 days
>level 70
dude I'm level 45 with 7 hours played and a lot of afk time
>best lore and development
>actual city
>best lore characters
>look completely fine
the absolute delusion of retarded alliance babs in this general
is someone awake on EU i wanna see how stockade boosting looks like and i would rush one of your low level toons and you would tell me how much exp you gained
add me rn lads pesado#2721
>solo leveling
>most efficient manner possible
top kek you are retarded
110s running low levels through dungeons remains the best way to level
>mfw SCARS is going to fall apart due to competition for lead
My technical TTP is:
>1 day, 14 hours, 25 minutes, 18 seconds.
>110s running low levels through dungeons remains the best way to level
so....I can sell boosts?
>Play through the Nightborne recruitment questline
>Literally DINDU NUFFIN the faction that out DINDU Orcs
what are you even talking about
on my monk i was getting 75% of a level every run
>shadow priests
caster DPS
>void speaker
permanent void form visually, activating the crazy haste boost now gives you a dark aura
shadow word: void
void bolt
void eruption
void ray to replace mind flay
-Shadow Word Void becomes a very slow dot, dealing its damage every 6 seconds but lasting 36 seconds, with three charges that refill every time the affected target dies. each tick grants some void energy
-Void Eruption is instant and can only be cast right before or right after shadow word void ticks and deals great damage to the target and a fraction to nearby enemies. very short CD. grants void energy
-Void Ray is a filler move that deals more damage the longer it channels dealing the most in the last 1/4 but requires you to be stationary.
-Void Bolt is a filler move that deals less damage but is instant. both grant void energy
-Nothing Resource
every three points of void energy give you 1% haste and a full bar gives you 66% haste for 1 second for each 10 void energy you had and then starts to rapidly empty. All allies gain 1/10 of your haste gained from your void bar to a minimum of 1%
Ranged caster
SW: Pain
vamp touch
devouring plague
mind blast and flay
shadow orbs etc.
should I do the last one?
also not that guy, my autism was just piqued
till 60?
>tfw eu
>will never join a erp guild on moonguard and erp with fat neckbeard neets
why life
>pissado has more mounts in wow than SR in overwatch
Can someone ask /owg/ to laugh at him?
changed it up a bit. Thought the shoulders didn't work very well and using another belt
no, most people have friends
to 61
wtf /wowg/ I was told there were active lynchings of velfs on rp servers where the hell are they?
My friend.
Go to Argent Dawn EU.
You can thank me later.
I believe there is an eu guild, I don't know if they erp though
But we don't erp either- so you aren't missing out!
have u tried getting boosted in the mechanar