/lolg/ - League of Legends general

Old: eyosongive.us

delete this

good OP

I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!


I want Zoe to sit on my face.

Taliyah is a trap right?

Fine. I'll stare you in the eyes and kill you. Feel better xeno scum?

I want to fertilize this plant. Repeatedly.

>raised my mmr from 850 to 950 in 6 games
Diamond here I come

>back when kayn first came out /lolg/ was theorycrafting that he could potentially be a top laner
>face a kayn top today
>shit on him with ignite tryn
How's it feel to be wrong, retards?

post steals


How is bronze boy ?

rise of the thorns
more like rise of my dick amaright guys

that's where you're wrong, kid

>ywn be zyra sex slave and only be used for her to create more seeds

>post steals

> queue with rengar with challenger border
> spends all game invading like a retard and going in 1v2/3/4/5
> wonder why we lost at the end when we had a perfect split push going vs a team that couldn't handle
> rengar literally engaged 1v5 and died giving their trist resets until they ended
> he unironically blamed the team ending 5/11

im genuinely fucking angry we lost this shit

>all these picks

how is silver

>rengar players have autism
News at 11

>everyone taking a free stopwatch
>meanwhile I'm stuffing my face with biscuits

That's because people thought he'd be a shit jungler. I mean he is a shit jungler to be fair.

its fucking awful thanks for asking

>ywn make love to Eve in your marital bed

This is why you ban bad hover picks.

I don't care if they're M7 or whatever.

A bad pick is a bad pick.

>Be me, Urgot against Riven
>get ganked by enemy Zac twice in the first 3 minutes, die both times
>Riven is two levels ahead, kills me twice in lane after that
>meanwhile my jungler counterjungled Zac and set him behind, tells me to just farm and build armor
>after finish Frozen Heart rush, solo kill Riven in lane
>end game 2/6/4 after a few roams and they surrender to our 11/0 Jax
>win, gain lp, but feel like I didn't have much impact on the game
I'm not sure how to feel about this win lolg

anyone want to play a casual?
im drunk and dont want to play ranked

pixelbutts maybe you should take a break and watch some guides and coaching videos

enjoy getting carried for once
also urgot is insane 1v1 once he get some item even when behind

new loli champ when

Hopefully never. Zoe single handedly ruined the game

Next champ will be a goth loli with a scythe.

Riven really took the knot, huh?

riven is just naturally submissive

next champ is a void adc

>get to plat promos
>all 4 allies just stand in base once 1 death happens on adc
>then 2 afks, cant remake
>then a jungler that decided to just spam laugh
maybe its the players im stuck with causing issues


gold is just yellow silver my man

Annie confirmed best girl

Camille can just hookshot over walls?

Well yea Urgot is good at 1v1 thats why I pick him
But I just feel bad about winning even when I fed so hard
I mean did we win despite my feeding or did Zac lose because he tried to make me feed?

Is the climb even worth it? This is already pretty tiring
fuck yea my man

You can also W while you E.

>smurf in low elo
>everyone on my team playing like total garbage
>proceed to 1v9 while calling them retards, failures and subhumans every time they fuck up
i know im a shitty human being but what a fucking rush, i felt like a fucking god playing everything perfectly and taking victory by force from these disgusting creatures


>annie has blue eyes now
>annie has brown hair now
>annies face is deformed now

can you call these people "artists" with a straight face? Did they ever look at Annie during the design of these? a blind dog could draw a more accurate annie

This is your support for your next match.

garbage.except SG. buy that one goy

I want to take Prom Queen Annie's virginity.

Gurofag you piece of shit I'm waiting for comments.

dude ive played vs you multiple times in vg vs vgs and you're not close to being plat level lol

How is she supposed to be any sort of guardian with arms that tiny? Terrible support I'm dodging

Fuck you Reverse is great. I really want SG though I like it.

can i trade her in for a cute purple one

you won because one lane losing doesnt matter if the other lane are stomping
especially since riven player at lower elo cant carry alone even when ahead


Can she support my dick?

>support picks thresh

i can get there if i stop soloq

How is Sona / Leona / Kench
doing this support meta?

accidentally posted old thread

user, my body is a bit...different then most girls.

I don't want Thresh or Blitzcrank on my team.

Shit / Permaban / Good

>riot will open bot to more classes
>ap mages might be one of them
>tfw i won't have a good enough excuse to tell my riven/yasuos/zeds/etc. that we shouldn't go full ad

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!!!!
my honor is level 3 now yay!!!

The only female support worthy of respect and protection is

why cant Sona be good T_T

I will respect my support by caressing her thighs!
I will protect my support by kissing the top of her head!

>Lane constantly dying
>Asking why they have no ganks

GEE well if you werent dead 80% of the time maybe they'd be something to gank

>tank """support"""
No! Janna is way better!
because she is braindead easy!

Leona is a better support and much sexier

Hi Janna user, I have a fun little puzzle for you ^_^ read between the exclamation points for a cute, funny message!

>Leona is sexy

>just leveled in honor
>one shen shard, three key fragments and a a poro ward

R-rude :( !!!

>Leona isn't sexy
t. shit taste

>get chink on team

There goes my 10 game win streak.

>pick singed
have i finally seen the light?

the only thing stopping me from liking leona are as follows
>not flat

shes shit for these reasons alone

>enemy picks blitz
>pick alistar
>every hook is a free kill for my adc

How do I play support lamb

>redhead is shit
>not flat is shit
t. shit

vayne will try to get sick kill and int after failing

Red hair is sub-human.

soon you'll be able to do both, they're swapping boots and biscuits

i want lamb to support my dick

Don't ever post her or here again

>bot lane doesnt ward or clear wards
>both attempts i made to go bot enemy immediately backed off
>ask bot ward and clear wards and ill gank
>"fuck noob jungler just gank"

No you fucking asshole if a fucking top and mid laner can go out of their way to make it easy for me to gank you can fucking go and get rid of that ward trinket and get a red trinket+control wards cause im not wasting time for a laner that cant even fucking manage their own lane.

Then they fucking bitch about "remove the wards yourself" if im gonna waste control wards and trinket cds on removing wards im gonna fucking do it for my solo laners because they are more vulnerable and neither of the solo lanes have a fucking dedicated support in their lane

The first step to playing support Lamb is to take smite, be the jungler and support your team by killing their lane opponents

>secured 3 drakes for my team
>stole baron
>got a positive score
>still lost

there were a lot of things that I could've done differently that game and it is partly my fault but damn man

i cant remove audio from my steal clip from last night so i cant post it

>play riven
>stomp on the enemy team
>too bad my team dies
>kalista gets protected by pantheon blitzcrank with 3 actives and zoe
>thinks she's good because my team died
l m a o

do people forget this is a team game?

What's more important, sportsmanship or skill at the game?

>recessive genes
maybe if she was blonde with blue eyes we'd be in business
she isnt going to stop me from winning this shit

>blow tons of gold removing vision off the map
>secure 3 drags and a rift herald
>top is stalemate but i helped stopped multiple ganks on him and i managed to get ganks for mid and help him win mid
>bot lane loses their lane despite neither jungler ever showing up

Yeah the loss is totally my fault

I can support your k/d in a normal game if you'd like
Shut up ugly
That's lame I'll pass

do you not have a program that can do it?

arent red heads prone to cheating?

When the fuck is trist getting nerfed.

>posting stream after game
this makes me mad

This shit right fucking here is why you op.gg your team. I was on a 10 fucking game win streak then I got this cunt on my team.

had I been checking like I always do I could have just dodged.